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myOtaku.com: Roxases Lover

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Hi I totely love love love Roxas from Kingdom Hearts. And if you can tell me how to get Roxas on myOtaku please tell me.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

What do Kingdom Hearts characters think of you? (for girls)

Sora- You're very brave and I repect you. Its just... well you got a bit of a temper.Riku- You're annoying. Maybe you could be some use if you didn't rush into things.Kairi- Wow you can hold your own against even the boys. Thats pretty good, you'll have to teach me some of your moves.Roxas- Wow you suprised me.Me- .....and?Roxas- *blush* What do you mean?Me- Oh never mind.Axel- Man she's annoying!Me- uh huh....(you two are like twins)Demyx- Hah a little too adventerous. *sweat drop*Namine- I think she's alright.Larxene- Interesting things seem to happen around her. Me- uh...... Zexion- Another fool.Luxord- Very energetic aren't you?Boyfriend- RoxasBest Friends- Larxene and KairiRival- Axel (ironic isn't it)You have a great sense of justice, you just rush into things a bit. You also are highly opinionated, so you and Axel butt heads alot. Ironic seeing as you both are very alike. Well you and Roxas get along well. (O.o maybe cuase you're like Axel?) And your strong position makes you get along well with Larxene and Kairi.
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Saturday, March 31, 2007

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Monday, February 19, 2007

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Saturday, February 3, 2007

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Friday, February 2, 2007

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Which Kingdom Hearts 2 boy is for you? (Girls!) Pictures!

You get Roxas! You are nobody and even though neither of you have hearts you still care! You are also searching for a truth and who you really are!

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