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myOtaku.com: rosewolf

Wednesday, February 9, 2005

Last say of free time
HELLO! I might not write for a bit since fri-sun i'll be gone up to D.C. for a church thing. I don't even want to go but mother said i needed too. >_> But w/e. Today after school i take my sister, who is now going to stay with us, to get her NC liscense and then i get to hang out with C.I won't get to hang out with him until monday. I'll see him tomarrow after school. So ya.. ^^"" *sighs* We talked last night which was nice. *^^* I got his present too! *smiles* i think he'll like it. So ya ^^ I'm happy, i feel good but i just wish i'd see him this morning. I miss the mornings! T_T but oh well i'm a good GF to wait! ^0^ though i'm horribly impatient! haha. Well out for now!
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