Birthday 1992-06-05 Gender
Female Location Central Member Since 2006-10-02 Occupation Colonial, State alchemist, the Flame alchemist Real Name Roy, Mutt, Ry
Achievements I made it to Central, didn't I? Anime Fan Since A long time Favorite Anime Full Metal Alchemist Goals Being Furher Hobbies FIRE! *snap* Talents like I said: FIRE!! *snaps again* Roy Mustang7
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Monday, October 23, 2006
as you probally know i had an awsome sleepover with ed this weekend.
i have to do a awsome homework assignment
i have to plan the perfect bank robery with my own character!
frankly, my character, ry, sould never rob a bank...
naw, i'll make a new character.
i'm feeling a little sad because i've been listening to a sad song.
it's called how to save a life.
if you listen closely, it's about suicide.
*tail wagging*
i'm kinda hyper.
i have damn homework to do.
damn it all!!
maybe i can just say i accidentally burnt it
*evil smile*
that'll be great!
all the pretty orange fffiiirrreee!!
but my mom would kill me.
i could blame it on roy-chibi!!
roy chibi: hey!
mutt chibi: nah! nah! can't get me with ya fiya rrroooyyy!!
roy chibi: oh ya! *snaps*
mutt chibi: *hold up homework* *homework burns* *evil puppy smile* madame estrella, mr. rancloes, roy burned my homework!
roy chibi: *shocked expression* i- i- !!!
fuher chibi: colonial roy mustang! you ruined this child's education!
teachers: *glare*
roy chibi: ;_;
mutt chibi: *look of triumph*
lol, ha!
that sounds about right!
poor roy!
oh well...
hey everyone!
two nights ago was the full moon!
i love the full moon!
yesturday was pretty good for me.
i went fourwheeling with my stepdad and i got to drive my mom's machine.
don't tell her though.
i wasn't supposed to drive!
i'm still feeling a little down.
i feel lonely, mostly.
ed has birthday parties she went too that sound really fun.
al watched her siblings and did nouthing, like me.
armstrong went apple picking and did nouthing, again, like me.
and hawkeye had a sleepover.
i feel kinda left out, abandoned.
*small sigh*
and i miss my family.
my mom's in a bad mood and she won'tlet me go anywhere; when earlier she was practically kicking me out of the house.
it's annoying....
today i'm probally going to my memere's to hang and use her scanner.
i can't wait!
well, feel free to pm me or something.
have fun!
i'm feeling down in the dumps.
i miss my old dog molly.
i drew a picture of her and it looks like this:
it have a graveston in front with RIP on it,
a river in back of that,
a pine tree in back of that and to the left,
then it's a shadow of her head.
up by the tip of the pinetree is angel wings and a crooked halo with a silk ribbon coming off them,
a beam of light shines on the wings,
and in the background says:
Here Lies Molly
Faithful Companion, Loving Kanine, Part of the family. We bury her here, at Camp, her most favorite place in the world. Rest In Peace. AMEN.
i feel just heartbroken today.
i thinking of my dad, my pepere...
i just miss them so much.
*small sigh*
well i hope you have a better day than me!
off to do chores.
^ this kinda looks like molly ^
*tail wagging*
how is everyone?
i have had a really boring day.
i think i might die.
*sigh* *anime puff*
if you wanna know more, go here
here's a amv!
it scares me...