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In a galxy far far away where Cew-chan and obi one live
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Nerd Otaku School girl
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The Great and Powerful Reanef the V!ummm.... FEAR ME!*giggels*:::thumbs up twards Eclipse::::^-^
I've become a complete and total loser!! L7 weenie all the way calloway!!!
Anime Fan Since
3rd grade(bebop)
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::scraches head::: too many to count ^^;;
to become an animator or manga-ka
Annoying people,Being scaractic,slaping pervs,being a perv,reading and writing fanfics(most lemony yaoi),etc
Many...Would you like to find out? ^.~
| Ruri Illuser
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Saturday, February 7, 2004
 Alexander o Howell! He's beautiful, he's scottish, he's beautiful, he likes cartoons... did I mention he's beautiful?
Who's the Ayashi no Ceres Bishounen for you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, February 6, 2004
Help me I'm going back to my "EVA" phase
When your me and you get into new animes you go threw phases of each series.I'm heading back to the Evangelion phase!! HELP ME!!!! For all we know by next week I'm going to know "A Crule Angel's Theies" in japanies and english.(I already have most of it down in jap.)Then in a month I'll have orange contacts and white hair and I will make people call me Kwaru.I'm already pale enuff to be him! ^^ Just HELP!!!!!!! Then I'm gonna start calling Keiko-Rie, Nell-Misato,Grr-Shinji, Thumper/Candy-Asuka, and my mom Ristko.( "the new kid" in my class just asked if he could bumb a smoke from me! LOL don't you think if I had one I'd be smoking it right now?)Anyway HELPPP!!!!! I'll start to lear how to play the violin and start looking for Adam in my basemnt, and go to an aquarium and start looking for Kaji. GOD HELP ME!!(quote unquote of course)
if you are going threw soming like I'm going threw please tell me so I know I'm not alone.(I'm also gonna become the female hyde after laborday weekend!! ^^) TTUL
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Sunday, February 1, 2004
Outakes #3-

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Saturday, January 31, 2004
Outakes #2-
Take 5: It's Not What You Think
"It hurts... everything hurts..." Youji squeezed his eyes shut, curling a little tighter on the mattress. Pain lanced through him, almost paralyzing in its intensity, originating from deep within him, ineradicable...
Green eyes opened, slightly damp with unshed tears. "Aya... why?"
Cold violet stared back at him. "I warned you, didn't I, Youji." Aya took a deep, slow breath. "I warned you..."
Aya bent, straightening with an empty cardboard box in his hand. "I told you not to order the chili, jalapeņo and salami pizza, but would you listen? No! Not only that, but you ate the whole damn thing! You deserve it!"
Youji groaned, wrapping himself around his pillow again. "Hidoi, Aya... Besides, Ken had a piece, too."
"He's downstairs wrapped around the toilet."
Youji whimpered. "Make it stop, Aya..."
The redhead ground two knuckles into his temple, sighing wearily. "Fine. I'll make you an herbal tea--I have one that should work on indigestion."
Aya sighed again and grumbled his way out of the apartment.
Youji sniffled into his pillow. This was absolutely the last time he tried a "specialty" pizza.
... Although Ken had been talking about the "Baba Ghanouj-Texas Ranch-Hawaiian Smash" for a while...
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Weiss Krews Outtakes
Voice 1: Daaaaaaamn, that looked like it hurt.
Voice 2: Hey, is he all right? He is breathing, right?
Voice 1: Yeah, he's alive...
Voice 3: [giggle] He actually went down to Fujimiya. I'd think that was incredibly funny if only it hurt God.
Voice 1: Uhhhh... right, Farf.
Voice 2: Hey, he's coming to! Crawford! Hey, Crawford!
[Blink. Blink.]
Schuldich: Hey, welcome back, man. You feel all right?
[Crawford, on the ground looking dazed]
Crawford: Uh...
Nagi: How many fingers am I holding up? [a fist]
Crawford: ... Thirteen?
Schuldich: Ha-ha. Very funny, Brad. He's fine.
Crawford: ... Brad?
Nagi: [suspicious] You know your name, right? Say your name...
[Crawford's eyes light up]
Crawford: I'm Batman.
Farfarello: [blink] ... He's what?
Schuldich: He's just playing. C'mon, Brad.
[Crawford, eyes wide and demented]
Crawford: I'm Batman. [stares hard at Nagi] Come ride with me in the Batmobile.
Schuldich: [sweatdop] Hoooo-kaaaaay. [straightens up, dusting his pants] Tell ya what, Nagi, me'n Farf, we got some business to take care of, so--
Nagi: Oh no. Wait a minute--
Schuldich: Adult stuff.
Farfarello: God-hurting stuff.
[They run]
Nagi: You bastards!! Get back here! I--EEEE!! [shudders and jumps away as Crawford looms behind him] What are you--?!
Crawford: [crazed smile, still looming] Would you like that? Would you like to ride with Batman?
Nagi: [whimper]
Not going anywhere for a while?

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What kind of spirit are you?

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What kind of anime fan are you?

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What kind of anime fan are you?

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What kind of smile are you?

You're the suggestive grin,mostly used while flirting and accompanied by the come-hither look.You're either an attention hog or way too insecure to not be in the spotlight at all times.No one can quite tell.Calm down and learn to be regular,ya perv.
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What kind of anime girl are you?

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