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In a galxy far far away where Cew-chan and obi one live
Member Since
Nerd Otaku School girl
Real Name
The Great and Powerful Reanef the V!ummm.... FEAR ME!*giggels*:::thumbs up twards Eclipse::::^-^
I've become a complete and total loser!! L7 weenie all the way calloway!!!
Anime Fan Since
3rd grade(bebop)
Favorite Anime
::scraches head::: too many to count ^^;;
to become an animator or manga-ka
Annoying people,Being scaractic,slaping pervs,being a perv,reading and writing fanfics(most lemony yaoi),etc
Many...Would you like to find out? ^.~
| Ruri Illuser
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Sunday, May 23, 2004
P|-|33r |\/|1 L33T |\|33|
lol I'm sry guyz I have to laugh with the situation I'm in right now.....I'm going out with a dude just I hope he dosen't cheet on we w/ another dude! Well most likely..we might go on a date soon! Wish me luck! Today I mstarted playn' DDR(DAce Dace Reavoultion) and Dance Maniax! I love those games and I got all dressed up yesterday for the dude i,like and he never showed up..... any way Videl tell me where you got a copy of "Smile" from or die....(you know I won't kill you man just I want a copy) well ttul ppl
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Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Hi! I'm shit faced and in school...well tecnecly I'm not
uhhhh.....I can hardly type....I'm soooo drunk I cuged 2 shots of everclear.....You can smell that real well and cigs on my breath....well at leat my scinesses are claer! @.@ I can hardly type....Its sooo friggen hot in here....And I found out thatn I'm really stupid when I'm drunk the teacher almost fooled me and Did you know I'm a girl called Feleasha Rivera?? Well I was for 2 hours lol....Me friend liz is alittle less drunk then me soo yah...ttul
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Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Oh Holy i tired
The competion went well.....I too tired to type out whet happened ever my L33T skills are failing me......guhand once again I find myself eating a pen....and its a rutgers one......umm....tastey....Do you think pens are high in calories...?? Oh FalenFarFromGrace has a new post check it out..... oh one more thingy....,..My L33t skills have enabled me to take quizzes soo here they are....
what's your cowboy bebop theme song? What Anime Rose Are You?
And also check out Pretear and Comic Party! THere tghe best.....oh for the love of the pink gravi bunny I suck at typing and I'm too lay-z to go back and fix it in my have a wake 1/2 a sl33p mode and yet for some strange reson I'm still chewing on this pen......
Well I c u p33p5 around!
Take care & hav3 a g00d w33k!
Nighty-night! Let the Bishie bite....if he wants.....or you can bite dosen't matter....just have funb.....
ah old vocab coming back
Well g'night! *-*
Did you chew on your pen today?
its a good scource of vitaman Ink!
Yes ther is such thing as vitamin Ink......its in your CDs and DVDs and in your siblings stinky shoe...
Just ask the foot nobe for 'em....
He'll know what your talking about....
But you pay with odor eaters and thats the only way you can get vitamin Ink for your siblings stink shoe foot nobe....
Respect the foot nobe....
Or he'll give you atheates foot.....
You are warned....
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Sunday, May 16, 2004
Hey everyone!! I apologize for not posting for such a long time:::bows deeply::: Me and mny brother and Jen did alot of "bonding" this weekend and it was fun and I still got a buzz. We also drank some "spirits" last night too. I got some new manga. And may I say lastnight Toboe was so cute at the part when he was taking care of Tsumie's wounds......*drools* I'm sorry I'm a perv. Everything is fine in school. I am going to this modeling thing for cosmatology for my friend. All I have to do is be there and be copertive and pretty! Wish me luck! I'll need it T-T I know people say I'm pretty and all but then a gain there are guys out there prettyer and more beautiful than e so I REALLY need the luck! Its on tuesday and so I'll post about it on wednesday. Excuze me I was just eating a pen..... yes I know.... I'm weird leave me alone and remember what the paster said, your mother was right.
Please pray that I'm prettyer than Shinya from Dir en Grey(above) Hes sooooo beatuiful!
Well take care and thanks for reading!
Have a great week!
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Wednesday, May 5, 2004
YOU ARE GLAY! You are Jenny's absolute favorite. It has your basic band- two guitars, a drummer, and a lead singer. You have the visual aspect down but unlike most Visual Kei bands you aren't really scary and don't over do it with the costumes! So what does this tell about yourself? Really nothing- cept Jenny loves you! TAKE THE QUIZ AT OOH-LA-LA.NU!
 You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and creativity, and usually are highly intelligent. Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.
What Type of Soul Do You Have ? brought to you by Quizilla
Your Sex Dream Is Kyo
 | You are a wild child! You love the craziness that Kyo projects- which is alot. Kyo is the lead of Dir En Grey and comes up with insane lyrics about murder, canibolism, and rape. You like the more "disturbing" things in life and can get twisted thoughts. But it is all good.
Good Bands: Vidoll, Dir En Grey, DéspairsRay
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Is my otaku a dating service or a singels website? Cuz its not and someone needs to go in form my frign science teacher that........

Today was some what annoying amounted to the pain I had from the past few days.....Yesterday I felt like not failing my gym class like I always do and I didn't want to break my vowe never to change for gym soo I brused my thumb (on acident) on the bus and I figured, "Hey Patrck wouldn't be able to fail me if I had an injury right?" So while I was on the phone with Keiko and Nell I took various objects( a pill bottle, a can of dog food, my old phone, my fist,etc) and started hitting my thumb. Nell only was there for the pill bottle.....heheheheheh but Keiko was there and was just cracking up. Tiago was talking on the net to Keiko and she told him about me and the sweet guy said, "Don't do that!" etc. I even got a hug from him! lol anyway I reported my stalker to my princables and hes in deep shit now ^.^ Then today I had S-tests and I got done early so I was like,"Hey Mrs. R can I go on the net?" shes my science teacher by the way. She said,"You can't chack you email ya know....blah blah blah" I went on to my otaku right and I was reading the kind message darling Chie gave me and all I haer is,"WHAT SITE ARE YOU ON!" I turn around and before I was able to say a friign word"YOUR NOT SUPOST TO BE ON A SINGEL WEBSITE!! YOUR TOO YOUNG FOR THAT!! HOW DARE YOU!!! ITS AGAINST SCHOOL POLICEY TO GO ON TO THOSE SITE, DON'T YOU KNOW THAT!! I SHOULD REPORT YOU TO THE PRINCEPAL!!" That little( and when I say little I meant little I'm 2 ft taller than her) bitch made me cry. Then there was aroomaro that i was on a friign porn site! GOD! DAVEY! HELP!Then I was totally bord in shop so I did nothing. And all along I had a head ache.I get on the bus and have my smoke as uasal,once I'm done I hit trafic! People named Mike pulled out my fav brand of cigs and smoked them all infront of me and wouldn't even give me one! We finally got out of trafic after sitting in ti for about 1 1/2 hours! Every one starts calping and I yell, "THERE IS A DAVEY!! OH THANK YOU DAVEY!! THANK DAVEY!!" When I yelled that Ihit 2 speed bumps and hurt my boos and butt. Then when I was leaning on the seat and saying, "i've convering over to Davey-ism" we went over a huge speed bump at about 40 mph! I hit my head twice on the scealing, cracked my spine, and the hit my head on the window and the falling on the floor off the seat. :::sniff::: Kenny, man I know your a cool dude for letting us smoke on the bus and all but you suck at knowing what speed limit is for going over a bump. I get off the bus and here I am now. I hope tommarrow will be a better day! I'm getting Newport 100s and a pack of cigars! WOOHOOO!!! Anyway I got new manga! You MUST check out the web/ book comic/ mang, Megatokyo!! I love Fread's are work and the story is hilarious!!
So make shure you check it out okay?
Take care!
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 You are a Vengeful wanderer. Your purpose in your paths are to find the ones who have annoyed you in any way and take revenge.
What Kind of Wanderer are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, April 28, 2004
"My Otaku" is becoming a pain in the ass....
" border="0" />
I think that this druged up panda is better than "My Otaku" right now....They changed the site sooo friggin much! I had to go back in my arcives to get the codes for posting images and links! HEY!! YOU PEOPLE THAT RUN THIS FRIGGIN WEBHOST THINGY!!!CHANGE IT BACK!!! IT WAS BETTER THE OLD WAY!!!
I'm sorry but i had to get that outta my system...and I just realized something...trheres no script color anymore!!! WTF! Who agrees with me? Should it go back to the old way or stay the way it is?
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Sunday, April 25, 2004
Don't be cool vibration
Tell me fool talk show day and rain
Every stardom the rating
Don't stop horror show inner darken
Jus suc ra ra oh
Oh no harbor won't you buy valley show
Take me want to talking revolution
No havea won cheese have lay show
(No have a want cha have late show)
Diviphon de have worry star
Shooby dooby doo shooby dooby doo durul
Shooby dooby doo shooby dooby doo durul
Devil beam to the crashing
Adjust blue G
Jus sekiran
Oh no harbor won't you buy valley show
Take me want to talking revolution
No havea won cheese have lay show
Diviphon de have worry star
Shooby dooby doo shooby dooby doo durul
Shooby dooby doo shooby dooby doo durul
Official lyrics printed in the notes for the cd Hellsing Original Soundtrack: RAID
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The hole crazy thing...
Hey everyone!! Wazup? I just woke up! Well practickly. ^^;;ummm.... I'm sorry I did't post yesterday I wanted to put up some jorcker dollz and my comp was being the little bastard that it was soooooo I couldn't do crap! gyuh! Boyz are mean and stupid and make girls go crazy!!
I g2g to church now I'll write later!
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