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In a galxy far far away where Cew-chan and obi one live
Member Since
Nerd Otaku School girl
Real Name
The Great and Powerful Reanef the V!ummm.... FEAR ME!*giggels*:::thumbs up twards Eclipse::::^-^
I've become a complete and total loser!! L7 weenie all the way calloway!!!
Anime Fan Since
3rd grade(bebop)
Favorite Anime
::scraches head::: too many to count ^^;;
to become an animator or manga-ka
Annoying people,Being scaractic,slaping pervs,being a perv,reading and writing fanfics(most lemony yaoi),etc
Many...Would you like to find out? ^.~
| Ruri Illuser

this page is dormant if you would like to contact me please message me threw one of the following contacts
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
I'd like to see a little girlie in lolita dress kick mai vice Princible in da nuts . . .lol
So . . .
I just saw a grown femmie emo kid
Roll over, play dead,and chase his tail
for chocolate . .
it twas amusing
Any who
I'm in skool
Mai hair is uber frizzy
and I look really gurlie today
and I need to re dye mai hair
And I miss mai kieko
This weekend I found mai Kurama
action figure and made him in to a peace activicst(sp)
What else,
today at the lunch table
we talked abou8t getting punched or kicked in da nuts
Cuz this guy I know, he said mai favorite band,Dir en grey,sounded like screaching cats . . .so he gotz a fist to da nuts . . .
I was PMSn'
and solly-chan just gotz"a giant mans dick" aka a elair
And YAYs I gotz a cut and a cookie~!
he be mai muffin man you but with cookies~!
well I'm gonna go eat mai cookie and getz sum water and makea b-day card fer mai bro's firend and mai idol from when I was a freshman Marry~!!
Take care,
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Sunday, February 18, 2007
Dancing threw sunday . . .
Sunday is always dull for me. . .
I see it very much so as the litteral
"Day of Rest"
I have to go home soon,
I'm at mai grandma's house as usual.

I had a very odd dream . . .
I was in love with a blonde rich man and Paris Hilton *shivers* was there and she died, YAYS, anyway and it was really odd and there was a girl with dead eyes and orange hair that drowned and was haunting me .. . .
kreepy kids.. . .
Take care,
(0) |
. . .long time no see
Hey all~!
How is everyone ?
Probably no one but Kieko will see this . .
thats kinda sad cuz I used to have so many friends on here and now they're all a plesant faded memory that I frequent upon. . .
Ummm lets see. . .
I've been okay,
saw dir en grey for the second time and kyo was pure sex on a stick in its most rawest form . . .
Sick for yet another Valentines day~Hooray for singeling out just one day of the year that you should show love when you SO TOTTALLY can't show it any other day other the year . . . . . . . no never
What else. . .while I was sick I found the 10th kingdom . . dose any one remeber it?
Well I only found tape one and it gose up to the part where the huntsmen catches vergina and Wolfie-kun(::::insert fangurl squeel::::) and Tony to go to save her . . .
I might buy it off of best buy fer 14 munies . . .
well. . .
I'm still kinda sick so . . .
I'm gonna head off . . .
take care,
(2) |
Sunday, April 2, 2006
I have to pee.....
This week I can't stand it....
Sakuya isn't with me and when I talk to him I just imagin what he is really thining~
I went to the hospital~
fter about 2 houre of poking at me they tell me I have pre daiabeaties~
My dog ran away and my mom made me go look hor her when I had lerigitus~
People like fucking with my head and I cna't stand it and they exspect me to trust them after what I've been therough.............
I don't know if I can handle living much longer becuase my life just keep sucking
every minute it get worse~
The pain in my stomach~
The cuts in my thorught~
my ringer aching from typing~
Getting light headed
Confused too easelly~
I wonder if when I die will I just be sitting at a window watching the rain fall in a garden full of nothingness~~
...........I think that would be my heaven
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Sunday, January 22, 2006
long time not MyO
Howdy everyone~~!
How are you guys! I'm sorry I haven't been back here in ages. MySpace is one hell of a disaese. I heard Aj-kun left MyO and so I disided to post in that matter. Some how stating that i have not forgotten my orgienal home. I miss the good old day when i'd come on here every saturday and talk about my friday night and week. lately i've been depressed and i've been see a psycitrist to help me deal with my problems which she just makes me more on the edge. I even wrote an "If i am commited" note......that how nervous beside the fact that I was shaking in excess and talked way too much and way too fast.
I've been trying to draw too. I've also lost my anime roots. I've hardly watched any lately. I wanna watch trus me but voice overs are bad and CN messes them up and just don't have the time. I guess you could say that i'm growing up, sadly enuff. But the fact is I don't want to grow up~! I sound like something outta bad disney movie thats also part of a titel to a Myv song but come on...Do you ever wanna grow up? I wish I was 4 agian so everythuing could be somewhat simple.
Well as the clock changes, I do too. I dyed my hair pink again and cut it to a mullut like style and have become do you say....cofusing and jugemantal....yet people say I'm slick like that.....go figure.....yeah.....Well thats all for now.
Take care,
(1) |
Sunday, November 20, 2005
I love eggs! the musical!
Howdy all!
How is everyone.....yeah I've cheered up alot from the last time I posted. I made alotta new pics of my slef fer MySpace but was un able to post them! ( If anyone has a MySpace plz add me as a friend!~ and yeah what else....I saw the new Harry Potter movie! It was way better than the other ones! I wanna see it agian! I love Professor Snape! Hes so kool and everyone always thinks hes that bad guy when hes not ....any way....Thanks givin is this week and my grandmother is already forcing me to eat turkey Xl I only like turkey once in a while....and on weds. I have abloody dentist apointment! I HATE MY DENTSIST!!! there all soo mean.*crys* what if they get too pissed while talking to the receptionist about having the wrong tile in their kitchen and WHAM! He cuts my gums and I'm purmantly damged fer life!? Huh? No one thought of that....stupid wigger dentists....
And I went to a pool hall the other night and my friends dad was flirting with me *shivers in discust* and he also slamed my middel finger in the door and I kept going on about how he did it so I could have a chance to flip him off. LOL I was like " If its broken *sticks up middel finger* I'm suing your ass!" LMAO
I gotta go now.....I'm trying to finish reading Mars by the end of the month TT_TT I'm ojnly on vol.7! I have to get them back to my frined too. Well thats all fer now.
Take care,
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