Ruri Illuser
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Sunday, November 13, 2005
"But ever dream has its time to die."
Cape of Storms by Hyde
Howdy all. Been depressed lately. I broke up with Pheonix cuz he was a a discusting guy. yeah better not go in to deatil and Ray's a duche bag too. but yeah how was everyone?
I'm okay but still iffy.....yeah....well thats all for now.
Take care,
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Sunday, November 6, 2005
"Where are you bad boy?"
Lonely in Gorgeous by Tommy Febuary 6
Hey all! Yays fer two consecutive posts! Well eah rays a duche bag and all that jazz...yeah....but I got a new boyfriend!! YAYS!! *throw confettie* I'm happy! He makes me happy! Hes about 20, super Kawaii!, kind, funny and acts like a 3 yr old ( I sware!!)
But yeah my bf is Pheonix from the past posts...^^;;;
Pheonix woke me up around 10:30 this mring and I wasn't that much of a happy camper and I started to pain and I did some finger paints and painted with eyelyiner. And than I took a nap and went to Stef's house with megan and we some what watched the exorisit. And Pheonix called twice and started to complian that he was sick and couldn't sleep. So tommarow ( Sunday) I am going over there to take care of him for a few hours. yeah...&"//^-^//"& he so cute he makes me blush so much you can see it threw my face powder..... but yeah, hes under my MySpace friend as "Freak" if anyone wants to check it out...
Yeah go GW yaoi fanfiction! WOOT! and hat else I just was a whole bunch of fucked up flash vids lol!! New grounds is awsome!Well thahts all for now!
Take care,
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Sunday, October 30, 2005
Will theMedical Waste man!
Howdy all!
Long time no talk,ne? I'm really sorry I've been busy for a long time now and yeah I'm piss ass tired but hell I love you guys the people that come to my site and read about my everyday abnormal sick sad life..yeah...thanks and I love ya!
Anyway yeahI just got home from my Daughter Steff's Halloween party! It was awsome! We played with candels! Watched "The Craft" and a whole bunch of other things like this love spell thingy with an apple and it came out to be the initals of the dude that has a crush on me thats 20 something and has a kid and is with the Latin Kings.....yeah ^^;;;; and is my lil emo vampire (no offence)'s best friend~! Is that flacking wonderful!??!?!?!?!?!? ~I hate my life~
Anyway Dir en grey came out wiht a new singel called "Clever Sleazoid" and I saw a lil bit of the PV and its wonderful! Well at laeast I like meets da Dir en grey standars...
Well.....My hair is still blue, my mom still looks like Hyde from the "Ever Green" PV and yeah my grandma wrote the goverment about underage smoking and all that Jazz and she left the letter that she got back right next to my hair brush in the bathroom so she know I'd see it...and I wasn't in a good mood when I got home b/c I had to hear her bitch about misley lil things and I picked up the letter and Walked right up to her and held it anfd glared ata her.....all she did was really pissed me off.....I tared it up and said,"Its my problem not yours, so forget about it. Don't try and help."
She started to get up set and said,"Well your problems are my problems." and I told her,"No there not." and she replied, "Ell if your problems aren't my problems then I guess I don't have to wash you clothes." And I said," Fine let me smell. I wouldn't really care if they called me smelly in skool." and she just stomped off and so did I. Yeah I had a mini break down in the bathroom. I stared to cryt and I was like," I don't want you to care for me cuz I don't want you to get upset. I want some body, Sakuya**, to love me. Sakuya? I don't mean him, but what about Dan (da latin King dude that I'm starting to like back) but I say Sakuya cuz he is the only one that loved me. That wanted to kiss me, that wanted to hold me, that wanted to touch me."
Yeah I'm just fucked up mentally and most people hate me for no reson and that is why I am the way I am to day. And no guys hardly ever like me....Like the last dude I liked ended likeing one of my best frinds and she liked him back and Meg asked me ,"Are you okay that they both like eachother?" I said yes of course so they would know anything. And I just made up a whole bunch of carp. and just I like someone and they like me only as afriend and use me to get to my best friends...thats how I basically see it.
WIth Dan I think hes just desperate and just wants some ass and I don't really know. I'm about to cry and I'm just so fucking confused. I can't stand my life anymore and all that Jazz.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Halloween!
Take care,
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
Its so cold.........
Howdy All!
Sorry for no post last week...I was enteraining the monkeys...This weeks was kosher I guess....I took my crappy digetal cmaera to skool and sudeenly the pics are gone on it. What else...I danced in the rain at the mall on friday. I downladed Kagrra PVs and I'm talking to Seiji-kun right now. I got Angel Cage, the angel sanctuary art book, Angel Sanctuary vol 10, Sugar Sugar Rune, Death note and this other manga this weekend. And Paradise Kiss TV is comming out soon...and now me and Seiji-kun are having an argu ment over who's boobs are real or fake.......And now........I'm trying to get baccon pizza from my grandma.....GIMME RICE OR GIMME DEATH!
I'll give you niether and in nstead some poems I did for the changing ness in to Fall....
~~Autum's Syphony~~
The melody of the wind breaks through my thoughts
The leaves dance to the bitter sweating tune
As the seasons change the symphony keeps playing
Dancing in the leaves in cold mid day
Sing the song that I wish would play
To dance to the tune
I wish you where here too
Swinging around as the melody aroused
“Oh dance with me my child of night!
OhCome dance with me till the sun shine bright!
Sing me a song of the tears of trust
Oh come give me homage as I seek dusk!”
Collapsed to the ground with a wicked smile
The laughter pours out like the fountain of youth
The tears come as I fall back and gaze at the trees
“Oh darling come be with me!”
Dance in the night
Within the moon’s haze
Dance with your shadow
You’re not in a cage
Feel free and dance in the night
Just dance with me!
Just for tonight!
The owl plays the beautiful song
As the stars bow to the moon
The stars twirl around
And they won’t just stop too soon!
The crickets join in on the joyous melody
The moon laughs as the stars dance gallantly!

Take care,
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Saturday, September 24, 2005
"Untill the limit of sorrow,even if you embrace another, you will nver be able to become one. If you are touched deep within, it brings pain, not kindness."
Loveless opening theme
Hi everyone....I'm in the prosses of trying to revamp my site. I can't find any place to host my welcome banner. Right now I'm trying this really preppy looking place. And yays it worked!
Thats like the best thing to happen to me today.
I'm home sick and depressed and I hope a scertain someone is in Jail right now where he belongs.I ache allover. I gave one of my friends really good advice on a realtion ship problem and you wanna know what he said? " Wow your ALOT smartter than you I thought you were a real retard but I guess your not..." What a fucking asshole! I sware...Don't even make me go ther with how he looks.....oh grr...I'm all upset again..... I really need some counceling....but anyway....
I finished Loevless today. It was awsome....Soubi is so shmex!
I also got some stupid chain mail today....
I really dislike chain mail...
I better be getting off its like 2:30...
Take care,
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Thursday, September 22, 2005
Damn double shot expressos.....
Howdy all!!!!
*Hugs* I missed you all so very much....
I'm sooo sorry that i haven't posted in like forever....Just myintenet was down and shit and my CrapMac died( RIP CrapMac Rip *sheads tear*)Yeah but my lil Miwako is up ( I named the comp I made Miwako cuz I was reading Para Kiss when I was buliding it)
How was everyone's past Month or so....?
I've been stuck wit Ray the Oompa Lumpa...and I am no longer firends with him....My bro's ex yelled at him for taking advantage o me and using me and getting me almost arrested....yeah alotta shit went down with him and He just used me and broke my heart and the thing is to is he knew I basically loved him so he used that to his advantage...and most ppl think " You...being taken advatage of....impossible" Well it is possible.....and I hate to admit that.... But its soooo good to be back at MyO! Myspace just ain't home....(yes that soucial retardation known as MySpace has sucked me in fer a while)
How dose everyone Like my new do on the site>?
Current events....ummmm...I'm sick right now and the hot ache-y feeling that you get when ypur sick is just kicking in.....and tommrrows the mall and i don't think I'll go....and that sucks...well thats all fer now TTUL!
Take care,
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Friday, September 2, 2005
Boku wa kimi no wa Vanilla!
Howdy all! Sry for no post in so lon. My crap mac has been acting up. I'm over Jens house now....I'm kinda tired but I don't care and I bet you don't either.....
WHat else I got my second pay check in and I've come to hate this dude that I liked .....he used my firend and anoyed the shit outta meh. He was a short goth man and it took him 3 days to braid my hair......Also when I was trying to sleep he stood over me and was staring at me and when I woke up I kicked him and told him to go away and he started asking me stupid shit:
"WHy is your leg ahning out?"
"Cuz I'm wearing a skirt"
"Why is your nose so small?"
"Because DNA sucks like that"
Then he starts picking my nose and ears and tickleling me while I tell him I don't feel well and I'm trying to sleep............Oh guess how old he is?
..........19 and the size of an oopaluma....and maddy don't tell him I posted bout him'kay?
What else....skools over but then its starting back up again...And my back hurt like a mother fucker....Well malls tommarrow...
Take care,
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Bitter Sweet 16~!
Hey guys! Sorry long time no post! I've just been really busy with skool and other shiz.... I hate Edison, NJ so much and the (no offence) the mexicans that live next to me. Yeah....I'm in skool right now and being pay fer it! yeah man $20 a day about! and a free comp! Woot! And Ms. Sarah has to take a pee and she wants to see her beloved Mac man Alexandar. And I have a new corrset on wit a Trigun hoodie over it. Woot! I got Vash the Stampeed on my right boob. And now Ms. Sarah wants to shove a green whire thingy up some geetto guys butt named mike and shes asking me if it would hurt...? I don't know now everyone think of you as this getto man and would it hurt to have this whire :::holds up green whire thingy::: shoved UP your ass...well now shes telling me its a streched out paper-clip and getting droolon my new hoodie. Okay that ain't true but still shes like.....sniffing my hoodie....
Smell that Trigun...
But yeah last Fri was boobs poped out of my corset at the mall and I had ppl sign them. And I got that new .hack// AI buster Novel and I'm like adictied...
Well thats all fer now!
Take care,
Ruri-chan her crazy side kick Shadow Rose (Sarah)
Ps-I have an account at LOOK LOOK Mag. Check it out!
Pss- Mikes a loser
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Monday, July 18, 2005
Chewing Gum is really grose! Chewing Gum I hate the most!
Johnny Depp
"Charlie and the chocolate factory"
Howdy all! Sorry no post last week. my comp has power issues. I started summer skool. this week is my first full week. I'll be $180 richer by friday! YAYes fer me! I saw Charlie and the Chocolate factory this weekend! It was soooooooo Falking awsome! I'm at the mall right now!! I'm about to see Dark water. I hard all bad things about it but I don't care its something to do. I'm here with my friend that has been pestering me to hang out with him -_- hes sssssssooooooo anoying. We had to fight of what movie to see when I was paying for the tickets. I just got FLCL vol. 1 manga for sale at Suncoast. I really wanna read it. Oh! latest new. I mbroke up with my bf, Dave. He chaeted on my with a fat lil 13 yr old (no offence to any one I'm chubby TT_TT) Well... I think i'll go for now.
Shojo Beat issue 2 comes out tommarrow! (Cain is sooo shmex, Nana is awsome, and Absolute BF is hilarious! Night X _____(insert fan girls name) and its wonderful!)
Take care,
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
Howdy all!
Sorry for no post in a long ass time!:::bows:::: I have to make it qucik and quiet. My uncel from CA is over and he knows japanese so I can't listen to my music.Dosen't that suck! Well I got shojo beat! Yays fer me! I also got Red River vol 5 and 6 , Naruto vol 1 , Doll vol 1, Legual Drug vol 3, Alchino vol 2, etc. Oh I alos got myself a new boyfriend! yay! His name is Dave. He kinda likes anime, is a complete metal head, and super sweet! ^_^ I'm starting a new skool tomarrow. Its the comp class I was telling you guys about before. And Also theres a FMA conest going on! Write 100 words or less about how you enjoy FMA! The grand prize winner win a trip for theself and a guest to Japan(5 day/3 nite) ! $1000 spending money, $250 for your guest, $250 for Hot Topic and Tickets to see L'Arc~en~Ciel in Tokyo Dome!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! L'ARC~EN~CIEL !!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHY I'M DEAD SET ON WINNING!!!! LOL ::::calms down and looks around like an idiot:::: *scratches head* What? .....So....its a plus that the money comes with it......I just want to see L'Arc in consert! Hyde-sama and Ken- sama are sexy........Well thats all for now! Wish me luck!
Take care,
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