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Sunday, September 9, 2007
We use to call it love - Motion City Soundtrack
hiya peeps long time no post i know anyway so lets see the big news is i'm up before 3 in the morning or was it was amazing but i was only up cuz i got a call from a girl because her bf (for a day) broke up with her so she needed someone to comfort her blah blah -_- needless to say i'm not good at that that early in the morning but i am funny*shrugs*oh well lol ^_^ anyway next i got a haircut so sadly i have a normal haircut again -_- for thoughs who dont know i use to have long bangs and short hair nows its all short (at lest until i grow it out long again) umm next i'm applying for jobs still might get one with a friend at a bbq resturant which would be cool since it closes at like 10 so i'd get to bed on time not at like 2 in the morning lol...umm oh i'm a senior now and my schedule roxz roxz ROXZ!! its the biggest blow off year of my life! woot...and finally i am seeing motion city soundtrack three days after by b-day woot woot! there my favorite band ever!! umm i guess thats it so heres a qoute for your time
Qoute of The Day
"Though the days of life are always rainy, remember when the storm clouds dissappear the beautiful flowers will always bloom" - unknown
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Friday, August 17, 2007
I want someone provacative and talkative but its so hard...
*MASSIVE YAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNN* GOOD MORNING everyone its early for me almost 10ish yep yep thats early for me so yeah just thought i'd post something for a change completely bored got my schedule for my senior year and not satisfied with it at all! but i can't complain (to lazy to) so lets see i think my school starts on the 27th or somewhere around there and i'm still not done with my english homework which hopefully i will be almost done at the end of the day!!! keyword hopefully if only i wasn't so easily distracted oh well ^_^ so yeah i guess thats is so i'll put a poem and a song AND and a qoute! wow i know impressive havent done that in a looooooooonnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg time!!
Poem of the Day
The Essenctial Tradegy
The essance of a tradgey,
is always cojming in 2nd place,
a social suicide,
is to fake a smile till you waste away,
just waste away,
behind a happy ploy,
leave all the words I wanted to say,
forgotten on the floor.
one moment to trip and fall,
one girl to steal my heard,
one single role for all,
and 2nd place is my part,
a black dress in a joyful place,
a fateful night to hold no ace.
Song of the Day
The Curse of Curves - Song
Cute Is What We Aim For - artist
I've got the gift of one liners
And you've got the curse of curves
And with this gift I compose words
And the question that comes forward
Are you perspiring from the irony
Or sweating to these lyrics
And this just in
You're a dead fit
But my wit won't allow it
The inside lingo had me at hello
And we go where the money goes
The inside lingo had me at hello
And we go where the money goes
I want someone provocative and talkative
But it's so hard when you're shallow as a shower
And from what I've heard with skin you'll win
Her bone structure screams
"Touch her! Touch her!"
And she's got the curse of curves
So with the combination of my gift with one liners
And my way
My way with words
It seems I'm too hip to keep tight lipped
And you're on the gossip team
You're making something out of nothing
And jealousy's the cousin, the cousin of greed
The inside lingo had me at hello
And we go where the money goes
The inside lingo had me at hello
And we go where the money goes
I want someone provocative and talkative
But it's so hard when you're shallow as a shower
And from what I've heard with skin you'll win
Her bone structure screams (I want someone)
"Touch her! Touch her!"
And she's got the curse, the curse of: (I want someone)
From what I've heard with skin you'll win
We All have teeth that can bite underneath
To where the reality grows
Yeah, that's where mine go
that's where mine go
We all have teeth that can bite underneath
To where the reality grows
Yeah that's where mine go
Where the reality grows:
From what I've heard with skin you'll win
And from what I've heard with skin you'll win
I want someone provocative and talkative
But it's so hard when you're shallow as a shower
And from what I've heard with skin you'll win
Her bone structure screams (I want someone)
"Touch her! Touch her!"
And she's got the curse, the curse of: (I want someone)
From what I've heard with skin you'll win
With skin you'll win
Skin you'll win
Qoute Of The Day
"Can a mother forget the baby at her brest and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands" Isaiah 49:15-16
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Its Time To Take The Power Back!
now only if i was awake it would be easier lol ok so its really early for me to be up so i decided to post lets see i've started to workout to get rid of my pudgeyness i can see it working in my legs so i'm happy um lets see today is my senior pics woot! senior year oh yeah!! still havent finished my homework for english class oh well i'll read during church or something lol oh well lets see idk i dont feel like putting a song of the day but i will do a qoute so yeah put first i promised someone i'd put up a new pic of me so here it is! 
NO LAUGHING!!! (and i know i look pissed but i was tired and wouldnt you look pissed if a camera was in your face?)
Qoute of the Day
"We went all the way to Dallas for a PIZZA HUT!!" me to my sister on the way to edgefest (a huge concert)
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007
One last thing i beg you please just before you go!
Yo peeps just thought i might need to update lol so yeah lets see didnt go to warp tour sadly but i did go to a concert in Houston, TX (which is like a 4 hour drive there and back!) it was AMAZING! but yeah i've been challenged by a friend to get into shape and lose weight and when she comes back from choir camp she's making me go walk with her but what she doesnt know is i'm gonna make her walk 5 miles just like i did in new york! HAHAHAHA but shes making me do crunchs as well and man -_- i havent done any "work out stuff" in like 2 years its so much harder than i remember lol oh well! ITS GOOD FOR ME WOOOOO! but speaking of school my school starts next month sometime which totally blows because i havent finish reading my summer reading assignment for ap-english -_- man...oh well if i read 5 chapters ever day next week (not including saturday and sunday) i'll have finished the book and i'll just have to write the questions.
The Song of The Day!!
Confession Part III - song
Straight Outta Lynwood - album
Weird Al Yankovic - Artist
Watch this
These are my confessions
Just when I thought I said all I could say I came up up with more secrets to tell you today
These are my confessions
Slip my mind the last two times
Silly me, so now I gotta give you part three of my confessions
First I told you about the skank that I was cheating with,then I mentioned she's having my kid
That's not all, now I recall more you see, so I'll give you part three of my confessions
Now this is gonna be the hardest thing I ever had to do,
Gonna tell you everything I left out of parts one and two
Like remember when I told you I knew Paulie Shore (Paulie Shore)
That's a lie, I don't know what I said that for
I borrowed your chapstick (from you)
I tried out your nose hair trimmer (too)
And by the way your diamond ring is cubic circonium,
I killed your goldfish accidently, just replaced it with another one
These are my confessions
Just when I thought I said all I could say I needed to get some things off my chest right away
These are my confessions
Slipped my mind the last two times, silly me, I guess I gotta give you part three of my confessions
I threw up on your dog last time I had too much to drink
There have been times when I've peed in your sink
Don't know why, but you and I should agree that belongs in part three of my confessions
Baby forgive me I'm still trying to figure out why I used your toothbrush to clean off the bathroom grought
Oh and sometimes in private, I really like to dress up as Shirley Temple and spank myself with a hockey stick (hockey stick)
My boss thinks I'm a jerk, I didn't get that raise.
I haven't changed my underwear in twenty-seven days!
And when I'm kissing you I fantasize you as a midget
I'm so sorry Debbi! I mean Bridget!
These are my confessions
Just when I thought I said all I could say I got a few more secrets I'd like to convey
These are my confessions
Slipped my mind the last two times, silly me, I guess I gotta give you part three of my confessions
Gave you buttered toast I dropped and then picked up off the floor
FYI it was not a cold sore
Ooops my bad, but you'll be madder at me when I finish part three of my confessions
You don't know how hard it is for me to tell you this, but remember that shirt that you got me for my birthday?
Well, I returned it for store credit. That thing was hideous, what were you thinking?
O and by the way, I wasn't really sick last week,
I just didn't wanna go to your stupid office picnic
Oh and when I told you at breakfast we were all out of rice krispies,
What I meant was that there was only enough left for me. Sorry.
These are my confessions
Just when I thought I said all I could say, I thought of some more things that should scare you away
These are my confessions
Slipped my mind the last two times, silly me, I guess I gotta give you part three of my confessions
Once I blew my nose and wiped it on your cat
And I lied, yes that dress makes you look fat
Anyway, I shouldn't say anymore 'til I give you part four of my confessions
Qoute of The Day
"Hideo Ho its Weasel Stomping day HipHip Hooray its Weasel Stomping Day!"- Weasel Stomping Day by Weird Al Yankovic
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Friday, July 13, 2007
As angry as i sound thats just the way i cover up the way i feel-Bayside
Yo peeps thanks for the warm welcome! never got around to that comment run cuz my dad wanted to use limewire -_- gezz the things a curse and a blessing in the same lol oh well ^_^...anyway whats up? so lets see i'm up at 7 something here which is a couple hours before my body wants to be up all thanks to my sis who lost her house key! so I had to get up to lock the door. umm..yeah i think that is so i guess its time for a question of the day!/song/qoute of the day!!! (I know your all excited!!)
Question of The Day!
If I don't go to warp tour saturday should i get the airsoft shotgun or the airsoft shotgun with the handgun and holster for the handgun?
Song of The Day!
Talking Of Michelangelo - Song
Sirens and Condolences - Album
Bayside - Artist
The sidewalk's cracked and dirty face
Is looking up from underneath my feet,
It's staring at the hallow, broken boy,
Who's lost and wandering these city streets,
And every night I wander here alone,
A night that we won't meet.
I wonder when.. when I'll finally understand,
Why time can wash away love like,
It was made of sand,
And it's wonderful
The pain that comes with regret,
Sometimes you have to see the beauty,
In all of this loneliness.
The streetlights flicker, and they fade,
Like every good intention that I've had,
And every face that passes through my mind,
And I'll be struggling with these same old dreams,
Until the concrete turns to sand,
And I'm swept up by the waves.
There's only so many chances that you get to do,
Something that's this important,
Now I'd rather sink than swim.
Sewer grates keep spitting up their steam,
Exhaling all the broken dreams I've flushed away.
And I wonder when, when I'll bow out,
Wash me away like I was made of sand,
And it's wonderful, it's wonderful.
Qoute of The Day!
V: Who? Who is but the form following the function of what, and what I am is a man in a mask!
...(jumping ahead in the scene)
V:Voilą! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.
The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.
Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.
(hahah i love that qoute and movie!)
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I'll start this broken heart i'll fix it up better than before!-Motion City Soundtrack
sooo honestly now who really noticed i was gone and who honestly missed me?...actually dont anwser thoughs o.O lol whats up homies! its been a long time but here I am back in the old groove of things its finally thick into summer and i'm so freakin bored still dont have a job but still need one! anyway how are the peeps on here? I hope all the ppl i havent commented on in a while are doing ok! so now i guess its time to make a comment run! havent done that in a while oh well! hope you peeps keep it kickin!
Song of the day! (wow i almost for about this!)
Choice Hops and Bottled Self-Esteem-Bayside
Last call, lights on
Pull your faces off the bar
Go to church cause you need a good cleansing
Of body mind and soul
I never thought it possible
I think I fell in love with someone worse than me
And I love you to death (love you to death)
I don't think I like you anymore
The healing power of alcohol
Only works on scrapes and nicks
And not on girls in seedy bars
Who drown themselves in it
They say that scent is the strongest sense
Its tied to memories (tied to memories)
The stench of this place is almost as bad
As the memory tied to it
Tried to forget that sickening stench
With everything I got (everything I got)
You can't trust a heart
That was cold from the start
Waste your time on it
The healing power of alcohol
Only works on scrapes and nicks
And not on girls in seedy bars
Who drown themselves in it
You could play all day
And tell your friends that everything's alright
The truth is that your heart collapsed two years ago tonight
Should thank your lucky stars
For all the times you've been ashamed
You'll learn more from the harder times
Then times that you've been vain
The lesson learned is priceless gain if you can take the sting
You threw away your friends as if drinks were all the friends you need
The healing power of alcohol
Only works on scrapes and nicks
And not on girls in seedy bars
Who drown themselves in it
You could play all day
And tell your friends that everything's alright
The truth is that your heart collapsed two years ago tonight
(The truth is that your heart collapsed two years ago tonight)
Qoute of the day (you completely forgot this didnt you ^_^ hahah well i didn't!)
"If then your entire body is illuminated, having no part dark, it will be wholly bright [with light], as when a lamp with its bright rays gives you light." Luke 11:36
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Tuesday, June 5, 2007
YO peeps whats up been a long time since i've been on just thought i'd stop by and update since i'm out of school for summer woot woot!lets see heres a list of my summer activites
Next week Art Trip to New York, New York
The rest of the summer Job searching/working blah
haning out with friends
and chillin
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YO peeps whats up been a long time since i've been on just thought i'd stop by and update since i'm out of school for summer woot woot!lets see heres a list of my summer activites
Next week Art Trip to New York, New York
The rest of the summer Job searching/working blah
haning out with friends
and chillin
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YO peeps whats up been a long time since i've been on just thought i'd stop by and update since i'm out of school for summer woot woot!lets see heres a list of my summer activites
Next week Art Trip to New York, New York
The rest of the summer Job searching/working blah
haning out with friends
and chillin
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Monday, April 23, 2007
Betty its so hard to relate to the whole humanrace-MCS
(inhale)I'm on fire and now i think i'm ready to bust-a-move check it our i'm rockin steady GO
(verse 1)
Betty wont stop listening to modern rock op she hates to be alone! I try to compensate her lack of love with coffee-cake ice cream and a bottle of ten dollar wine she says "i Rock the hardest" but "I rock the cowgirl blues","I rock to fast" "I'm footloose in my velcro shoes" "whats up with will and grace?" "I dont get drum and bass" "THE FUTURE FREAKS ME OUT!"
i'm on fire and now i think i'm ready to bust-a-move check it out i'm rocking steady to the beat in my head it goes oh ohoh oh i'd rather waste my time with her cuz we can get down.
(Verse 2)
Betty cant quit carving question marks in my wrist "how come were so alone?" we waste the days away with nicotine and television samples of an era we hate to admit we embrace we failed to represent we failed to be content we failed at everything we ever even tried to attempt and so the story goes its better than notes.
betty i need you, i miss you, i'm so alone without you to call up on the weekend with my cellular phone. Betty its hard to relate to the whole human race idk where begin idk where begin if we could both find a way to the thing we say we might not sit in our rooms and drink our day dreams away Betty i'm dreamer i'm not vicious schemer betty if you'd-oh fuck it
HIYA so yeah i just seranaded everyone with the MOTION CITY SOUNDTRACK song THE FUTURE FREAKS ME OUT! lol i love that song as you ppl can tell that band is my new theme sweet isnt it lol i know i know but anyway i'm doing good and all that hope you peeps are ttyl!
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