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myOtaku.com: Rufi

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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InsaneDemon (10/03/04)

HI ED! SUp? I like your site it is cool! Is it okay If i add u as a buddy? Pm me sometime!

ChibiIchigo (10/03/04)

HELLO! I as wonderting if you had any info on the kingdom hearts sequal? by the look of you site I was wondeing if you could tell me anything I aw the spoiler on thE FOIST GAME SO MAYBE YOU CAN TELL EM?

Kodoku Phoenix (10/03/04)

*bows* I love your site. I love Kingdom Hearts. Anyway just wandering around and snooping into peoples lives. Well I'll let you go.

Bai bai.


"Those who know nothing, understand nothing." ~KH

LEMONed (09/27/04)

Praise Davey you signed my guestbook again or I never would have been able to come to your site. My computer is just retarded that way... Wow you have the smae name as this girl I knew once. She had red hair and was a hacker and stuff. Anyway I'll just add you as a friend and get outta here.

ZaKuRaChe (09/18/04)

AHHH!!!!! thx Ed! u rock! love myotaku think...ish so pink pwetty *drool* oops...oh mushroom!

Number 5 (09/09/04)

howdy! i like ya site here! the theme looks nice! cute avatar! if ever you have time, please swing by my site and vote on my fanart ok? talk to ya laters!

~ #5 ~

katocool (09/05/04)

Hey there...just passing by...
You got a cool site...I like the effects you made it's really cool ^-^

So I hope I'm gonna see you at mi site someday and you can add me as a friend as well if you want...and I'll do the same for ya ^-^

Well then see ya around ^-^

hiei-chan (09/03/04)

Wazzup Ed!!!!!!!!!??????????
from Hiei-chan

Blonde Angel (09/01/04)

I like your site! Yaoi is greate! ^_~
I'll add you as a friend! Come to my site I think you'll like it! ^_^

Ja ne!

tabako o nomimas (08/23/04)

Komban wa. I have to say, my favorite character from Saiyuki would have to be Sanzo. You asked me how old my son was, and I say he's ten. Oh. Tabako o nomimas means smokes a cigarette. It's a habbit[obviously]. Well, I appreciate you signing my guestbook, and I'm going to add you as a freind. See you.

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