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In a galxy far far away where Cew-chan and obi one live
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Nerd Otaku School girl
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The Great and Powerful Reanef the V!ummm.... FEAR ME!*giggels*:::thumbs up twards Eclipse::::^-^
I've become a complete and total loser!! L7 weenie all the way calloway!!!
Anime Fan Since
3rd grade(bebop)
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::scraches head::: too many to count ^^;;
to become an animator or manga-ka
Annoying people,Being scaractic,slaping pervs,being a perv,reading and writing fanfics(most lemony yaoi),etc
Many...Would you like to find out? ^.~
| Ruri Illuser
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Monday, January 19, 2004
"Rinbu Revoultion"/"Round Dance Revoultion"

Let's go on living our lives heroically, with style.
(Just a long long time)
And even if the two of us should be separated,
(Let go of me)
Take my revolution.
In the sunlit garden, hand in hand,
we drew close, and soothed each other with the words:
"Neither of us will ever fall in love again."
Our unity was so strong, it changed its form
And now our lifestyle is so robust...
everyday, every time
(every time)
I'll take a bit of my loneliness, and cram it inside
the smile I have in this picture of us cheek-to-cheek.
As of tomorrow, I'll be such a heroic, stylish woman,
everybody will turn and look back at me.
But even if the two of us should be separated,
our hearts will always be together.

They say "Money can't buy love."
I know that, but can love buy me money?
They said so on TV.
Apathy, indifference...It's so endless.
That they think all young people are that way makes me
feel so bad! But how could we help ourselves?
(I feel so bad)
But you know, I believe we care about our friends
more than anything, and surely more than grown-ups do.
Though I dream, cry, and get hurt,
and reality approaches now, frantically,
I can't lose my place in life and my self-worth
just to protect myself.
I'll go my way. No turning back. Before the time comes
for each of us to choose a different path
I'll release the so precious, oh so precious
Take my revolution. Let's go on with our lives.
Reality approaches now, frantically.
What I want is to find my place in life and my self-worth,
taking who I've been up until today...
...and heroically stripping her down until she's bare,
like the roses whirling in freedom.
But even if the two of us should be separated,
I will change the world.

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You are a six-winged Halfbreed! You belong neither to Heaven nor to Hell. You are doomed to wander the Realms That Are In Between for all eternity until the Judgement Day. Your fate is absolute loneliness. You are punished for a crime you did not commit and redemption is not within your reach. Your powers are unknown - it's said that a halfbreed will be the end of everything one day. Therefore you are feared and hated. Your only hope is to find the other half of your soul - it is your only solace.
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Saturday, January 17, 2004
A very Saiyuki Chrismas!!
I just found this hilarious fanfic thats outta seson but still really good! I give my coplments to the athur, UltraM2000.Heres the fic!
Saiyuki Carols
Make sure your read and review!!!^-^
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Friday, January 16, 2004
Look at my lovely colection of Boysluts that i got from The International Department of Boyslut Muse!! There like Bishie-mon but! not!!! Enjoy!!

If you wanna go claim your own Boy/Manslut just click on the link below!! ^-^

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Wednesday, January 14, 2004
Blurry Eyes By L'Arc-En-Ciel
Carried on a wind
from far away,
no matter how many times I try to say these words,
they never reach you.
Once again, my eyes stare somewhere
out the window.
This foreboding hasn't changed, I still feel it.
Those days are getting blurry...
Seeing through
blank eyes
like a caged bird,
the light of the afternoon sun is just like
the light that shines on you
from outside.
This foreboding hasn't changed, I still feel it.
Those days are becoming blurry...
I feel the changing season
will see my promise broken.
Even if I reach out with my hands,
my heart will stay distant.
Why do you stare at the sky with your blurry eyes?
I feel the changing season
will see my promise broken.
Even if I reach out with my hands,
my heart will stay distant.
In the changing season,
the one precious to me
looked back toward me with those eyes,
sighing softly.
Your blurry eyes ...your blurry eyes
Your blurry eyes ...My heart
Your blurry eyes ...will stay
Your blurry eyes ...distant.

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Lilth's site "Lucifers Wife" will not be updated for a while!!!! Her friggin parents took away her motum so now she can't go on the net.
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Sunday, January 11, 2004
"Toying with that cleric again? If you playing with monkeys, Master Raenef, you'll begin to devolve."
-Eclipse from Demon Diary vol.5
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Shoe Pyramid
I'm such a fool.....
In so many ways......
I try to keep in character....
Calm and colceted.......
Then I freez on the spot and brake down.....
Tears form and the warm water covers my cheeks......
I'm such a fool.....
"Why.. no you aren't..."
Yes I am...
"Why do you think that?"
Too many to count....
"Tell me.."
"I don't think you are..."
"Whats wrong..."
Nothings wrong.....
/push away keep distant/
"Then why are you a fool?"
Too many resons to count.....
"Well tell me afew"
You'll find out......
/sooner or later/
"Dose it have to do with me?"
No not at all.....
"Then what is it?"
I'll tell you later.....
He says "no your not"......
He is too sweet....
I will taint him.... with the dark illness that pagues the heart and the mind......
I say I love him and he says he loves me too...and yet there are qualities that I can't stand and I can't understand why I say that to him.......
Then I say stuff that I only say half-hearted to him somtimes.....
Help me!
Why am I like this???
I can't stand it.....
I'm out of character.
"You like him yes?"
More than a friend?"
"Why did you break up?"
He was nigecting me and not talking to me often.....
"Did you confront him?"
No, he says he loves me too just dosen't show it....
"Guys can be like that..."
"They don't like to show it..."
"Men are weird creatures..."
"You could flirt with others to make him jelious..."
She made me laugh something I hadn't done scince the toilet Murmaid....
Its really not about him....
I just have qualities I don't like.....
I like staying in my fictaious character that everyone knows and love....
I don't know......
Maybe I'm a void......
Maybe I'm my bouncey self.....
but hey if its fictaious, this persona I carry around....let it be.....I rather like it.....
Let my worries be sucked into that spot that is cover with a deadly pague deep inside my soul.....
because I like my cheery dissposion....
I like the me I show the world....
I thank my self for me.
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