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Birthday 1984-12-04 Gender
Female Location Arkansas Member Since 2006-04-07 Occupation Student Journalist Real Name Emma
Achievements Published magazine writer Anime Fan Since 2004 Favorite Anime Bleach, Naruto, Saiyuki, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist, Trinity Blood, Ouran Host Club Goals Write for a travel or entertainment magazine or work in public relations. Hobbies photography, reading, knitting Talents Writing Roxey20
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
I Wish I Was a Rock Star
Okay, so I really want to make a Nana O. cosplay, but I'm not sure if I should. Bleh, I hate dilemnas...
First of all, I'm not even sure I could pull it off. Nana O. is tall and skinny, whereas, I'm average and not so skinny. Granted, I've never let looks stop me before...
I already have six cosplays slotted for Otakon. It wouldn't be too hard to add on Nana, though. I could probably get it done within a few weeks, since I would mainly be gathering stuff and not necessarily making anything. The outfit I have in mind is from the live-action movie, and fairly simple. And I've been thinking about dropping one of my cosplays anyway...Blast, I don't know what to do. I really want to do a cosplay from Nana. It doesn't even have to be Nana O., I just thought she would be the most fun since she's the one that least like me. Nana K. would probably be the most natural choice, but I always end up cosplaying cute, happy people and I wanted to try something different.
*Sigh* I have no idea what to do...All I know is that I've been doodling tons of fun punk/goth outfits ever since I started watching the series...It makes me wish I was a rock star...Any suggestions would be appreciated! :) Comments (0) |
Monday, March 26, 2007
I'm Back!
So, Avenly and I survived our amazing spring break road trip up to Virginia. Though just barely. On the way back the tread on my back right tire decided it wanted to explode off the tire. It was weird and annoying. Avenly and I managed to get the tire off before a man walked up to us at the rest stop and asked if we needed help. The funny thing is that about five guys walked by us without stopping before then. So now we feel like superwomen because we can change a tire without the help of men!
Anywho, other than that, the trip was great. We relaxed at her house and did a little shopping. Saw 300. Amazing movie. I HIGHLY recommend it.
We stopped at Graceland in Memphis on the way up, so I have pictures of Elvis' house. We also nearly embarrassed ourselves in front of a large group of Chinese tourists as we were walking out of Graceland. I also got BBQ sauce on my Akira jacket (which was slight cause of the almost embarrassment in front of the Chinese tourists. The other was that we at first thought they were Japanese until I heard them talking). Of course, we were in partial cosplay. Avenly had on her three lights jacket and I had on my Akira jacket.
And now we're home to finish out the last of the semester. Hooray! And I've discovered new music to keep me entertained. (Yui rocks my socks...) So here I end this little journal entry with something to keep you entertained. It's a video of our Jenny's Entertainment performance that someone shot at the Shiroi Hi Dansu. I'm second from the left at the start of the video. The sound is a little off, be eh, you get the point. ^^
Dancing and Dead Skunks
So, the White Day Dance is getting ever closer. It's on Saturday to be exact...and I still haven't finished Juno. But I have gotten started on it. Avenly and I made up the feather patches for all three jackets this weekend. We need to actually piece the jackets together, put on the feathers and then attach the red stripes to our pants. Not difficult, right?
Though, the feathers look a little like dead skunks at the moment. There are two long, oblong shaped patches of black feathers with a few white feathers mixed in for each jacket. One goes in the front and another on the back. We had to pile text books on the patches to flatten them and calm them down a tad. Though, we're still probably going to be spitting out feathers for a few weeks...
As for the dance, I've got the whole thing learned, and that's about it. Avenly and Dual know parts of it, and Jamie knows none of it. We're planning on having a long rehearsal tomorrow night in order to get it all down with the formation changes and all. We're cutting it a little bit close (too close for my comfort), but I think we should be able to pull it off okay. The dance isn't too difficult. If we really work on it tomorrow night, we'll be fine. Though, I'm considering keeping myself up front for most of it, since I know the dance the best at the others could watch me if they get lost. We'll see how practice goes tomorrow before I make any final decisions.
Ah, I love that we're doing a dance for the cosplay competition. It will be the first time I've actually done something for a cosplay competition besides a walk-on. It's invigorating. Especially since it's dance. I haven't danced in so long. I was a little worried that I would be too rusty. (Which was evident on Saturday when I pulled a leg muscle because I didn't stretch out enough...) But I think I'll be okay. I just need to practice the dance over and over until I feel extremely comfortable with it. It's only when you are comfortable with a dance when personality can truly come out in it. At least, that's what I've learned through my five years of dance.
So, that's about all that's going on now. Once again, cosplay has eaten all of my expenses this month. Eh, oh well. It's not like I go out and do stuff anyway. Though, I suppose if I really wanted to go do something I could always try to go on a date...Speaking of dates, Junior-Senior is coming up in a little over a month...I need to order my kimono...Hmm, wonder if I should bother with a date for that...I didn't have one last year and it was fun (though a little awkward because my friend kind of thought I was his date even though I wasn't), and I am going with a group of friends this year. But going with a date would be fun too, especially if it's a guy I have fun with.Hmm, I'll have to think about this a little more. There is someone that I have in mind, but I'm not sure if he would go with me...or to Junior-Senior at all... Comments (2) |
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Job Searchs, Soundtracks and Underwear
I hadn't updated in a few days, so I felt the need to update.
And now that I'm actually working on this post, I can't actually think of anything new to update on...other than I'm still on the job hunt. I haven't actually sent out my resume anywhere, but I'm compiling a list of places I'd like to apply. It would be absolutely amazing if I got picked up by a foreign magazine of sorts, preferably one that would put me in Asia somewhere. But that might involve knowing an Asian language, which I currently know none so I guess that counts me out. At the moment, I'm looking into some magazines in the Florida area, where my family is located, and an anime magazine that I read. It's located in the Northeast somewhere. (I can't remember exactly.)
And then there is always TESL in South Korea. I know my friend, Roh, who lives in Seoul, is hoping I go that route. We've become fairly good friends since I started helping him with his English two years ago. His mother officially extended an invitation to stay with them if I came to visit, but if I ended up living there for a year, that would be amazing. But we'll see. I'm keeping my options open at this point...
Yea, I really need to get on it with the job search... I only have about 70 days until graduation...
In other happier news, I got my Hana Kimi and Tokyo Juliet soundtracks. I'm so excited! I've been listening to them non-stop since I got them yesterday. Hana Kimi is such a happy soundtrack. The opening kept getting stuck in my head, as with the opening to Tokyo Juliet. Now, all I'm waiting on is my Fahrenheit CD with a special DVD...Oh happy day!
I suppose that's all from me. Sorry there is nothing of real substance. Hopefully my next post will be a bit more entertaining.Oh, speaking of entertaining, I shall leave you with a fun interaction from lunch today. My roommate was telling me about a magazine interview she had read with Yamashita Tomohisa, Golf and Mike. For some reason they were talking about cute underwear, and a guy friend of ours overheard the conversation at just the wrong part and was later making fun of us because of it.
Guy Friend: Your conversations are so weird. You were talking about underwear.
Roomie: Oh, we're done talking about underwear.
Me: Yea, now we've moved on to sex.
Guy Friend: *falls over* Comments (0) |
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Drama, drama, drama
That's all that seems to fill the CDrama that I'm currently watching. I'm only through episode four of Tokyo Juliet, and already I've lost count of how many times the two main characters have broken up and got back together and yelled at each other and then made up. And yet, as ridiculous as the drama and parts of the story line are, I can't seem to stop watching it.
Perhaps it's the music. The opening song is amazing and it's been playing over and over in my head all day. I seriously want to buy the soundtrack. The other music in the series is great too. There are a few Fahrenheit songs in there, so of course I'm on board with that.
Perhaps it's the main character, Sui. She is a hopelessly awkward first year design student who is strangely attractive and amazingly gifted. She wants to be a fashion designer, and yet most of her fellow classmates spurn her because of her awkward body shape and her declaration to beat Chi something (Evil Designer, as I like to call him), who stole her precious daisy design that she created for her model mother.
Or it could be the plot, when it's not bogged down by Murphey's Law. (I assure you, everything that could possibly go wrong does, and then gets worse.) There are plenty of twists and turns and secrets and evil plotting and love triangles to keep me interested. It's definitly a series that will keep you guessing from episode to episode. And most of the seriousness is broken up by cute, romantic moments between Liang and Sui or silly moments.
More than anything, it's probably Liang himself...the almighty god of fashion. He's talented, he's hot and he's completely devoted to protecting Sui. What more could you want in a male protagonist? It's interesting to me to watch Wu Zun (Liang) play a completely different character than the one he plays in Hana Kimi.
So, I'll keep on watching, eagerly awaiting the next diaster that will happen and praying that Liang and Sui don't break up for good. (Which I'm positive they won't.) And of course, I must watch it all to find out if they finally overcome Evil designer who stole Sui's design when she was 5 years old and built his entire design empire upon it...who also happens to be Liang's father...and who also happens to steal Sui's mother as well as Sui's design...oh the drama! Comments (0) |
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Masks and Decorating
So, tonight was the masquerade ball. We all had a blast! Six of us girls went together and we all got ready together. It was crazy. I don't think I've ever seen our bathroom full of that many people before.
I did Dual's hair and make-up. She looked so cute in her Gothic Lolita dress! I also did our friend Bri's hair. My friend Jamie made masks for us, and they were amazing. In fact, my mask ended up winning best mask. I didn't even realize that there was going to be a contest. I won a $15 gift certificate to Marketplace, and I promised Jamie that I would take her out to eat with it, since she made the mask and I just wore it.
Dual and I decided that we were going to decorate our room. So for the last two or so days, we've been putting up pictures of Johnnys on the walls. Yea, we have quite the little shrine going... Though, I feel protected while I sleep...and weird while I'm changing...too many eyes...
Anyway, it's a little juvenile, but Dual and I weren't like this in junior high or high school and we thought that it would be fun to do before we graduated and had to act like adults. Besides, I think my side looks's mostly Yamapi...with some Fahrenheit, a new Taiwanese band that I've recently fallen in love with. Two of the members star as Nakatsu and Sano in the live action Hana Kimi that I've been watching non-stop lately. That show is crack... I highly recommend it if you are looking for a good drama to watch.
Anywho, enough from me. Here are fun pictures!
My award-winning mask
Me, Dual and Jamie
My side of the room after the second decorating spree.
The Greatest Interview
So, I finally got pictures from Ben. There was only one from the interview, but that's okay. It's a pretty good picture. : ) Ben's perspective is really good. Makes me wish I had a bit more of natural eye for photography. But I don't, and that's okay. I like writing more anyway. : )
And it's interviews like the one I had with Chris Patton that really remind me why I chose this career. It's because I love people. I love talking with them, and getting to know them. And hearing what they have to say. Then, I like to tell everyone else what I've learned. I love the challenge of telling others' stories.
I'm really glad that I got to write that article and interview everyone that I did. It really gave me a fresh perspecitive on my career and what I'm doing here at JBU. I had gotten tired and worn down. I lost my passion for journalism. But now, I'm excited about it again. I'm full of ideas to pursue for freelance pieces. My passion is flaring up again...
The Uncatchable Catch and Anego
Bah, too many people I know are getting engaged or married or falling for someone, and it's starting to drive me crazy. This would be the curse of being a single college senior on the campus of a Christian university. On the one part, I'm sad because I can't seem to find a guy that catches my attention. Some of my closest friends are happy with someone, why can't I be happy with someone?
But then I think back to the opportunities that I've had this year to date someone or have a boyfriend and I question if that's what I really want. There have been a couple guys that I came very close to entering a dating relationship with, but I bowed out before anything went too far. Why, you may ask? I'm not sure I can answer that myself. I guess the thought of getting into a relationship seemed restraining and suffocating. And then I look around the guys around me, and honestly, none of them seem to be what I want. Yes, there are a lot of great guys here, but none of them seem to be great for me.
At first, that saddened me. I wondered if there was something wrong with me. But then I realized that it wasn't a bad thing, and there wasn't anything wrong with me. It's just that, at this point in my life, I'm not suppose to be with anyone. And it's okay. Being single is not a bad thing.
I've been watching a drama lately, called "Anego". I admit, I only began watching it because a friend of mine had mentioned it to me and said that Jin from KAT-TUN was in it. Ever the Jin fan, my roommate and I decided to watch it. While I do thoroughly enjoy watching Jin, I have to admit that he isn't the reason why I really like the series now. I find myself relating to the protagonist, Noda (or Anego, as Jin calls her). She is a 32-year-old working woman who is still single while from everywhere around her is the pressure to get married and settle down. And at first it seems that she wants to settle down, to the extent that she goes on a blind date and almosts gets engaged to a man who she knows she can never be in love with. Slowly, it seems (I haven't finished the series yet, thus why I say it seems) she is starting come to terms with the fact that it's okay to be a single woman living on her own and working. It gives her a type of indepence she couldn't have otherwise.
I find myself coming to this conclusion myself, though, at a bit of a younger age than Anego. Gradually, all this outside pressure to start thinking about settling down after graduation doesn't really bother me so much anymore. There is so much that I want to accomplish and experience. I'm eager to get out there on my own.
It doesn't bother me anymore to think 10 years ahead and face the possibility that I might not be married by then. Granted, no one really knows what will happen in the future. But I'm not afraid to face the possibility that I might not marry. My friends like to tell me that I'm talking crazy and that yes, I will get married someday. And I'm not saying that I never want to get married, I'm just saying that if I don't get married, it's okay. I'm content with being single.
Yes, there will be times when I'll find myself lonely, but it's okay, because there are times in life when all we really need is to be alone.
And someday I'll find someone who is a good fit for me. Someone I can be goofy with and who will share my passions. Someone who won't think I'm weird for liking anime and cosplaying :). Someone who makes my pulse rush and a smile to come to face at the mere thought of him. Yea, maybe someday we'll find each other. But for now, I'm content with dreaming about him. I'm happy being single. Comments (0) |
Thursday, February 8, 2007
I survived Ikkicon
Granted it's getting back into the swing of things that is killing me...bleh...
So, Ikkicon was amazing! I had a lot of fun, met some new people, met up with old friends and had a general blast.
I got to meet Vic and Greg Ayers. And I also got to interview Chris Patton for a newspaper article that I wrote, which was amazing.
Anywho, new pictures are up in my gallery. Feel free to check them out!
I would write about the con some more, but I'm tired and I've already written a huge post about it on my Livejournal. So, here's the link, complete with pictures. Feel free to check it out! Ciao! Roxey's Livejournal
Look What's Done!
It's finished yay! Anime version of Sister Kate! And it only took 20 hours, 8 yards of white fabric, 38 yards of blue bias tape, two bloody fingers and 400 pins. Yup, it was officially finished as of 5 am this morning...there is a picture up in my gallery, but here is one for your enjoyment... Comments (3) |