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Vitals Gender • Female Location • right outside your window...watching you... Member Since • 2006-08-16 Occupation • genin Real Name • Bai Lee
Personal Anime Fan Since • a loooonnngggg time Favorite Anime • enchanted, hayate the combat butler, gintama, naruto, azumanga daiho, sailor moon, tokyo mew mew, mar, full metal panic, one piece, bobobo, shaman king, full metal alchemist, black cat, d. gray-man, kingdom hearts, db, dbz, dbgt, zatch bell, hamt Goals • get better at drawing Hobbies • soccer, volleyball, drawing, robert... Visit My Friends ------------------ akai-ryu Alchemic Romance Alvissgirl1292 angel kat Animated Girl 2 ANIME BLEACH Axel Sounds azumangadaioh efron Forever Gone Gabby1214 HyuugaHinata IMNo1Bishounen Inachi Uchiha InuyashaLady15 Kogasgirl4ever Kojika KonohaRockLee KonohaxHeartless KuNoIcHi963 kybeary lost puppy Maiden of life Miss Vanilla MissDarkAngel MissGoldenAngel N.O.A.F naruto 32 Nine-tailed9 Princess Roxxi Roxas32 roy lee Sakura 8D sasuke elric2622 SasukesGirlLove SaturnSakura shultzie spg3333 stranger days takkunxmotoko Tokyo mew mew fan WinryChick wolf of sorrow wolfmistress Wolfspiritkari xRockLeex YugiGrl1991 YukiNake
Visit My Friends ------------------ akai-ryu Alchemic Romance Alvissgirl1292 angel kat Animated Girl 2 ANIME BLEACH Axel Sounds azumangadaioh efron Forever Gone Gabby1214 HyuugaHinata IMNo1Bishounen Inachi Uchiha InuyashaLady15 Kogasgirl4ever Kojika KonohaRockLee KonohaxHeartless KuNoIcHi963 kybeary lost puppy Maiden of life Miss Vanilla MissDarkAngel MissGoldenAngel N.O.A.F naruto 32 Nine-tailed9 Princess Roxxi Roxas32 roy lee Sakura 8D sasuke elric2622 SasukesGirlLove SaturnSakura shultzie spg3333 stranger days takkunxmotoko Tokyo mew mew fan WinryChick wolf of sorrow wolfmistress Wolfspiritkari xRockLeex YugiGrl1991 YukiNake roy-lee
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Beauty is a virtue young grasshopper