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myOtaku.com: Rufi

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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ShadowHimura13 (04/30/04)

Like your site, It's cool. I like Hacker Kite. Come by my site sometime. K. Hope you won't mind if i add u as friend. Ja ne

carolinekaiba (04/13/04)

i like your pictures of Saotome and Shuichi!!!! esp Shuichi!!!! (he's so cute!!)ooo i added u as a friend^_^

Anime (04/03/04)

I love your site, there's just something about it. It's very green(duh!).^__^ Anyway, I'll add you as a friend if you do the same for me. Hope to talk to ya later.^__^

shizuka (03/30/04)

i really like your site^^*dances to the music*so nice...well,see ya round!^^

Shadow Master (03/23/04)

Rufi It's me Swordmaster!
I'm starting a new accont.

Don't tell Ian!!! Seriously!!!! See you at ct tomorrow! bye!

Taleybo (03/22/04)

hi i like you and i dont know you but who cares! not me! thats for sure! ummm anyway i realy like your site its cool i play the flute too im not very good at playin' though '^.^ im like 10th chair outta like 12 so yeah ya pro'bly realized that i... uhh... i forgot i do that a lot ya know forget stuff just ask uzali if ya dont beleive me! shes put up with me ever since she moved here and thats been almost 4 years! *hugs imaginary uzali* she was my frist real friend will you be my friend? oh duh i forgot you said you added me already! im such a dunce! doy-ya! (my word for duh) anyways i do love to tk (talk) a lot! i just love tking! even if no one listens then i usualy do... usualy once i was standing in front of my mirrio (did i spell that right? oh and dont worry this is not too far off the subject) i was sposse'ta be cleanin' an' i was board so i was watching myself tk and i was tking in my high voice and was tking in hyper speed as usual and while watching my lips i got confused and i didnt uderstad what i was sayin' and as uzali says "its pertty sad when you have a misunderstading with yourself" but yeah oh and i also play the piano! i enjoy playing the piano- oooo i should stop tking and practice cuz my lesson is tomarro and i only practiced like 20 minutes in total when im sposs'ta have 100 so i guess ill see ya and oh yeah im adding you as a friend okays? okays!- what do ya mean not okays!? well miss-meanie-head if ya dont like just tell me okay that way ill stop bothering you!- oh.... you just ment that its okay not okays? well i feel like a total idiot! well thanks for correcting me! ,ED (thats sposse'ta be a pic of a person w/ a sweat bubble and if i could id put the hand behind the head) well um bye!
~Taleybo b^.^V (like my sig?)

DeadlyNightShade (03/21/04)

you like Zelda, you officially kick ass! ^__^ iam gonna add you as a friend, hope you add me as yours!

The Wanderer (03/20/04)

I really like your site. I just love Link. ^^ But apparently you change your site often so I wont see him for very long. Could you come visit my site? I'd really appreciate it. Oh! I'm going to add you as a friend, hope you don't mind.

~The Wanderer~

MewIchigo (03/08/04)

Hi! Thanks for signing my guestbook nya! I love your site! I added you as my friend nya! ^_^

stern642 (03/05/04)

Hey does naruto have his own theme if so can you tell me the url nice site im addin ya to my frends list

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