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to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.
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Guestbook Entries:
MikeDirnt (04/14/06)
Harle (08/08/04)
hey like your site
Demetre (07/27/04)
Hey, nice cactuar avatar,lol. very awesome. keep in touch!
pinsandneedles (07/27/04)
hiya there!^_^its me,nice site!i forgot what i was going to say,but ill think of it later!see ya!
Wings of Shadow (07/27/04)
Hello! Thank you for signing my g-book on your other account, but AOL won't let me sign your other account's g-book. :/ Sorry.
They're both really great sites, however. :D FF does rock.
animegirl52 (07/27/04)
hey thanks for aigning my guestbook