What would the naruto characters think of you (Detailed results) by DormentBlade Name Age Gender GIRL!! Male (why the hell are you here...) Other (O_O) Naruto: He loves you! He loves to spend time with you and cherishes every moment of it, he would do anything to save you from trouble(And kakashi's porn book of doom O_O) But when ever he tries to tell you his feelings he just freezes. poor little dude... Sasuke: He doesn't mind you walking and traveling around with him, HECK he enjoys it! You're not one of those annoying little fan girls that are always trying to get his attention and he thinks you understand him more than anyone. Sakura: She's your friends, she likes you because you don't pay too much attention to sasuke and is trying to help her get together with him (plus you keep naruto away :D) Kakashi Thinks you're a good student, as is very proud that you can adapt to any team that you are put in and manage to find away to work with anyone, even if you hate each other. Shikamaru Is you're best friend, you both love to just lay back and watch the world pass by. You are always trying to get him new things, and thats why he likes you so much, you opened his eyes to a new outlook in life. Choji He once tried to eat you becuase of starvation, he was on a survival test and he hadn't eaten in an hour. But besides that you are friends. Ino Is friends with you, you like talking to her about Sasuke (even though you don't love him) and are close to becoming best friends with each other. Kiba Loves you like man, he blushes every time you hug him or even come close to him, but your so dumb you don't even notice like Naruto. Hinata Thinks you hate her, because you push her out the way every time she's talking to Naruto and you start talking to him, she thinks you love Naruto to or just know she likes him and you don't want her to have him.