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Saturday, February 11, 2006
i don't like him.
What Naruto Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
i came out as him anyways. wierd but i guess i can agree with the result.
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Saturday, February 4, 2006
 Venus- Your Planet Venus relates to the matters of
love and romance, beauty and art. Love
itself is a powerful emotion. Playing with
love is like playing with fire. It is
important for you to know your inner Venus.
Venus represents affections' she tells you
about what you hold dear and describes your
social nature. Venus represents how you
express love, what you want, and what makes
you feel loved.
Artistic sense
Social activities
Sexual love
What planet are you? (anime pictures/girls) brought to you by Quizilla

Your Hidden Power Is Water
You have a rather calm soul, but when tempted
will get pissed off at those who bug you. You
do whatever you can in your powers to help
those of your allies and have a okay taste
for human kind, but you find them rather
annoying on occasions.
Gem Stone: Saphire, Eye Color:Ice
Blue,Hair Color:Dark Blue that's long
that goes to your waist.
Quote:If you wait for me
Then I'll come for you. Although I've travelled
far, I always hold a place for you
In my heart. If you think of me, If you miss me
once in a while, Then I'll return to you.
I'll return and fill that space in your heart
What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::. brought to you by Quizilla
 Your anime girl is dark. She doesn't have any
friends because she doesn't want any! You are
very smart and misunderstood. People hate you
for who you are, but maybe if they didn't
spend so much time hating you they'd see you
were just like them. Something in your past
really hurt you, it changed your life and
made you see a side of the world you'd never
thought exsisted. You could be alot nicer and
happier, if people only gave you the
What Anime girl resides in your soul? *with anime pics* brought to you by Quizilla
 People see you as a person with inner beauty. If
you have a boyfrined, he loves you very much
and will never do you wrong. You are kind of
shy but you do speak your mind when you feel
like it. People always smile at you and are
very kind. You treat others the same way you
treat yourself, with kindness. But troubles
in your past have changed you and your
family. You just keep moving along fine and
you'll have a happy life!
Who do people see you as? *awesome Anime pics and songs inculded with results!*__Updated__ brought to you by Quizilla

the inside you are a hurt person. You feel
like no one truely cares about you. And
something in your past made a major impact on
your life. Or maybe you just made a big
mistake and now you think your future is
ruined! But that is not true. You suffer
because people judge you before they really
know who you are, and that makes you very
hurt on the inside. It seems as though no one
understnads you, inculding your family. But
you do love your pets and probably have a
boyfriend. If not, boyfriends don't make the
world go round. You are a pretty person on
the inside, but it seems as though you can't
see that. Sometimes you feel like you want to
lay down and die, but you have your future
ahead of you! Don't forget that people care
about you! And all you need are a few huggs
and some encouragement!*gives hugg.*
Most people will get this result because no matter
how happy our lives are(we're all bleeding on
the inside)
Who are you on the inside?*Anime pics and music with results!* brought to you by Quizilla
confused and lonely.
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 Venus- Your Planet Venus relates to the matters of
love and romance, beauty and art. Love
itself is a powerful emotion. Playing with
love is like playing with fire. It is
important for you to know your inner Venus.
Venus represents affections' she tells you
about what you hold dear and describes your
social nature. Venus represents how you
express love, what you want, and what makes
you feel loved.
Artistic sense
Social activities
Sexual love
What planet are you? (anime pictures/girls) brought to you by Quizilla
Practically you can tell who i am if you see all these quizes but it'd be a bit confusing...
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 Venus- Your Planet Venus relates to the matters of
love and romance, beauty and art. Love
itself is a powerful emotion. Playing with
love is like playing with fire. It is
important for you to know your inner Venus.
Venus represents affections' she tells you
about what you hold dear and describes your
social nature. Venus represents how you
express love, what you want, and what makes
you feel loved.
Artistic sense
Social activities
Sexual love
What planet are you? (anime pictures/girls) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
oh. another thing...
The change in on of my quizes that i took is because of my change in life. i changed from my beauty lying in dreams it's now sadness... i can tell you that that change was because true life had just slapped me in the face and scarred me too... how many people change and in so little time and more problems too.... to tell you the truth, before high school i was just as naiive as a five-year-old... well, i'm getting the heng of dealing with it but dunno if i ever will... pm me if ya wanna talk...
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Just to let out.
Well, what i meant about there's more in me than that quiz i took is yeah i did lose someone very important to me and yes i took it hard... but i have this little (or should i say BIG) mind that also takes part to what is up with me... i'm not true whith my friends as much as i am with practically no one... i'm more of an open peoson to the people i talk to on the internet nd not from school. to be honest they don't know me as much as anyone in theotaku...
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size="2">You've come upon a
Rough Stretch. Can
you make it through? You've come upon hard times.
Things aren't looking so good
to you and your life has seem to collapse into a
downward spiral. You've lost
your way and can't seem to find the right path to
take. You are probably
depressed and feeling lonely as you've lost sight
of those who love you. You may
wander through this road with a few others like you
and are able to comfort them
as they comfort you, but it is not enough. You've
lost something, maybe someone
close, and with it you lost your faith in life.
You're probably confused and
unsure what to do next. But the way will become
clear eventually. It always
does. This stretch that lies before you seems
never-ending and not worth
traveling. But don't let yourself fall, you may
have stumbled upon this,
but pick yourself up as best you can and hold on to
that little bit of faith you
have. The road isn't as endless as it seems. All
things, good and bad must come
to and end. This too shall pass and you'll be
amazed at what good lay beyond it
if you just find the strength within yourself to
try and make it.
What Path Do You Take In Life? [X]For Guys and Gals! Pics and Lengthy Results.[X] brought to you by Quizilla
This is completely true but within me is alot more....
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Thanx for helping me with these damn avatars... i never seem to get how you put theae on...
that thanx is to Fire Apparition!!!
*_*... i am very bad with computer stuff...
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I haven't posted for a long time cause i haven't had much time and i foget when i do. so if anyone can help me out with any crazy computer stuff. pleazzzzzz help. i saw that ple got a radio blog on their site and if u kno how to do that pm me asap!!!!!
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Sunday, January 15, 2006
To be honest i find a little bit of myself in all of the possibilities of this quiz i had just taken.
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