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Roy Mustang90
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somewhere in my own head. ( NJ)
Member Since
Flame alchemist
Real Name
Blackbelt in Aikido
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Full Metal Alchemist, DragonballZ, Inuyasha, Ruroni Kenshin, Cowboy Bebop, and a growing intrest in Naruto.
Be the CEO of a major organization, and earn millions of dollars.
Yugioh, basketball, skateboarding, video games, and Aikido.
I guess I'm a little smart O_o, and I play the electric bass and the drums.
| Roy Mustang90
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Friday, July 1, 2005
I'm Back and I'm goin to Live8!!!
Hey everyone! I'm back from my trip to Wildwood. It was me, my friend Christian, and his friend Sam. We had an awesome time! We went and played tons of games and went on rides. Towards the end, both of us convinced Sam to go on a roller coaster, and he ended up hurting his shoulder or somethin. but we were able to get rain checks, so we're gonna go back.
But, thats not all. Tomorrow, I'm goin to Live8 in Philadelphia!!! I can't wait!!! I'm gonna see Linkin Park with Jay-z, Greenday's gonna be live from Germany, Coldplay from London, Black-Eyed Peas, Dave Matthew's Band, Maroon5, Stevie Wonder, and a lot of others!! After that, I'm goin to South Street, where they have some anime stores. I can't wait!!!!
-Colonel Mustang
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Monday, June 27, 2005
Hey Peoples!!
Hey everyone! Whats up? Well, to start things off, i'm single again...which doesn't really bother me. she wasn't ready to make that kind of commitment. so...yeah.
Well, anyways, yesterday I was drug to a family reunion. it was for the montana/montano family...more or less, my dad's side. well, i found out that im the only boy in the family of my generation that shares the montana last name and bloodline...that sort of puts a little pressure on a 14-year old kid. but somethin really freaky happened. i have a couple of cousins that i met when i arrived. their both girls. one's going into 8th grade and one's going to be a senior in highschool. well, my one cousin sharon was sayin how both of those girls said i was hot...or cute...or something along those lines. like i said...freaky. then i came back at her with "u know ur a redneck when u go to a family reunion lookin for a date" funny thing is....they're from texas and virginia. MY OWN FUCKING COUSINS!!. well, it was a boring reunion. i fell asleep on the couch.
I'll be gone for the next couple of days. sorry for the long post. cya's soon!
-Colonel Mustang
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Friday, June 24, 2005
hi guys! i'm now trying to store my music on tripod. can yas please help me? i'm computer illiterate lol. i need to know how to upload the files. thanx.
-Colonel Mustang
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FMA mp3's...............please help me!
hey everybody! my old song isn't working anymore, i need a new one. does anybody know where to go to get some fma mp3's for free. *twitch* need to make music code *twitch* or is there a place on the internet that you can store music?...sort of like is for images. anyway, PLEASE help me. i beg you! well, thats all for now. if u can tell me, pm me. thanx!
-Colonel Mustang
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Monday, June 20, 2005
hey y'all
Hey everyone! whats up. nothin really happened today. been itchin to duel someone. so if there are any yugioh players out there that wanna duel and have an AIM scree name, IM me.
Well, thats all for now. might post some quizzes later.
-Colonel Mustang
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Saturday, June 18, 2005
hey...some quizzes
hey, its really too early to post anything, so i'll leave ya some quizzes for now. when i took the first one, it really scared me cuz either my personallity is like that, or stuff similar has happened to me. scary XD
 Compassion: You are there to share your sympathy with others. People would consider you affectionate and caring, and someone to look up to.
Which Characteristic From the Samurai Code Matches You Best? (You may find out your best trait) brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
hey everyone! guess what. i have to get oral surgury in a couple of weeks! yay! *sighs* yeah, i gotta get my wisdom teeth out. they're gonna knock me out and pull the teeth. so...yeah. its early now, so i'll post later...mabey. i gotta go to my friends graduation tonight. bye.
-Colonel Mustang
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Monday, June 13, 2005
Hey everyone! hows ur weekend going, or how was it? haven't posted in a while. nuttin really has happened. i graduated friday and had a fun party. Michelle, Ed, Sam, Rob, and three other of my friends came over along with some family. then my dad started a water fight... fun! we were soaked by the time we were done and i had to give clothes to all my friends! now i have nothing to wear! but dumping a bucket of water over Michelle was fun...hehehe. thats all for now.
-Colonel Mustang
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Friday, June 10, 2005
well, in a couple of hours, I'll be graduating from my school. I'll be glad to go to high school, but I'm gonna miss a lot of my friends...
I decided to put a puzzle on the intro. its inuyasha and sesshomaru. well, thats all for now.
-Colonel Mustang
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Thursday, June 9, 2005
hey whats up everyone? Guess what. I graduate tomorrow!!! I can't wait!! Michelle keeps sayin how she thinks its coming up too fast. Well, today we had our last recess there,and our last basketball game... its sort of depressing when u think about it. We also got our year books and water ice. I hope to see my friends over the summer, cuz somethin's tellin me that i'm gonna have a boring summer. Oh well... I really only hope to see Michelle. With us goin to different schools, I think its gonna be hard to see her. (I heart u Michelle ^^) Well, that's all for now.
-Colonel Mustang
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