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myOtaku.com: roxas b

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

  so far my day is going well here one my stotys its kinda like resident evil but its based a year after it tell me if u like it and tell your friends about it well see yea

Resident evil: zombie outbreak

It� been a year since the raccoon city incidence. The t virus spread through out the U.S. it reach Colcord were the story begins

The virus swept through Colcord like a bomb going off. Everyone started to die then all of a sudden they came back to life as zombies. but there are some survivors left but they all got separated. Trevor who ran to the school. Allen who ran to the bus yard. Payton at the church. Shelby and Austin at the community center. Kirk in the museum. Ben and Kyle at football field and Eddie at the police station, Chris, alana and Joe are being chased around town. Mean while at the police station Eddie got a bunch of weapons just as he walked out their was a zombie cop, Eddie got a shotgun and blew its head right off, at the school Trevor found a metal pole and started beating up zombies then a giant rat was coming his way just as it jump batter�s up said Trevor the rat flew across the room Allen who walked up to the football field were Ben and Kyle was throwing footballs at the zombies. Shelby and Austin saw Allen walking up to the football field. Payton saw him to. So did Eddie and so did Trevor. Well what do you know were all back together again said Payton? Here are some weapons said Eddie. Payton you get a shotgun. Allen you a magnum. Shelby you a pistol. Austin you a shotgun. Ben you a machine gun. Kyle a rifle and Trevor you a pistol and a sword. Then Kirk came up in a jeep lets go he said I also found a girl but she was half-way dead her name was Angela� let�s go to the store we need more ammo said Allen. When they got their three people got out Trevor, Kyle, and Ben
They went in. there were five zombies. Trevor, Kyle you guys get the zombies. I�ll get the ammo said Ben. Bang bang bang why wont you die. The four zombies were dead but one was missing when they walked out a zombie jumped on Trevor. Hold still Payton said boom the zombie�s head blew right off. Thank you Payton. So every one got in the jeep just as they started to go down the road they saw Chris, alana and Joe. Firing at the dragon just then he ate the three. Then Trevor got mad he jumped out of the jeep. firing at the dragon then all of a sudden he flew across the ground hitting the store wall knocking him out and badly bleeding no they all yelled and they all jumped out of the jeep and started firing at the dragon. Kirk got the shotgun and started firing. Eddie got the grenades and started throwing them. Ben got the machine gun and started firing holes in him. Kyle got the desert eagle and started blowing chunks out of him. Austin got the grenade launcher and started blowing chunks out of him. Just as the dragon was about to die Allen and Payton ran to Trevor the dragon stabbed Payton right in the arm but he was ok. Every one got in the jeep; they put Trevor in the back seat. He was knockout. As they headed for jay a tree fell down Shelby yelled watch out. Kirk just missed the tree but lost control and ran in to a ditch. But every one was ok and got out, Trevor was still knockout the gangs though he was half dead Shelby, Allen and Payton and Austin stayed with Trevor while Kirk, Kyle, Ben, and Eddie walk up the road to find a car then the bushes started to move. A dog jumped out then three more jumped out. Kirk, Kyle and Ben started firing. One jumped on Eddie before he could fire. The three dogs were dead just as Kirk turned around there was Eddie dead� meanwhile at the jeep Shelby and Payton were talking while Allen and Austin were trying to wake up Trevor. Then a dog jumped out. So they all climbed up a tree as fast as they could then more dogs jumped out. Trevor woke up hearing barks out side the jeep. Then he saw the group in the tree. Trevor got the machine gun and started firing. the gang jumped out of the tree. They got their guns and started firing one dog jumped on Trevor. another jumped on Payton who was trying to save Shelby. Allen got the shotgun and blew the one up by the time they got to Payton he was dead� so they buried him. Shelby started to cry. Trevor and Austin fixed the jeep. Kirk, Kyle, and Ben just got done burring Eddie. Then Trevor pulled up in the jeep. They all got in the jeep. By the time they got to jay it was 2:30 am. Every one was asleep except Trevor and Kirk. They just lost two people. When they got in Jay. It was destroyed. Zombies were everywhere. We need some gas Trevor said� so they pulled in a gas station. Kirk pumped while Trevor and Austin stand guard. Kyle and Ben were shooting zombies that got to close and Shelby and Allen went in to the store to find some ammo. Then twenty zombies come out of nowhere. Shelby and Allen came out shooting them. But they were out numbered. Then four other people came out shooting the zombies. They were all dead. They introduce them selves they were leaf, David, Michael and Ricky but they are ready new them. Are you ok Trevor asks leaf? Yeah i am ok. Michael I got bad news Chris is dead plus how did you guys get here. We were with my friend but he�s dead now said Ricky. We need some ammo now Austin said. There�s a weapon store around the corner leaf said. Well then let�s go Ben said. As they drove around the block. There stood Eddie but he kind of look deformed. He had a mean looking machinegun and a rocket launcher. Run every one Kyle said. they all ran in different directions on the walky-talky�s Austin had a good idea. To sneak up on Eddie when they got there he was gone and the jeep was on fire. He�s after the three little one�s Ben said let�s go then there been to many deaths Kyle said. Michale, Ricky, leaf, and David ran as fast as they could. Boom a building blew up beside them. Their stood Eddie. then he fired another one. The three just move in time. Their they are Shelby yelled. Then Eddie turned around it was eleven versus one. As Eddie started firing. Kirk got the shotgun. Kyle got a machinegun. Ben got a grenade launcher. Allen got a machine gun. Austin got a desert eagle and Shelby got an elephant gun, Trevor got pistol and a sword. Michael, David, Ricky, and leaf got all pistols. Has they all started firing. Eddie got a grenade and threw it at a building and it blew up fell on Trevor. Eddie got his sub machine gun and started firing he shot a big sign and it fell on Michael braking his back. Then Kyle got closer and started firing. Eddie ran at Kyle, Ben got a machine gun and ran at Eddie. Then Eddie got a pole and smack Kyle and Ben with it knocking them out Kirk got mad and said leave my brother alone. He got the grenade launcher and started firing like hell then Eddie got another pole and threw it and it hit leaf and Allen knocking them out. Austin shot a hole in Eddie�s leg. Shelby blew his arm off. Ricky got a grenade and threw it blowing a chunk out of Eddie. David got a shotgun and blew Eddie�s right arm off. Kirk got a shotgun and blew Eddie�s head right off. Then he went to search the body he found an implant on his body. Someone was controlling him. Leaf and Allen got back up. So did Kyle and Ben. But know one could find Trevor. Then Allen saw Trevor�s hand sticking out of the ruble. Allen and Leaf unburied him but told them to leave with out him. Kirk found a truck. The group was going to grove. While driving. Kirk asks was it ok to leave Trevor behind�? I guess it was ok Kyle said. When they drove in grove a big fish came up and collapsed both bridges now they were trapped there. Something was happing in grove there was no zombies but mutated humans then all of a sudden the humans grew much bigger and uglier. As the bio humans headed for the truck. Ben started firing but they started to move faster so Kyle got the shotgun and fired two rounds and it fell to the ground. So they all got shotguns. The bio humans were all dead now. Then they all got out of the truck and search the town for the survivors then a big zombie crept up on them. He grapped Shelby and threw her she went threw a window and landed on a pole killing her insanely. Austin got mad and took two-sub machine guns and started firing. The bio human turn around smack Austin knocking him out. Ricky got a grenade launcher. When he shot it the zombie caught on fire now a bunch of them came out there was to many of them. Then David got in truck and stated running them over. By the time he got done the truck was in bad shape. So every one got in a car and drove to a mall to find some ammo and to get some rest. It�s been five days ever since they left Trevor in jay. Trevor woke up in a laptory. He got up and got dressed and got his guns. He walked out of the room. The whole place was empty. He felt strange some how. He found some keys. Then a person walk in it was a girl her name was Rebecca chambers. I found you outside so I brouth you in here but your blood was green some how. So they walked to the helicopter pad. Then Trevor said my friends are in danger. We must hurry and get to grove. So they got in the chopper and flew to grove. Meanwhile at the mall the gang was running up the stairs some how the zombies got in the mall. Kyle opened the roof door and ran out and so did the rest they all started shooting the bio humans. Then Trevor jumped out of the helicopter shooting the bio humans one by one. They were all dead now. The helicopter landed on the roof. Rebecca introduces her self when Kirk saw her he was in love. She told rest of them what happened. Just then Trevor fell to the ground hurting. There was green blood coming out of his cut were the dragon cut him. Then he got up and said i am fine. Then a helicopter came down. Freeze this is umbrella. Every one in the chopper they flew to an uknown island. When they got there they went to an underground research faculty then a guy came out his name was Albert wesker. Well we meet again Mrs. Chambers. put her and the others in the sleeping champers. Kid with red heir you stay. Take him to the testing lap the gang was asleep and Trevor was being tested on they was putting the virus in him. Then wesker�s partner moved the gang to Alaska. But wesker told his partner to take Trevor to the hive two under Alaska with the rest of the stars members
Three month�s later
Trevor woke up after three month�s he saw three other people in there with him. Then the three people woke up. they introduce them selves they were
Chris Redfield, Jill Valtine and Billy coen. The four got their guns left the room as they walked up the stairs they found the exit. The whole town was in ruins
The end

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