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myOtaku.com: rosewolf

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

   Tuesday Update
Hello Hello everyone! I must say right now i am feeling much better. This morning was horrible for me but then i started to feel better. I was happy i didn't have to work today! Also Adam called and told me that he already sold 2 classes. He is gonna try and sell one more but he doesn't have to! So he'll come back tomarrow night, late at like midnight.
I finally got the jeep back today. That was pretty nice! ^^ It was nice to have power again! ^0^
Also the other day i got my report card. I have 5 A's, 2 B's, and 1 C but that is in Geometry. I think i made my 3.0 or maybe even higher! ^0^ I really hope so! I would be soo sad if i didn't!
I got a new manga called Instant Teen: Just Add Nuts. It is pretty funny and then I got Kare Kano vol. 15! I am dl Kare Kano right now, which is sorta nice. ^^ I haven't dl an anime in a long time. and no i'm not doing it illegally! XP Adam took me to Olive Garden yesterday which was nice. ^^ Well that is all for today! Hope everyone is keep safe and sick free!

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