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Thursday, January 25, 2007

   Hotel rooms= confusion
Okay, so the con chair officially confirmed our hotel switch with me yesterday afternoon and told me the hotel would call me with details. Well, they still haven't called. Granted, these things take a little bit, but I'm starting to get a little nervous. I mean, I don't even know where this hotel is located. I tried calling today to figure out the room rate, and I was transferred three times to a different Hampton that was closer to the Wyndam. And even then, they were all hung up on the transfer part of the conversation. I didn't really care about the transfer at the moment, I just wanted to know how much it was going to cost me. But now, I'm starting to get a little worried about the transfer part. Oh well, I'm just going to trust that the guy took care of it or is taking care of it, and that the hotel will call me soon with details. Then I can get the official price and figure out where the hell this Hampton Inn is. Argh, as if I didn't already have enough stress between the two costumes I have to make between now and next Thursday. And it doesn't help that dear roomie's sewing machine decided tonight that it doesn't like me...I seriously need to get Brii to show me how to load the bobbin right...
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Monday, January 22, 2007

So...the Ikkicon people called me today and wanted to know if I would be willing to move to a different hotel. See, the hotel messed up and over booked, so they didn't have enough room for all their guests and staff. After talking it over with my group, we decided that there was no harm in moving. So we switched. And that, my friends, has proven to be one of the best decisions I have ever made.

You see, because I so graciously gave up two hotel rooms in the Woodward to move to the Hampton, they have graciously offered to comp two of my friends' badges, who hadn't registered yet, to get into Ikkicon. Oh, but not only that. They are upgrading all our badges to VIP badges. Meaning: I get first in line to all the events AND I get to go to a special guest dinner and a meet and greet with the guests. Yes, that's right. Yours truly gets to have dinner with Vic Mignogna, Caitlin Glass, Greg Ayers, Chris Patton and all the other voice actors. I'm in shock, because stuff like this doesn't happend to me. I feel like I just found the golden ticket to an anime wonderland. Dinner with Ed, Winry, Envy, the Pope and Fakir... Oh heavens...I have feeling this high is not going to end until three weeks after Ikkicon... Oh, I suppose I should pack cute clothes to wear now...Oh fanfiction!!!

Okay, *sigh* I have to get all this fangirly shiz out of the way before Ikkicon...wouldn't do to act like an idiot in front of everyone...

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Sunday, January 21, 2007

   Oh Fanfiction!
Don't you just love my new curse word? My friend Jamie and I came up with it while at work one day. We find it quite effective and devise many ways to use it...

But that's not the reasoning behind this post...Grr, bear with me, but I feel I have another rant coming...

I have decided not to through anymore cosplay parties where people come over and work on cosplays together. Why, you may ask? It's the simple fact that last night about 7 people were over at my house working on cosplay. The living room, kitchen and dining room were all completely trashed at the end of the night. But who ended up staying up until 4 am when everyone finished at 3 am cleaning it up? My roommate and I. Yes there was another person who helped pick up the scraps and throw them away, but Dual and I were left to scour the kitchen, do the dishes, sweep the dining room floor, vaccum the living room, and just in general pick up around our work areas.

And then, when we went to crawl into bed, exhausted, we found that our room (of which I had just picked up my side) was cluttered again with bags of stuff that didn't belong to us. I have never been more mortified in front of my housemates. And never have I seen such inconsiderate actions. When I go somewhere and I make a mess, I don't leave until I've helped clean up everything. And if someone makes me dinner, I help do the dishes and clean up the kitchen. Or at least offer.

Grr, fanfiction! I think my snapping point last night was when I looked at the dining room floor and discovered a light gray film over everything from my friend's Robin cosplay that she was working on. I said something about it, and what did she do? Say, "Oops, sorry! I guess my fabric sheds. Well, see you later!" and then promptly left. Which left me to sweep it up. I even got up this morning and clean even more! Good God, do parents not know how to teach their children to pick up after themselves anymore?

And then, I didn't even get to start sewing together Sister Kate because someone else decided to use the sewing machine all night on a cosplay that they don't need ready in any particular time...Avenly and I have to have Sister Kate and Esther ready in TWO WEEKS! Grr...

So, now you know. No more cosplay parties at my house where I have to supply dinner, snacks and supplies and no one helps clean up and only three people pitch in with funding dinner, snacks and supplies for everyone. I'm sick of it. I'm not everyone's mother. And though I may not keep my room clean, I sure as hell keep the common living spaces in my townhouse clean. Because trashing it and leaving it is just rude and disrespectful to the other seven girls that live in my townhouse and use that space as well.

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

   Exciting News
Okay, so I discovered something absolutely amazing yesterday! There is an opening for a public relations intern at the Disney company!! It's a paid, 6 month internship! I'm applying! It's completely my dream job, and I'm really excited because I met all their requirements and all but one of their preferred requirements. Well, okay, so that doesn't mean much, but at least I have a start. And if I can somehow manage to get this job, then that could possible lead on to bigger and better things within the company. Including possibly getting transferred to Disney Tokyo year down the road...

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. I still need to send in my application and work on my interviewing. I learned over Christmas that I don't have mad interview skills when I'm being asked the questions.

In other news, I think I'm going to spend Spring Break with Avenly and her family. I am very excited about this. I mean, think of all the fun we'll have... a lot more than if I go to Springfield to my grandparents house, which is most likely what would end up happening since a plane ticket to Florida is out of my budget.

But yea, I suppose that's it for now. I'm planning on finishing Sciezka tonight, so hopefully I'll add up a new picture or two tonight to my Sciezka gallery. I need to figure out where I hid the glasses I ordered from eBay...it's really bothering me that I can't find them in the abyss known as my room...

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

New Post! New Post!
Okay, sorry for the lack of an imaginative title, but I think my brain is fried from my first two weeks of school...

Prom Rock Lee is done. Praise the Lord! Now that I've conquered tulle, I do believe I can conquer just about any kind of fabric. Bleh, 12 yards of the stuff was killer...especially once I hit the fourth layer of the skirt. I've got pictures up in my gallery. You should go look at them as soon as you finish this post!

Ugh, I have a bad taste in my mouth. I was all excited about the TB private shoot at Otakon, but once again drama has broke out. I wish we could all just get along. I was really hoping to be a part of it, but now I'm afraid I won't get to. Especially with all the handpicking business. I mean, I switched back to Artbook Kate from anime Kate thinking maybe that would be good enough, but oh well. At least I'll have Fantasy Chick to take pictures with...and Rurouni...and Vicksta/Burning Demon...and Infinitywulf...Ok, think happy thoughts, Roxey...happy, cheerful thoughts...no use getting sad or depressed about cosplay silliness...

In other news, I'm picking up the material for Akira (Nobuta wa Produce) this weekend. Dual found some amazing blue/brown plaid for the pants at Hancocks last weekend. I've got this crazy idea that I'll have it done for Ikkicon in two weeks...yes, that is truly crazy since I've got to focus on Trinity Blood. Oh, well. I'll try working on it and see how it goes. If it doesn't get done, it doesn't get done and Dual and I just have a photoshoot this spring and look forward to running around together as Shuji to Akira at Otakon...

And speaking of Akira/YamaPi/Johnny goodness...I am officially obsessed. Curse Dual, my roomie, for getting me hooked! Last night and tonight we were plotting ways for me to take over Johnny's Entertainment. One was for me to work as an undercover journalist and take down Johnny from the inside. The latest plan is for me and Avenly to work at Disney, get filthy rich and then buy them out...And then...I shall own YamaPi...Ok, I think it's time to end this little fantasy before it gets any further...

Well, I suppose that's all from me. I've got a pile of manga that my new friend Jamie let me borrow to dig into a bit before I go to bed. Oh, yay for wonderful new friends who are crazy and just as obsessed with manga, anime and anything Japanese just like me!

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

   I'm a Knitting Dork
So, I decided that just to see if I can do it, I would start knitting a Hogwarts scarf. Hufflepuff to be exact. Well, it turns out I can. The colors are a little off (I picked too bright a yellow) but I don't care. In about a week I shall be able to sport my very own Hufflepuff scarf. Yay me.

Once I'm done with that, I'm knitting a Gryffindor scarf for Avenly and Dual, then a Ravenclaw scarf for Mary-Berry. Good thing I love knitting...

Hey, maybe I should add these to my little knitting business along with Rock Lee leg warmers. Hmm, maybe my next big project should be figuring out how to knit Rikku's scarf with the fading colors and what not...

Maybe I should just concentrate on finishing my Hufflepuff scarf first...

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

   La La La
I got my luggage! Yay! And nothing was damaged or missing...

Not a lot has been happening lately. Just school and work. I keep meaning to work on something cosplay wise, but homework keeps butting on my sewing time. Plus it doesn't help that I've been rewarding my homework with episodes of Ouran Host Club. I need to get that series finished before it randomly gets taken off Youtube like Trinity Blood...

Oh, and I'm now an official commissioner! Someone asked me to knit Rock Lee legwarmers for them. So, I'm going to! They are fairly easy to make, and I really enjoy knitting anyway. I decided that if I was making them for that person, I might as well just come out and offer them to whoever. And naturally all the money is going into Roxey's Cosplay Fund. Granted, I'm not expecting to get tons of commissions, though it would be cool if I did. Hmm, I wonder if any of my profs would get mad if I brought my knitting to class...

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Monday, January 8, 2007

   School Smhool
As you can tell, I'm back and class is starting up, once again. Bleh. No fun. I could have gone with another week in Florida. Oh well. I made it back safely, other than my sunburn. Sadly, my luggage did not. It's sitting somewhere in Detroit at the moment. The airline said that it should come in on the next flight from Detroit today around 4:30 pm. I just hope no one decided to do a little after Christmas shopping and go through my suitcases...

I hope they get here soon. I'm itching to finish Sciezka and Rock Lee, which are both in my suitcase. We're going fabric shopping on Saturday for Esther and Kate. Then next weekend we're officially starting work on them. We think that we can get then done in two weekends. I hope so, since we have barely a month until the con. Well, if Yeu and Amecandy can make artbook Ion in two weeks, we can do the anime versions of Esther and Kate in two weekends. I'm sure of it...

Well, I suppose I'm off to class...in the dreary cold weather...*cries* Where's my warmness!

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Friday, January 5, 2007

   I did it!
Well, almost. I sat down and did some serious work on my Rock Lee prom dress. I nearly finished the top. All it really needs is hemming. The skirt needs another layer of tulle (possible two because I really want it to be poofy). And I still need to make the mini skirt to go under the tulle skirt. Anywho, I would have finished it, but because my machine is being a butt I had to do all the sewing by hand. Yup, I'm waiting to finish until I can get back to school and have someone show me the proper way to thread a bobbin.

I haven't touched Sciezka. Oh well, I'll get to her soon enough. Again, once I figure out how to work the sewing machine, she'll be done in no time. Though, once I get back, it would appear that Trinity Blood is going to eat my soul. Avenly and I have pretty much commited to working to get Esther and Kate done in a month. I think it's completely possible, but we're going to have to start working pretty much as soon as we get back. Yay!

Well, so I suppose that's all from me. Ciao!

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Thursday, January 4, 2007

   My Day Off
So, I finally made it to the beach yesterday. Yup, I have three days left here in Florida and I made it to the beach yesterday. Go figure.

I went out with my friend Ash. It was wonderful! The weather was perfect and we got to have some good girl time together. I miss hanging out with Ash. We have so much fun together. And she's someone that I can really talk to about some things and not feel like she's going to judge me. I don't know, I think it's because we've been through some of the same kind of experiences...

Anywho, we had fun on the beach, even though we apparently set up in the beach nazi zone and were told we couldn't keep our umbrella up because it was private property. Eh, whatever. I got sunburned pretty bad because of it, but we didn't feel like moving down to the public beach which was sure to be crowded. Oh, and we ran into my friend, Logan, that I work with at the restaurant and might possibly be moving in with this summer after I graduate. We were going to make plans with him last night, but he ended up having to go eat with his grandparents. (Such a good grandson :).)

So, instead of going out with Logan, Ash and I went out for sushi. We tried a new place called Origami, and it was great! We decided that we would go there anytime we needed a sushi fix. (Which will probably be a lot since we love sushi and love to eat out.) I love sushi, but I'm spoiled and will only eat it on the coast. That way I know the fish is fresh. Though I'm tempted to try to learn how to make some of the vegetable rolls. They were really good.

Well, I suppose that's all for my day off adventure. I should probably get going. I've got laundry to do before I go into work tonight...

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