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In a galxy far far away where Cew-chan and obi one live
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Nerd Otaku School girl
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The Great and Powerful Reanef the V!ummm.... FEAR ME!*giggels*:::thumbs up twards Eclipse::::^-^
I've become a complete and total loser!! L7 weenie all the way calloway!!!
Anime Fan Since
3rd grade(bebop)
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::scraches head::: too many to count ^^;;
to become an animator or manga-ka
Annoying people,Being scaractic,slaping pervs,being a perv,reading and writing fanfics(most lemony yaoi),etc
Many...Would you like to find out? ^.~
| Ruri Illuser
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Saturday, March 27, 2004
 Kaoru is a definate keeper! Plus, he'd be a great husband too!
Which Dir en Grey member would be your ideal boyfriend? brought to you by Quizilla
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Kill Britteny Spears!!
I'm sorry but as a Laruku fan I must kill her!! Why you ask? It all started when for some god forsaken reson I was watching This Britteny Spear's thing on VH1 and she was in Japan! Well she went to got do a radio interview and when I saw the radiostaition and the room that she'd be doing the intreview in I started to spazz! I remeber when I was searching the Neo Universe galleries Hyde was doing a raido interview in that very same room in that very same chair......oh how I was pissed! I even started to gag on oxygen and hyperventalate....Then as she was leaving the room I saw a stuffed animal that Hyde made......I was jelous and so now I must kill Britteny Spears for
1.) having the same name as me
2.) For makeing that god offel song "Me against the Music" so my bald midget 37 yrold of and English teacher could sing ,"Hey Britteny" to me every time he wanted my attention
3.)For being played out
4.) for sitting in the seat that Hyde had graced with his beattiful ass years before and tainting it with her "Pop prepy american (no affence) white girl ( and no affence with that either I american and white so yeah) ass
5.)and last but not least just becasue I hate her!
Take care!
And party on!

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Hyde! That's right, that sexay lead singer from L'arc~en~Ciel. A nice, easygoing, very good looking guy, don't you think? And that deep voice...yum yum yum. You probably like your men a little on the mature side (or, if you're a guy, you are on the mature side.) He was my first Jrock obsesee. Yay for Hyde!
Which J-rock boi is for you? (or, if you're a guy..which irresistable shonen are you?) brought to you by Quizilla
lol fist time around results....
What JRocker Body Part Are You Obsessed With? brought to you by Quizilla
The second is this and OMG thats all i got to say......
What JRocker Body Part Are You Obsessed With? brought to you by Quizilla
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 your shinyas kitty,soft fluffy and white. shinya brings you everywhere and often carresses your head. he feeds you cavier and snowflakes. shinya gave you your own bed with fluffily pillows. when shinya is away he leaves you with his mom who enveys you she wants to be with shinya all the time too. shinya calls you shnookums and often cuddles with you but your real name is puffy. shinya's other pets are 2 little hamsters who he lets you beat up.
which J-Rockers pet are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Sensual, classic, artistic. You are Gackt.
Which J-rocker are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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God damn me please and may jeasus inplant the ability to understand and memories spaiish in my head with in the next 3 days.....
Hello all! How are you...? I must be sick I'm actually being friendly to my ex and yet I still want to kill him....Any way I request the ability to understand spainsh and be able to sing it with out screwing up with in the next 24 hours and its 12:46 so I expect it to be coming about before this time tommarrow.... yeah damn my pride..... I bet my nextdoor nabor, Stink's older sister $5 that I could memorize Shakira's "Whenever Where ever" in spainsh in 3 days.....I'm such an idiot.....god help me for soooooooooooooo many resons........yeha so now I'm in hell cuz I don't like the spanish language....and my comp dosen't have I have to go back every 3 min and 16 sce. to hit the rewind button.........
Love the penguin....
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Friday, March 26, 2004
 You are Amon! Prone to silence and not one to smile easily, you never the less get the job done.
Which Witch Hunter Robin Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Okay I have to admit this......I do like Tetsu.....its a long story....BUT I STILL LOVE YOU MORE HYDEOSAMA!!!!
 The [Perfect] Partner for Tetsu Test @ Candy SweetenerThere is nothing, no matter how far I've looked, that I'm certain of But in joyful times and bad times, you were by my side
As Tetsu, your perfect partner is Yukihiro! Awwww...isn't that just sweet? If writing the song "Anata" with Yukihiro specifically in mind isn't proof of your undying love, I wonder what it is. You have a lot of similar interests, you probably spend the entire day -- hell, an entire week -- just speaking and you can never grow tired of each other. Are you soul mates or something? You probably think he's so cute and charming with that shy boy aura, but you know more than anyone that he's not exactly timid when it comes to, ehem, private matters.
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Saturday, March 20, 2004
For Art-"Eturnal Slumber"

Last night I was worried for some strange reson
I couldn't sleep
I couldn't dream that night
I inflicted pain for fun and thought nothing of it
And you
You the who suffered all those days, nights,hours,mintues
I had joy in my heart that night and happiness in my laughter
Playing, fooling around
having innocent fun
And yet there was a burden on my mind
and ache in my chest
I wish I got to know you more
To hear about "The good ol' days"
To share another soup and sandwich lunch with you
You never told me about the real you and now that I look at what I did I slap myself
My inner me souts and rips me apart for not asking those questions
You always had laught that cought on and would never stop
When you were near I didn't want to be around the people that were greeting you
Damn my snap-jugment
Damn my gulable-ness
Damn my black heart for only caring for a second
Just damn
Damn me........
I regret everything I've done to make me think that I disliked you
Cuz deep down I felt a connection
its wire thin
and yet its still a connection
I greated the dawn of this day with heavy eyes and a grin
a grin like a murdurer
thinking everything was going the way I wanted to go
think the absude thought that at that moment life was perfect
I layed my head down
I tryed to sleep
I didn't realize what I was doing
as I drifeted into a scilent slumber
I only felt freedom and relife
Like something was lifted off my shoulders
And yet
at this very moment
I reget what I felt
I wish I never had those feelings
I awoke refreshed and renewed
I laughed and threatend to kill my coco peables
And complained it was too cold
I talked a while to my friends for awhile
and was just
free from everything
felt nothing
and yet
remebered everything
I had gotten news
You were gone
Passed away
the creepy thing is
at the exact same time you breathed your last breath
I awoke
refreshed and anew
It scares me
You should have taken that breath and not me
but I bet your refreshed
relived that you don't have to suffer with the pian of this material world any longer
May you rest
and stay
be happy
and smile
Because you will forever restin my heart
Untill my time has come to join you in eternal slumber of another's heart.....

This poem is for my beloved second Uncle Art who passed away at 9:30 this morning....right as I was getting up. I think this is the least I could to for him to honor him and show that he was a part of my life even though I only saw him once a year for about 5 hours.
but something was different this year.......I din't get to see him at all.
take care,
aka Ruri Illuser
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I'm what people call dedicated not obssesed.......
Hello to all you lovely people, demons, spirits, "its", imcroganisms,etc. yesterday I slept over Lucifer's Wife's house! And I felt like pearcing my ears! So I asked her if she had a pin and the only pin she had was from my son's sock.(Don't ask me why my little Utena had a pin in her sock) but I took it and with in the period of 2 hours I had 3 more holes in my left ear......I perposly put the hole where they are right now bec with my new hair-cut(oh yeah 2 weeks ago I did a renactment of what Nuriko of Fushigi Yuugi did to his hair...... I braided it and cut it off with scissors - I've tryed the knife on the bangs and it hurt so much so i disieded that the scissors was the ezer way- and I did it in memory of Hotohri and Nuriko. my hiar was to the middle of my back but now I'm told by Lucifer's wife that I look like a stoned jeasus aka "someone's free-loader ex pedophile" Johnny or Curck(sp) Cobaine...) and my new pearcings I look like Ryuchi from Gravitation. And freakishly enuff in Vol 4 when he comes back to Japan from America he looks like this-

yeah I'm wearing practickly the same thing just the stripes on my shirt are just alittle bit closer together and when I realized this I got my sunglasses and my pink bunny, Yuki-chan! Now i just need to find a camera! lol this is what Keiko calls dedicated not obsessed. ^_^
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I told everyone, even my whole intire famly (litterly) I was Suzaku-no-Miko and to respect me and did they listen........
 Miaka, Priestess of Suzaku
Which Fushigi Yugi Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
no........::::shakes head in shame::::
I think only david belived me....
They should have listened....
Hey speaking f my bald buddist wanna-bee of an uncle....I want my manga back you creep and don't think I've forgotten about my Yu Yu Hakusho VHS either! It was one year science you had them in september!! Do you know how much all that cost you nomatic creep!!???
I'm sorry I can't really talk to my uncle and theres no chance that hes going to see this and I'm hell-bend on getting my things back soo I had to get that out and everyhing I said is true he is a nomda and a creep and a buddhist wannabe.....
thank you for your time
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