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In a galxy far far away where Cew-chan and obi one live
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Nerd Otaku School girl
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The Great and Powerful Reanef the V!ummm.... FEAR ME!*giggels*:::thumbs up twards Eclipse::::^-^
I've become a complete and total loser!! L7 weenie all the way calloway!!!
Anime Fan Since
3rd grade(bebop)
Favorite Anime
::scraches head::: too many to count ^^;;
to become an animator or manga-ka
Annoying people,Being scaractic,slaping pervs,being a perv,reading and writing fanfics(most lemony yaoi),etc
Many...Would you like to find out? ^.~
| Ruri Illuser
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Saturday, August 7, 2004
Kitchen uetencels fall from the sky!! or is that just in my house?
Its such a mess at my house. I hardly slept there at all this week. and when I did things feel on pants got fuzzy( I only wear black practicly) But my mommy stcked up on junk food so I'm okay. And yesterday i was a dude that looked like tetsu with a tan from L'Arc~en~Ciel:::mouth strats to drool:::: *Toboe from Wolfs Rain walks up*
Toboe-Ummm Ruri.....your drooling at nothing::hands her hankerchife:::
Me-:::turns:::TOBOE!!*nose bleeds* What are you doing here?
Toboe-Now your nose is bleeding but the drooling contnues....::whipes her nose:: Thats alittle better I guess...Oh I'm here cuz i heard someone yell and I'm guessing it was you.
Me-uh yeah ^^;;;
Anyway back to my story I saw a dude drive by me that looked like Tetsu with a tan and he was blasting Track # 2 on Laruku's smile slbum, "READY STEADY GO!". I strarted to run after the car and then later i saw him at the mall and I was thinkinmg of following him back to his car and jumping him for the CD but thats just me and all.
Toboe-that was interesting...
Toboe-::;screatches head:::no not really ^^;;;;
Me-Oh well... and I'm marryied to Sanzo now...ahahahaha Nell I got the ring first XP
Toboe-:::turns around::: Then I guess you don't need me here...
Me-No No thats not it! I still love you Toboe too!
Me-YEAH! :::glopms him:::
Well thats all for now...take care!
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Wednesday, August 4, 2004
Today i like heaven.....everything on the site loaded or at least it did on my comp
Hi All!!! It about 3:43pm and I just woke up from going to be at 8 am! I'm making birhtday inviets(sp) and the comp keeps freezing. Gyah. I was yelling at my comp threatning to kick it it but then I huged it and said i loved it too much. Yes I am one of a kinda lke Nell says. Also Jen, stop telling me my bishis are some where in my house. And fyi to other readers this is how it gose. Jen IMs me say reandom things like "Ken rom L'Arc is in your shed. Kurama is in your garbage can.Setsuna is upstairs in your room. Aya Ran is in your fridge. etc" (she said all of these last night. T-T ) And me being me and all I go run to the places yelling out the Bishis name. And I've become acustum to checking my washing machine and dryer for Hyde and Gackt. ALso the bishis from Saiyuki are suposedly living in my closet. Takanori from TMR is in my tree out side my house and Joe Haun from LP lives under my pillow. So jen its not all fun and stop doing it to me yu bitch.
i g2g,
take care,
and jen stop doing that.
Ps-its 6 more days till my bday and what are my beloved friends getting me?
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Monday, August 2, 2004
I'm Hyper!;;;pops out in Gaiden Saiyuki Son goku outfit from when he was in heaven::::
I'm getting chines food! YAY!! Dumplings!! Rice thats not evil! YAY! Oh Hide I don't think I should get you those things cuz your mom really scares me >.< she seriously dose. I'm sorry I hope you can still love your mommmy Aya. Oh and Ancient feet of doom and destruction and food instruction.
Anyway I think I broke my left pointer finger and busted my knees while moving furneture. Please send help!:::::holds up a sign that says" HYDE SLEEP WITH ME TO NIGHT PLEASE !! IT'll BE FUN!":::::::: *looks at sign* OH crap *sweat drops* i mean.....oppse oh cripes. Wrong side. *mumbles* That side was for L'Arc~en~Ciel's consert on Sat but nooooooo i couldn't go....."ITs too far" "I'm leaving on the 3rd of Aug not July 31" "AHH HELp shes gonna spoon me! AHHH" bitches...*Yells* YOU HAVE NOT HEARD THE END OF MY WRATH STEVEN!!! yOU WILL PAY FOR NOT LEAVING EARLYER AND PUSHING ME IN TO THE POOL NOT EVEN 3 FT DEEP!!! bASTARD!!*speaks normaly* ahem.....oh:::flips sign to back and it says," We need more dumplings":::: *loos at sign again* Damn it. :::takes out markers and papers and sits on the floor like a lil kid::: Pizza Poket, Kurry Kurtus and Madeame Bean Paste! :::writes on paper:: (8p)Here we go!:::holds up sign saying,"Needs more heath care aka needs imergency room" and there doodels on the bottom and peeks out from the top of the sign::::: This is right, right?
AyaRan-*sigh* yes ruri yes
Me-YAY!!! Aya, are you proud of me?
AyaRan-:::pats her on the head::: I guess.
AYARAN-*glares at ruri* I NEVER said that....
Me-:::puts down sign:::*tears in eye* whaa Ran-chan dosen't love me*theres marker all over her arms and face*
AYARAN-*lifts her chin* look at you....your a mess....fithly...*smirk* lets go take a bath...okay?
Me-umm...uhh*blood busrt from her nose* sure...
I gotta stop writn now cuz I gotta go take a bath with AyaRan! YAY!
Well have fun with your week!
Take Care!
*glomps Aya* ILove you aya! YAYAYAYAY!!
AYARAN-Get off of me...-.-
Me-:::runs in circels around him as he walks and yell randommthings::
Ps-Its 8 more days till my birthday ppl who love in NJ that are me friends....What cha gettin me for me birthday!
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Sunday, August 1, 2004
 your jrock alter ego is - klaha!
who is your jrock alter ego? brought to you by Quizilla
I don't get it I pick most of the answers that had the girlness in them What Personality Do You Have?
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::::crys histerically::::: I Didn't go to the L'Arc~en~Ciel consert!! Wahhh!
As the suject says I didn't go but anyone who did must send pics to me! ANyway life this week was "fun" heheheheh my mom found my cig butts and went threw my crap. She wants to see my biography that i made of myself. I acsidently left a cig butt in the toilet and forgot to flush it anad my grandfather saw it. I had to moe the law and all I got was a mesiely $20. I got into a fight cuz I told one of my friends I was trying to meet a 27 yr old friend that is a guy. The movie "the Village" sucks ballz. And my friends mom yelled at me cuz I wanted to buy her a gift. Yeah her mom was very rude and I felt disrespected. And my back hurts( i have sciliousus) cuz me and Nell were play fightn the other day. And then the big fude w/ me mom.
I g2g the Jpop raoido is calling for my soul!
Take care!
Ps-PPL that are my friend more over the friends that live in NJ.You know the question.......

Lets play Hide and Seek! LOL
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Sunday, July 25, 2004
I've gone crazy like Gackt has in the pic below!

Hooray to my insanity! I think I'm gonna go to Tokyo and go on the 20th floor of every high rise and play Din-dong-Dich until I find Hyde or Gackt. Okay I'm crazy. I must become like the people in the Juciefurit gum comericals and blend in to the most unsispectable things....:::runs into te next room::: *The door slams open and you see a plant* I've become a plant that way no one can reconise me. But what if I get peed on by a cat or dog. I've had both those things hapen before. Damn memeories of Christmass morning and Naffe that stupid bell wanna be.
Do the Maitrix!:::pops out of plant in a trench coat and starts dancing like GRR from Jen's site:::: Whos the house plant?!? Hu Huh Hu Huh!!
The wonder full cheeze that gose into the oven! The classic lazania!
:::looks in living room::: What the fucking is my grandmother watching:::
*the thing I wrote about the cheeze was what was being said on TV*
I gotta go raid my local Path mark for all there gingerae and rainbow sherbert icecream.
Take care and do the Maitrix dance Like Gackt and Grr! W00t!
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~ No smoking ~ No Parking ~ No Fucking ~ Sleep depirved crazyness
MelshuDou22: ::::starts to dance in banna costume and starts to sing "Kill me Shining"::::::
BluAngel129: yay
BluAngel129: having fun?
MelshuDou22: ::pasues and stands till::::yes why yes I am:::::gos back to dancing and siging::::::
BeoyndRedemption: yay
BeoyndRedemption: Banna
MelshuDou22: Did some one call
BeoyndRedemption: hihi
MelshuDou22: boogie
BluAngel129: monster
MelshuDou22: Ororon!!! AHHHHH!!!!
MelshuDou22: Don't let them touch my legs!! AHHH
BeoyndRedemption: o.o
BeoyndRedemption: ooooooooook
BeoyndRedemption: king of heel?
BeoyndRedemption: hell*
Squirmy Spine: hm?
BeoyndRedemption: Ororon is the king of hell
MelshuDou22: :::dances around in Mana's Xmass outfit::::
BeoyndRedemption: lol
BluAngel129: brb
Squirmy Spine: hmm
Squirmy Spine: u all die
MelshuDou22: hold on I have to qucikly change::run into the next room and you hear crashes and bangs and me yelling this like"For the love of dave" and "You know Fuck you Mr. boot I don't love you anymore! Oh yay you love then I love you too"::
BluAngel129: bak
BeoyndRedemption: u love dave?
BeoyndRedemption: do u know dave
BeoyndRedemption: dave*
MelshuDou22: :::the door swings open and smoke spills from the room:::: I have arived::: Steps out in Ken's lepod print coboy hat and boots with black shorts on and a lepord print jack w/ a wife beater on undernaeth and a cig in the mouth::::
BeoyndRedemption: nice
MelshuDou22: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA F34r my L33t sk1llz
Squirmy Spine: wait i miss
BluAngel129: we shall
MelshuDou22: YAY!!!
BeoyndRedemption: w00t!!
BluAngel129: time for athf
Squirmy Spine: gr..i must watch but i cant
Squirmy Spine: damnit watch n leave or draw n stay
BeoyndRedemption: ?.?
BeoyndRedemption: do as u wish
Squirmy Spine: idk
BluAngel129: on dvd...
BluAngel129: is it on tv?
Squirmy Spine: yes but tv is oonnn
Squirmy Spine: idk
Squirmy Spine: perhasp
BluAngel129: not till 12..
BluAngel129: o well
BluAngel129: gotta love it
Squirmy Spine: hm..
BeoyndRedemption: ..
BluAngel129: i want hair n a blowdriar 4 christmas!
Squirmy Spine: 0.o
BluAngel129: blowdryr*
BluAngel129: not what u may b thinking kate
BeoyndRedemption: BLOWJOB
BluAngel129: exactly
BeoyndRedemption: i had to say it
BluAngel129: yep
Squirmy Spine: hm..?
Squirmy Spine: sry im not focusing
Squirmy Spine: must draw
BeoyndRedemption: oooook
BluAngel129: stack them up n shove them together
Squirmy Spine: AHHH da evil songggg
Squirmy Spine: damnittt !!!
BluAngel129: song?
Squirmy Spine: XSSSSSS
Squirmy Spine: damn u sheep song
BeoyndRedemption: moo?
BeoyndRedemption: britrttt
BluAngel129: omo
MelshuDou22: okay now it is time for me to pic my next cosplay victum:::takes a frang of cig::::Ahh....::points to jen:::You are next! :::
MelshuDou22: :::puts of cig and drags jen into the next room::::
BeoyndRedemption: o.o
BeoyndRedemption: you sound likw a gay guy now XD
BluAngel129: it's betty n dave!
BeoyndRedemption: LOL
MelshuDou22: :::you hear crashes and bangs and teh door pops open and I drag jen out:::: You have before you Sir Rosiel from Angel Sactuary!:::claps :::: I'm so proud of my work!
BluAngel129: yay
BeoyndRedemption: lol im an angel XD
Squirmy Spine: muhahah almost dune
MelshuDou22: :::taps boot:::: Second victum anyone?:::crosses arms::::
MelshuDou22: KATE!!!:::points to kate:::: Your next:::::drags her into the next room:::
MelshuDou22: :::you hear bangs and scrams come from kate and me doing my evil laugh and in the backround you also hear a chainsaw:::::
BeoyndRedemption: LOL
Squirmy Spine: wat she be da next jthm?
BeoyndRedemption: dont give her a sex chagig now
BeoyndRedemption: change*
BluAngel129: lol
MelshuDou22: ::::burts out of the room:::: It was painful but i think I've made a moster::::steps aside:::
BeoyndRedemption: lol
BluAngel129: yay
Squirmy Spine: *sercasty* like mmg u killed my presious body! its now coveer in blood. thast like so un kool
BeoyndRedemption: LOL
BeoyndRedemption: damn preps think cuttings cool
MelshuDou22: Kate come out::::Kate staps out in a CardCaptor Sakura outfit:::: She wasn't Shojo magical girl enuff so I had to change some things but there is damge on this porr one that I can not heal with my otaku powers
BeoyndRedemption: yay
BluAngel129: woot
Squirmy Spine: holly up w her singin bout Xtasee
BeoyndRedemption: weeeed
BluAngel129: ?
BluAngel129: weed good
Squirmy Spine: 10 of her songs has the worked extasty
Squirmy Spine: damnt my spelling
Squirmy Spine: 12 am!!!
BluAngel129: not yet
BeoyndRedemption: lol
BeoyndRedemption: addddd
Squirmy Spine: damn u clock in pc lie
BeoyndRedemption: yup
BeoyndRedemption: it no love u
BeoyndRedemption: w0000000t
MelshuDou22: last but not least the fianl victum Stef!:::drags stef in to the next room::::
BluAngel129: should i b scared?
MelshuDou22: yes be very scared::::keeps draing her and slams the door::::
BeoyndRedemption: most likely she mad me i to a crazzypowerful angel man
MelshuDou22: :::you hear bnags and crashes and the ground shake and stef scream and my evil laugh::::
Squirmy Spine: HAH a few more detail n i be done XDDD
BeoyndRedemption: ;[
BeoyndRedemption: kate
BeoyndRedemption: adddd
Squirmy Spine: who
MelshuDou22: ::::slams the door open::: It is compelet::::steps aside::: Here you are:::stef comes out in a white wig and a wedding dress::: I present Ayami from Fruits Baskets!
BeoyndRedemption: yay
BluAngel129: yay
Squirmy Spine: der only court n yeiko
BeoyndRedemption: whos on
BeoyndRedemption: than ass yako
BeoyndRedemption: will scare him
Squirmy Spine: u do it
Squirmy Spine: im busy
MelshuDou22: yo want me to add some one?
BeoyndRedemption: ya
MelshuDou22: your papa is on childran
BeoyndRedemption: ello
SpaceMonkyPunk: hola
BluAngel129: hi
BeoyndRedemption: what is up
MelshuDou22: should I make Gaz over too Jen?
BeoyndRedemption: gaz?
SpaceMonkyPunk: m
SpaceMonkyPunk: e
BeoyndRedemption: oOo
BeoyndRedemption: sure
MelshuDou22: nice keiko
BeoyndRedemption: XD shut up
BluAngel129: poke
Squirmy Spine: 0.o
BeoyndRedemption: .. what i miss
MelshuDou22: :::drags Gaz into the next room and picks up the chainsaw ion the way::::
Squirmy Spine: now fer da hand
Squirmy Spine: n da gun
BeoyndRedemption: GUN
SpaceMonkyPunk: me scared
BeoyndRedemption: is betty on
BluAngel129: nope
MelshuDou22: ::::you hear the chainsaw start up and Gun shots and me yell "Oh my God Its not dead yet!!" and 5 more gun shots and Gaz scream and me scream and laugh::::::
BeoyndRedemption: damn i want to ask him if some one called his house askin for betty
SpaceMonkyPunk: What fun
BeoyndRedemption: nice brit
MelshuDou22: ::::comes craling out of the room::::I've made the beast....I've reserected the dead::::colapses:::
BeoyndRedemption: mom?
SpaceMonkyPunk: ...Me confused
BluAngel129: ru ok?
MelshuDou22: ::::gaz comes walking out of the room and everyone stares--she is the deseased Hide from X Japan:::::
SpaceMonkyPunk: YAY!
BeoyndRedemption: oOo
SpaceMonkyPunk: Hide is my father... '
BluAngel129: i posted
MelshuDou22: ::pops up and stands up ripping off ketcup packes from her shirt::::I know.....and the bloood was for dramdic effect
Squirmy Spine: stef is it 12 now
BluAngel129: yea
BluAngel129: 12:05
Squirmy Spine: ok most post
MelshuDou22: How was my preformance?
BeoyndRedemption: post time
BeoyndRedemption: 12
BluAngel129: beautifu;
SpaceMonkyPunk: Me likes blood
MelshuDou22: :::dose Ryuuichi pose from vol 3:::Thank you thank you!
MelshuDou22: ::nodss head:: I am the best
BeoyndRedemption: lol
SpaceMonkyPunk: Good job
BeoyndRedemption: TACO
BluAngel129: flavored
that is the chat I had with 3 of my daughter and Gaz before! What is up? I'm sleep deprived and I have to go to the place that we call worship at Our Saviors Lutheran Church in Edison Nj in the morning. Ah it is about 1:50 am right now. Oh how i'm deprived of manythings at this hour. Friends. Chines food. Anime Network. Hold up I'm always deprived of those things. Well most of the time.
I went to go see King Auther ther new movie today and I wouldn't recomend it for people that are only entertained by hot asian men (or just very pretty men in general) or anime. In the end the dude that I found really hot and atractive dies. Poor bird is lonely now ::::tear drops from eye::::: I love you Mr. Sexy-Bridy's-owner-with-the-braid-in-your-hair-and-the-marks-on-your-face.
And I made Jen have her first nose bleed to day. Now everyone point and luagh at her. ::points at Kieko in a Rosiel Cosplay costume:::Ahahahahahahahahaha. I sent her an oh so nice picture of Gackt and her nose bled. If you do a google image search on Gackt I think its on the 3rd page on the bottom( no pun intended) row and it has a light blue back round and writing in the upper left hand corner.
Hey Reader....your epadermus is showing! Everyone point and laugh!
:::points and laughs at who ever is reading this:::
I really need sleep and if you don't kow what your epadurmus is ask your doctor or look it up in your dictoray if you have one.
::::scrolls up and re reads what she wrote::::
Man I'm really fucked up and I'm not even in the nfluence of anything. Sca~~~ry.
W00t in M3 b00t!
Tacke care!
Ps-Get some sleep!! God!!
Pss-never mind the first ps you people should be yeling that at me not me yelling it at you.
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Friday, July 23, 2004
Do I have a life? .......good Question......ummmmm.....let me
the lsat thing on the quiz makes me sound Ilike i'm from Miyuki-chan in wonderland....,....T.T
All I have to say is Kenshin Watch out for the SUV's !
YAY My Vashie-kun's comming back to me!!
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Thursday, July 22, 2004

Hey all!! Wazzup? Today is my last day of sewing class with the lil brats!!! Jejoyce!!!!::::::throws confettie at Aya Ran::::
Me-*glomps him* ^.^
Anyway...I'm going to try and get some new comics. The one above is Serena Valintion's "Nightmares and Fairy Tales"!!! I love that comic!!!I have to say Morgan's story(cover above) and The Snow White story are my favz.WEll I gotta go. Theres construction work near my sewing class an I have to leave early to get around it. ^^;;; My grandma just yelled at me again. But do you guys like my new Icon? I made it myself! Isn't Kawaii?
Take care.

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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
sewing class with little kids is fun but some times they think there better than you so they give and attitude and you give them one back and you get yellled at not the little twerp.(##-_-)
Hey all I have to make this fast. The subject is true and its the reson why I never get along with little kids. But the sewing is fun. One day really soon I want to take my daurghters out. I'm already starting to plan a trip to Asbury Park Beach for my, Nell, Lila/Kieko, and Ginger/meg. But thats not all of them so it ain't good enuff.
Its about 11 days untill the band I love is coming to america, L'Arc~en~Ciel. I'm sooo pist that candy is going to meriland 2 days after the consert. Ya know! Damn Steven to hell he can't help is son-in-law out but bumping up the trip a few days? Anyway and with that it 21 more days till August 10th!!! YAY!!! Jen you better get that date stuck in your head and pop up infront of me on that day and give me HYDE!!!! Oh if you didn't figure out already.....Aug. 10th is my birthday!!! YAY!!!! I'll be turning 15!!!!w00t I'll be older than you jen! Ah ha! Don't make my comp read another one of your fanfics to you bee-och.
Anyway nothing else new from the last post.
Take care and have a nice week!
Je Ne!
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