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Saturday, September 29, 2007

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I'm happy!!
ok so I been wanting to change my page, make it look
so I had post an "I need help post" (which I delete by accident *crying*) and to my wounderful surprice someone actually help and now thanks to Magnus Lensherr and I think my page looks better(well, I haven't really change many things yet XD)
but I wanted to post this and not only thank Magnus Lensherr but also give credit for the changes that my page might have.
well, I guess thats it for now.
Hope you are having an awesome day.
Take care.
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Saturday, September 15, 2007
Got Myspace?!!
I just got a myspace page, in case any of you have one and want to add me, so here is my address:
is brand new so I don't have much. well, hope somebody has a myspace.
I guess that's all for now,
take it easy.
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Thursday, September 13, 2007
so today I though of changing the back ground, and what other pic than Kyo from Fruits Basket!
Kyo is my favorite character he is so cool and HOT! :P
Oh yeah, I finally finish watching
Full Metal Alchemist!! Dude, I was like so sad *crying* when I saw the ending cuz they were separated, but then I saw the movie and I was happy and sad at the same time cuz they were reunited but left the world with all their friends :'( *crying* .....I can't stop crying
you know what I'm leaving cuz just of thinking makes me cry........:'(
take care....*sniff,sniff*
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Friday, September 7, 2007
So I got like tag.........
Tag you're it!
I have been tagged by Hellpyth.
The rules are:
1.Post these rules.
2.Each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves.
3.Tags should write journal/blog of these facts.
4.At the end of the post 8 more people are tagged and named.
5.Go to their page and leave a message telling them their tagged.
This is what I came up with......
1.I'm Mexican
2.I don't like spiders or bugs
3.I speak spanish
4.I like to stay home
5.I'm a quiet person, but once you get to know me there is no way to stop me :P
6.I love the color blue.
7.I really enjoy watching that 70's show and friends(I feel like my homies and I are pretty much like them)
8.I'm not a really big fan of video games.
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007
kimi ga nozomu eien (part 2)
So yeah, it looks like nobody has any idea of what this anime is. So I thought I should tell you where it comes from and all that good stuff.
The truth is that I have no idea. I found it by accident, but I have done some research and I know where it comes from :D
Well, according to what I found out it is an anime base on a video game title Rumbling Hearts and it only have 14 episode.
I guess thats pretty much it.take it easy :D
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Saturday, August 25, 2007
Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
WOW! I just finish watching Kimi ga Nozomu Eien I was really amaze with the whole thing but the ending was the most amazing part.....I like totally cry :'(
If you haven't seen it, I strongly recommen you see it. To my poit of view, is full of emotions that sometimes are hard to see and understand.
Is kind of hard to explain all that I some what feel right now after just watching the ending.
I guess all I can say is that is one of the most amazing animes I have seen.
Kimi ga Nozomu Eien has definitely touch my heart.
I hope you see it and let me know what you think about it ;).
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Friday, July 27, 2007
well, I'm not really sure what to say...LOL
anyhow, I open this account cuz my friend said it was cool and although I didn't thought so at the begining, well I came to realize that it is. there are a lot of people who share the same opinions and I think this is nice cuz it gives you the opportunity to make new friends. I really hope I get to know you and we can become 'otaku-friends' :P
well, that's pretty much all for now, hope you doing great, and have an awesome day :D
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