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myOtaku.com: rosewolf

Friday, February 25, 2005

Werid Dreams..
Hello! Well, i had a really werid dream last night! Ok, so I was eatting McD's food and the cashier kept asking me questions. So i answered and then she wouldn't give me my food and said "I think you have breast cancer", she pulls out this poster of a labies breast and then she is like come with me. I was like..well i know how to check for it so i'm good. She waved me off and drug me along. She sits me in this room and then she gives up these papers and like we check the boxes but the boxes have nothing to do with the picture they are on. Then she takes us outside to do PE and i get very frustrated and start to mumble under my breath, she shoots a comment back and i keep going. Then we go back inside where all she does is lectur us on God KnowsWhat, so i get frustrated and scream, I think i yelled No, and i ran out of the room crying and then out of the school. I saw C but ran right past him and i was trying to get out and the guard guy was being very nice and telling me how to get out of school. Then i ran to go to my car. The end. WErid no? But well yesterday my sister got her spider. Pretty cute for a terrantula! So TGIF!
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