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Roy Mustang90
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somewhere in my own head. ( NJ)
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Flame alchemist
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Blackbelt in Aikido
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Full Metal Alchemist, DragonballZ, Inuyasha, Ruroni Kenshin, Cowboy Bebop, and a growing intrest in Naruto.
Be the CEO of a major organization, and earn millions of dollars.
Yugioh, basketball, skateboarding, video games, and Aikido.
I guess I'm a little smart O_o, and I play the electric bass and the drums.
| Roy Mustang90
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Monday, June 6, 2005
hey everyone! sorry i havent posted in a while. nothing new happened plus i got grounded over the weekend... ^^;; but anyway, Michelle, Sam, Ed and I went to see Madagasgar on Friday. It was way better than going to some stupid dance that no one was gonna be at. well, today was boring. all afternoon we practiced for graduation. it was boring as hell. i cant believe it takes that long to say a couple of speeches. not only that, but it was hot as hell in there. it went up to 90 degrees today. luckily i get to play drum set at graduation. thats all for now. later.
-Colonel Mustang
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Wednesday, June 1, 2005
hey whats up everyone? Yesterday was awesome. We went to Six Flags America in maryland and then to the inner harbor area. We went on every coaster in the park, which included: Joker's Jinx, Superman (highest in the park. awesome drop!!) and like four others.
the inner harbor was cool. the espn zone was a rip off and a half. yeah, so we ate dinner at the Hard rock, went to the espn zone (not for long) and went to the Barns and Noble next door where i bought the FMA graphic novel. it was really cool. the best part of the ride up was that we got to watch Star Wars episodes IV and V. totally cool. and the girls got stuck with Grease and The Incredibles *devilish smile. Thats all for now. cya around!!
-Colonel Mustang
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Monday, May 30, 2005
Hey! Whats up everyone? I saw the premeir of some new shows on adult swim saturday. They were Paranoia Agent and some show called es-CRY-ed or something like that. Well, Paranoia Agent was ummm.... interesting. The other one was a little weird too. I also saw FLCL. Its been a while since I've seen it. I guess I forgot how fucked up that show is. But its a cool show nonetheless.
Well, today I gotta help clean the back yard. later i'm gonna call Michelle to see if she wants to do anything. its been a pretty boring weekend except for the fact that I went over my friend Erik's house, who I haven't seen in a while. Well, thats all for now. but here's another star wars quiz for ya.
 You were destined to have a Red Lightsaber.
Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, and determination as well as passion and desire. You have seen the Strength and Power of the Dark Side of the Force and have you thirst for more of it.
What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have? brought to you by Quizilla
Come to the dark side... we have cookies... and free donuts on tuesday
-Colonel Mustang
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
Hey everyone. Man I've had a boring day so far. My dad and I are installing a new sink, a new counter, and new cabinets in the bathroom. But I gotta stay here the whole time and I'm really really bored. So...yeah. I was able to put a new song on the site. Its a rare song by Linkin Park when they were Hybrid Theory. The song is called "And One", and it sounds cool in my opinion. Well, thats all for now. maybe I'll post later.
-Colonel Mustang
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Friday, May 27, 2005
hey everyone. this week hasnt been that bad. i've gotten exempt from 3 finals so far. so um yeah. If your a starwars fan, you'll like this quiz. So, how jedi are you? tell me!
 :: how jedi are you? ::
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Whats up everyone? Today was pretty cool. I got exempt from three finals so far! far they're Math, Language, and Science. I'm probably gonna get exempt from History too, but that letter didn't go out yet. may seem like i'm smart cuz i got exempt from the finals, but in reality i'm an idiot. Today was the third time that i locked myself out of the house. I'm an idiot. Plain and simple.
Well, earlier today, me Michelle Ed and Sam went to Corrola's and went down the park. It was fun. Well, thats all for now
-Colonel Mustang
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Monday, May 23, 2005
hey, whats up everyone? damn i'm depressed right now. Ed Sam and Michelle went down the park and i wasnt allowed to go. And that really pissed me off. I wanted to see Michelle so bad too. well anyway, i'm not really in the mood to say anything now. i'll probably post tomorrow. cya aroud.
-Colonel Mustang
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Sunday, May 22, 2005
Dinner dance was freakin awesome
Whats up everyone? I had the coolest freakin day of my life yesterday! It was the dinner dance. Its sort of like the proms little brother. I wore a teal tux and my friends called it the gumby look. Michelle looked really awesome too. Maggie took a cupcake and stuck it in my ear. She's a real bitch. Afterward, we went bowling till 2:00AM. After that me and Ed went to Roberts house and sat there playing Halo2 untill 5:00AM Aparently, everyone thinks me and Michelle are the cutest couple ever. They won't shut up, but its fun XD But really, she's the greatest( I love you Michelle) but thats really all. see you guys around ^^
-Colonel Mustang
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Friday, May 20, 2005
Man, I can't wait till tomorrow! It's the dinner dance! Its gonna be awesome! My tux is also the coolest lookin thing ever! Well, anyway, I was able to patch things up with Maggie, so that's off my mind. I cant wait to see Star Wars! I heard it was really good. We had to take a math test today. yeah^^.......i think i failed ^^;;;; but thats really all for now. I probably won't post till sunday or monday. till then, peace out!
-Colonel Mustang
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
everything's gettin better
Man, I gotta stay home another day from school because of this stupid strep throat. It doesn't hurt as much as it used to, but I do want to see my friends. Especially Michelle.
Anyway, a while ago I posted something about a big fight between Michelle and her friend Maggie. Well, remember that Maggie's my ex? She thought I asked Michelle out as revenge for her breaking up with me. Can you believe that?! I just thought she flat out hated me. I didn't know she thought it was for revenge. So yeah, I think I'm gettin somewhere with her. That's all for now. I'll post later if anything comes up.
-Colonel Mustang
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