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In a galxy far far away where Cew-chan and obi one live
Member Since
Nerd Otaku School girl
Real Name
The Great and Powerful Reanef the V!ummm.... FEAR ME!*giggels*:::thumbs up twards Eclipse::::^-^
I've become a complete and total loser!! L7 weenie all the way calloway!!!
Anime Fan Since
3rd grade(bebop)
Favorite Anime
::scraches head::: too many to count ^^;;
to become an animator or manga-ka
Annoying people,Being scaractic,slaping pervs,being a perv,reading and writing fanfics(most lemony yaoi),etc
Many...Would you like to find out? ^.~
| Ruri Illuser
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Saturday, January 31, 2004
Who are you from within?
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What Tokyo mew Mew Chracter are you?

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Friday, January 30, 2004
What Hyde(s) am I?
The first time around i got this

I got pissed at that answer so i changed my answers abit and I got this

I am offically pleased and I declair my self a brat I guess
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Monday, January 26, 2004
Happy Chines New Year

Hey all!!! In forgot to whis everyone an happy Chines New Year!!! Its the year of the cross-dressing monkey, Ritsu!!! (thats in referce to the child of the Monkey from Fruits Basket*so sorry if I spoiled it for anyone*) Some of my friends got over $600 from there relitaves for the grand holiday! Thats one holiday I wish I was Chines or in China town for!! Well happy holidays everyone and make your second new years resolution!!
Je Ne!!

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Snow= No school and No school= Happy otaku J-rock fan girl!!! ^-^

I want it to snow!!!!!! GRR!!!! But My furnace is on the frits but I don't care!!!I don't wanna got to school!!! School is a place of evil worship that corrups our ever growing mins and ow my eyeball huerts!!!I think I poked it!!But anyway I don't want school so all you crazy people out there in internet land or what ever do the snow dance and pray that it snows.....puh-lea~~~~se!!!I love you if you!^-^

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I didn't get to poast yesterday because my friggin brother,Nakago, came home.GRR!! He wanted to come home because his girlfriend,Soi,wasn't home.These are not real names may I remind you there ju8st nick-names that I made up for the net,but I actually do call my brother Nakago and he dose respond.then he calls me some stupid word.I think its anglas and a herba.I heard 'herba' means you fuck plants or some shit but I don't care. I'm in votech right now. Porky needs to clean his ears cuz theres a major wax build up.And Fluffy honey ya need to lay off the sweets and oily foods, those pimples ain't gonna attract anyone any time soon and for all we know your gonna die a vergin.Anyhoo for the making period grades I'm gonna get a D in science, an incomplete in math, a D maybe in heath,and mostlikely a A or b in English. And I think I'm going to fail gym.I forgot my gym close today abnd I had 5 marked down but scince Mr. K was so nice he took ofdf 2 of those things and when you miss gym 4 times you fail, and this was my second fourht time forgetting my close at home.If anyone go to EHS please tell me if its 4 unprepared and fail for the year or 4 unprepared and fail for the marking period?

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Sunday, January 25, 2004

YAY!!!! I'm Watari!!!! I love that beishi to death!!! I swear if I were to become a guy I'd wanna become him with a mix of Sizzle from Vampire game.
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Wednesday, January 21, 2004

I held a Jewel in my fingers
And went to sleep
The day was warm,
Ah winds,winds were prosy
I said ,I said "Twill keep"
I held a Jewel in my fingers
And went to sleep
The day was warm,
Ah winds,winds were prosy
I said ,I said "Twill keep"
I woke-and chid my fingers,
The Gem was gone in my hands
And now,
an Amethyst remembrance
Is all I own
Go from me!
Yet I feel that I shall stand
Henceforward in thy shadow,
God From Me!
Go from me!
Yet I feel that I shall stand
Henceforward in thy shadow,
God From Me!

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Monday, January 19, 2004
"Perfect World"

Looking at the moon relected in the water,
I couldn't help but shake
The light overhead
just looks at that...
Even if an injured, weakening, wounded beast
lives or runs away is all up to itself
The sky is high, unending, but
light is the only thing it doesn't hold back.
I will always be watching over
the Perfect World called love
Whenever I overcome the difficult times,
I become dazzlingly bright
Before I knew it, I began to have confidence
in what I chose.
Sleeping at the bottom of the ocean, people are like pearls
Being washed, and polished, intensifying their brilliance
World where the sky is high and clearing
The snow is melting, turning into moisture
The courage to stand up
is always within you.
Just embracing, embracing, and lifting someone in your arms
is probably, surely, not kindness.
The courage to stand up
is always within you.
A perfect world called love

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Did a crab take the fork that was right next to your can of beans and try to take the fork down his hole?
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