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in hell.... or at least going there...
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u'll never know....
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i dont watch tv anymore... TT.TT
live life the way its given to me
drawing+ music+computer+videogames
drawing... thinking... playing ddr...being alone.. >.<
| RubyOfTheDead
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 05/30/06:
Result Posted on 04/15/06:
really... i can't keep my cool when ppl piss me off..... >.<
What would you look like?? Anime, like eveyone else...
 You are pretty calm, and don't show too emotion. You know how to keep your temper and like the cold, probably cause your elemant is ice, so it automatic that you like winter. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/15/06:
wut the hell does this mean...
Result Posted on 04/15/06:
really i think its true.. i do have many dark thoughts...
://"> You are a Dark lover. Love is not always a bright and happy thing, but you see the beauty in it being dark as night. You find romance and passion with those who can appreciate you more darkened out look on love. But be careful, if you give out the vibe that your heart is black and cold, you just might scare off your true love. Its okay to be dark, as long as you keep in mind that love has many different ways to be expressed. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/15/06:
i like this one!
What Kind of GIRLFRIEND are YOU? (with pics)
 You are a Locked-Up Girlfriend! You have locked yourself out of love, weather it be because you have experienced too many heartbreaks, or that you just dont want to. Whatever it is, you try not to love, and maybe even convince yourself to fall out of love. If a guy ever did find the lost key to your heart, he might not be able to open it.Quote: There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness. -Friedrich Nietzsche Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/15/06:
What's your ideal pet? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
 CAT! Meow... Elegant,with an own will. Cats are cool and they are independent. When they want to cuddle they come and if you want to, and the kitty won't, it will show you her claws. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/14/06:
i wanted to take the quiz jes b'cuz..
What kind of Boy are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
Result Posted on 02/23/06:
Result Posted on 01/15/06:
A change in a result is a change in me....
 I: Your Beauty lies
in Sadness. Lonely, depressed and feeling broken. For whatever reason, you see
this world only for the bad that it holds carrying the burdens of yourself and
others. Some people like to be with you and your unique vantage point when they
are down, you are someone who can sympathize with them. But you find yourself
alone again when they seem to find a solution and are happy again, yet you still
are stuck in this rut. Do not worry, you will make it out at some time. Everyone
does, if you try. When you are seen all others want to do is make your pain go
away, but that is something only you can do. You probably keep to yourself a lot
and don't like to let people in, afraid to be hurt again. You feel empty and
helpless and your looks reflect that, often seen with tears in your eyes.
Some Things
That Represent You:
Dark, Earth Animal: Robin Color: Grays, Blacks, Dark
Colors Song: Tourniquet by Evanescence Expression:
Tearful Frown
Aquamarine Mythological Creature: Spirit, Gargoyle Planet: Mercury Hair Color: Blue-Black Eye Color:
"Am I too lost to be saved?"
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::.. brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 01/15/06: