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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Hey guys. Hope you had a great v-day( Valentines Day). Mine sucked. Everyone got a girlfriend or cards. I didnt get anything...It sucked.. Im a loner at school. I dont have many people who care about me anymore. Its rough being 14. *Sigh* Man im bored. I aced my math test today, and my teacher switched my 3rd period to advanced math. LOL. Its ok now then before.
I feel really sad in the inside. Valentines day always brings me down because I dont get anything, not even a card. Its sad. I stand there and watch all my friends go on in life while I stand still in time. I just dont feel right about it. I feel sick in the inside and look ok on the outside. I serously need to talk about it more often then usual. Then there is this one girl i really like, but all we are right now is friends, thats never gonna change. Im never going to get a girlfriend in my entire life. Besides that im a little bit hurt in the inside. Im still ok.
Then I have a project due in a few days. That is what is stressing my out the most, Because im screwing up on it, and my mom is getting mad at me becuase I might have to repeat the 8th grade. I just have to learn how to deal with these kind of things and go with it.
Ill visit your sites later today after i go to school. Its like 12 at night here. I hope you guys have a great day.
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Saturday, February 4, 2006
Greatest Moment
Hey guys, I have seen the most amazing thing ever. And thanks to google video I can share the moment with you guys. These guys are freakin amazing, this 1 min and 25 sec video was taken in an arcade. I talked to one of them and they are gonna help me play DDR like them. I wanna show off this kind of stuff at Wild Waves at the end of the school year and play DDR with a huge croud around me watching and yelling and stuff. I know im still learning, but its gonna be worth it. This footage was from the security camera. Thanks to my friends with the hook up and got it on google. (Look at the guy at the left at the beginning of the video, thats the guy helping me)
And its almost been a year since I made my account here on the otaku. Im soo happy.
Im offically no longer a game addict, hurray for me, Besdies DDR ( My daily Stress Reliver) Its been quiet. Im just hanging out on the computer more often. Just a few more months until school is over and I get to go to high-school. As long as im almost done with high-school and get to the university, which by the way is more like a dream and what I have to do to complete my goals for half my life.
Im gonna do somemore changes around my site, and I'll be seeing you guys sites when the time is right and im not busy doing school work and shyt.
-RunningRiot Febuary: Saturday the 4th.
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
That time again
Hey guys, Its been a while since I last posted here. Im so tired. I havent had a week of good sleep. Im really bored back at home. I have been going to school and playing video games and stuff. I've been enjoying my day so much. I think im about to drop dead here. Im playing maplestory and counter strike and stuff. But mostly I have been thinking about all of the guys back here at the otaku. It's not that fun without posting my thoughs here and stuff.
At home and school I really havent been alone much. Im trying to keep this post short for time sake since its like 12 at night here and I have school soon. I started to play basketball and stuff. Im getting better. I made the best shot when me and my friends were playing a free game. I made a shot more than half-court. Freakin Sweet! Then I passed my math test with a "C". Good for me. Then I decided to start playing Maplestory even more so I dont have any free time besdies playing my xbox 360 all night like every day. And its getting sunny around my house, it used to rain alot. But now it's getting sunny and dry. Now I can walk home again. Thats about most of the good stuff happening this week, besdies the fact im getting an ipod. HURRAY! Even though I don't need it right now, I just want it so I can sell it to one of my friends for like fifty bucks or something.
I was playing my 360 online, and all of a sudden it froze. THAT SUCKED. It happened a few times when I called my friend to meet me online to play some games. Then im about to get a new game that im saving up for.
I have to go guys.
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Saturday, January 14, 2006
Hello Guys
Hey guys...I did some things to the site. Its kinda awsome. Im planning to make my site an outside site. This is the home page, and the rest is on the top of the page. The links to the other pages and ect. Its good.
Im playing videogames alot than usual. Its boring here. I just got xbox live and im about to start playing halo2 again online, Most likely that im gonna clown on people cuz they suck and have me yelling senselessly into my mic screaming swear words when im playing alone at my home. You guys might wanna watch my site for a while, its gonna be awsome. and soon, im gonna be #1 in the top member list. Im gonna have an awsome site.
This is so freakin funny, I have some things uploaded on my external site. Ill post the URL here, Just copy and paste. This guy is funny.
1.http://www.freewebs.com/mastariot/05%20Someone%20S#! t on the Coats.mp3
Very Funny Stuff.. This is the same post like yesterday if you wernt here, ignore this.
-RunningRiot Saturday January 14 2006 at 10:30 PM
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Sunday, January 1, 2006
Its the first day of the new year!!!!!1
Hey guys. Its the beginning of a new year for me. And this year im determined to get some of my goals started. Like the most important one...getting a girlfriend....Which i almost have one. She's very cute..^_^..I cant wait to see her again...
For those of you who didnt see my drawing yesterday, Here it is. i got it fixed. Its from .hack// dusk. hope you like it. Starting today, Im a n00b artist.lol. Ill see you guys later when i have the chance.
Have a great 2006. ^_^.
Man shes kawaii(cute). I wish she was real.

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Saturday, December 31, 2005
Its The end of the year.
Hey guys. Its the 31st. Its new year eve! Hurray!! Freakin Awsome! I can't belive 1 entire year just passed by. I know you guys have big things planned. Same here. Stay up all night watching Love Hina dvd's. And Some new anime I got. Its soo funny. Some kid, Named Taro.(Near my age 14) has to move to tokyo to live with his rich grandfather because his parents die. WHen he gets there, he gets all of his grandfathers assests,(all of his stuff, money, house ect.) And he gets to live in a mansion, filled with thousands of maids. Cute ones too.^_^. And the thing is, he's afarid of girls. But only one of the girls is the only one who calms down taro. And he has to live his life like this. Its awsome! AWSOME!!
I finally finished my drawing..it took me a while. I had to use soo many computer programs to help color my drawing. I think some of you guys dont know this series. its ".hack// dusk". It took soo long, I have more, but I can't find them right now, soo Ill be back later with the rest, Hopefully by the end of tonight
-MastaRiot, 12:00 PM, Saturday 31, December

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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Hey Guys, Im back after Christmas, Im soo lucky. A long time ago, I said I had the xbox 360...I lied...lol....sry. Anyway, I got it fer Christmas, I was sooo excited, I had my friend over too, we stayed up all night playing call of duty 2 and PDZ(Perfect Dark Zero). The Games look freakin gewd! Anyway, I got sick from staying up all night on christmas, I opened my presents at midnight, exactly at 12:00 AM on the 25th.
Yeah....im kinda sad right now, I mean, my christmas rocked and stuff, but some of the things I wanted I didnt get, I could just buy it with my own money anyway. I got bored with my site and decided to go for the old look, no wall paper and stuff, I downgraded. LOL. I've been playing my Xbox 360 all day. Im tired right now. Im gonna sleep in a little right now, ill see you guys in a day or two.
PS: I think I have a sleeping disorder.
PPS: Ill be back in one day, im gonna sleep in.
-RunningRiot, 12:30 AM, Tuesday December 27.
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Hey guys. IM back again, and its almost christmas, cant wait, im just gonna chill..ill back in a few days, im busy over here since christmas is almost here, cant wait! LATER! ^_^
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
Back Again
It's Good to be back again. I've been gone so long, Im so busy back at home, it hasn't snowed yet, and that sucks. You guys are having the best Christmas every eh? Mines kinda starting to suck, not many presents this year. I don't mind though. I'm having troubles with my site and the backround, I can't get my wallpaper to be my backround so my text is just on the picture, I'm really in the chirstmas spirt this year. I have all my friends gifts, most of em. And I'm starting to enjoy today, since this is the first saturday in 2 weeks I will not have any school. Awsome! Ok...Fun time over...its time to sing songs and get under the missle toe,(sweet) and I hope you all have a great christmas this year! Laterz!
Happy Holidays! My Maplestory Christmas Greetings!

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Sunday, December 4, 2005
Hey Guys, Its been a while since i been on, Im kinda busy right now, but i can talk to a while.
Im Bored, im hungry, my head itches, and i think i should kill the egg on my site, o wait, God murdered my egg already! HOLY SHIT!! ITS CRACKED!!! NOOOO!!
Im playing my PSp alot, im gonna play it now, o, and one thing, MY BIRTHDAY IS IN A FEW DAYS!!!!
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