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In a galxy far far away where Cew-chan and obi one live
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Nerd Otaku School girl
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The Great and Powerful Reanef the V!ummm.... FEAR ME!*giggels*:::thumbs up twards Eclipse::::^-^
I've become a complete and total loser!! L7 weenie all the way calloway!!!
Anime Fan Since
3rd grade(bebop)
Favorite Anime
::scraches head::: too many to count ^^;;
to become an animator or manga-ka
Annoying people,Being scaractic,slaping pervs,being a perv,reading and writing fanfics(most lemony yaoi),etc
Many...Would you like to find out? ^.~
| Ruri Illuser
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Sunday, January 11, 2004
Cew-chan's Rittel
Someone help me out with this......
"First think of the person who lives in disguise, who deals in secrest and tells naught but lies. Next, tell me what's always the last thing to mend, the middle of middle and end of end? And finally give me the sound often heard during the search for a hard-to-find word. Now string them together, and answer me this, which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?"
I'm stumped! Cew-chan, your away message is good! So someone help!!! And tell me if is a quote from an anime!
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Thumper takes pleasur in my suffering
Oh Mr.Gldfish and Thumper in comomon the both dream about me in the wrong way......j/k.Well I don't truely know but "God" help me if they do.Thumpers like me suffering with the name Princess!And then were gonna become the sluts of our school and rename ourselves Candy(thumper) and Mandy(me).YAY!!!!!! And Mr. Goldfish likes whats a girl to do? Anyway We'll be like Lina(me) and Naga from The Slayers!

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Why princess-chan??
Mr.Goldfishy gave me the new name of "Princess-chan"Do I look like a "Princess"??

I don't think I do! And plus I'm already the "SPECIAL" prince and Suzaku-no-Miko! I'm not a princess! GRR!!!
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What a great time to make a phone call!!
Oh I just called Keiko and what great timeing i had!! LOL She was in the bathroom doing "God" kown what! I think she fell in! Help someone go pull her out!!! lol Murmaids are gonna try and drown her in her toilet!!!

Love you Lillith darling! n.n
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Saturday, January 10, 2004
Fukai Mori
I'm sure that the heart I left behind still lies hidden in the heart of the deep,deep forest.
Exhausted, with out the strength to search people vanish into the infinite darkness.
If it's so small, I wonder if I can see it even now?
As we live on, we lose a little bit more. Shrounded in falsehoods and lies, we stand frosen to the spot, unable to cry out
The days pass by and change, without us even realizing how blue the sky really is.
Overcoming that made-up scheme, we live the present, and our rusted hearts begin to beat again!
If we can find the rhythm of time, we can fly once again
We live our lives wandering to the ends of the earth. Beliving, now I begin my journey with you in search of the light.

As we live on, we lose a little bit more. Shrounded in falsehoods and lies, we stand frosen to the spot, unable to cry out
The days pass by and change, without us even realizing how blue the sky really is.
Overcoming that made-up scheme, we live the present, and our rusted hearts begin to beat again!
If we can find the rhythm of time, we can fly once again
We live our lives wandering to the ends of the earth. Beliving, now I begin my journey with you in search of the light.
We live our lives wandering to the ends of the earth.
Closing off the way back, we walk on for eternity.
We live our lives standing frozen to the spot, unable to cry out, for eternity.....

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 Your Miroku! all that matters in life is who is going to be your next boyfriend/girlfriend and where to take him/her next. Not to worry though, because you are bright and you do your school work. And hey, you even have a fan club!">Link Text
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Thursday, January 8, 2004
If you journey west you will always see the sunset as long as you are a live....
.....but are we truely alive on the inside....
One may never know....
These are preashious to us...
We have the chance to live....
so we must take it....
Grasp it....
Kiss it...
Imbrace it....
We must hold it dear to our hearts and never let go of it.....
Be thankful for the sunset....
Apreaciate it...
Because it might be your last....
You may never know.....
Now put it all into prayers....
Give thanks for the beatiful sunset that end the day and begins the never end night....
We travel west, and we forever see the sunset as long as were alive....but are we really turely alive on the inside....
Forever young.....
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Tuesday, January 6, 2004
My MOTHER FUCKING terrific day!
I just had ALL of this typed up and then my comp went insane and kick me off the web,and this was long.......really long.Oh god dosen't love me today but hey at least I'm loved some days unlike Luicifer's wife we know.But hey that personis proud not to be loved by god because she is pertected and love by satan himself.
know something I'll type this on saturday when I more friggin time and MAYBE god will that day. Just remeber this don't throw mutated once crusifyed santa's at senior,they might kill you.(joy)Thats one of the many lessons I've learned today and I also need to learn to stop stareing at the Ken from L'Arc-En-Ciel look-a-like's ass durring gym class. I almost took a trip and i'd would have seen ya next fall.(its supost to be a joke)ANd Keiko comp loves her.And I need a cig....any one willing to let me bumb one???
And yes we can breath Keiko.
Man I feel like these bunnies.

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Sunday, January 4, 2004
Saiyuki volume 6: Demon Rising

I just got done watching Sauki volume 6!YAY!!!!It was sooooo kwaii!!!!At times I shouted that out and many other phrases as,"AWW!!","*gasp*He did not just say what I thought he did?!?"and "OMIGOD(quote unquote)".I love ep 25 Lirin try to lead the sanzo party into a trap with meat-buns.When the group see the huge pile of meat -buns infront of them the turn around and go the other way.Lirin get into a hissy fit and some now I guess Hakkai is a cafiteria lady,cuz thats what Lirin called him.Anyway while shes yelling 3 demons sneek behind her and steal the meat-buns.She catches them.They pick on her.She beats the living shit outta'em.THey beg for forgiveness and say they will do anything she says.Well they became her brany new servants!She also renamed them.In order the fat one is Porky(Pii-chan).The main mddel block head leader of the friends is remained Spot(Pouchi)and the tall stupid one(hey I thought they were all stupid,ohwell)is Fluffy(Tama).These dudes try to kill the Sanzo party not even knowing that the people they were try to kill WERE the Sanzo party. They get beat up numerous time(I think they only should have gotten beaten up for trying to hurt Hakuru!but thats just me:::shrugs shoulders:::)But the thing that i love the most that they did was...........dress in wemon's clothes and stuff meat-buns in their cheast:::tear drops from eye:::It was so.....HILARIOUS!!:::falls on floor and laughs untill it hurt:::okay.Yeah they did that and started to yell,"OH HELP! DEMON! MOSTERS!HELP!" and stuff like that.Even after they got beat up for that they stayed in the school-girl(fluffy) kindergardener(Porky)and slut(Spot)outfits and faught about how they got caught because Spot wasn't "in spirt",FLuffy was "unbecoing"and how Porky was......well come to think of it Porky didn't really get into the fight....or did he...???....ohwell! And the last ep on the DVD made me want to make a "anime muic video" for Sanzo and Goku and saying that there a good coupel and they love eachother a lit~le more than a friend if ya get what I mean ^_~
Well thats all I gotta say!

LOVE THE SHA GOJYO!! You know I do!
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Guys just love.....your cheery disposion!
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