Ruri Illuser
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004
"Smoothe Criminal" by Micheal Jackson/ Alean Ant Farm
ME being me and all I wanted to put an obcean quote from "The Excorsist" from Linda Blair the one where she says to the preast,"Your mother sucks..." yeah you guys can finish the the way I'm sleep deprived sooo.......beware of Harlad the purple frog that is inlove with Nell's sneakers......o.O On w/ za post!
Hey! How is everyone today? Did you guys visit Kei-chan's lil sis's site!?!? Her user name is Yohko, so go check it out!
Anywhoo.......I went to the funeral for Gary today....they handed out roses to put on top of the caskit and there was flowers every where.It was truely beautiful. Then we went to this porchagees(sp) resterant. It was fun! We got lost and the name of the street reaked of the word "Quierdo". The stree was "White Head" says it itself. When we got there the was some interesting juice on the table! It looked like grape and apple jucie so I dug in! I was sooo thursty and I love grape jucie........after cugging a galss I realized it was sangria! I felt it was better tasting mixed with a lil bit of sprite sooo I kept mom made me and my brother stop after the second pitcher.....I wanted more grap sangira but my brother drank it and i claimed the orange sangira from my brother and it was battle of the drunken siblings......LOL it ws sooo funnny my brother was like,"Hey Brittany shut up cuz guess what?" and I just laugh and said ,"What?" Hes like,"I'm drunk lol!" And I shouted,"Alright!!!" and put my hand out for a high 5......we couldn't even aim for each others hands and when we missed we started to crack up and renact our stupidity. ANd at the resturant the fire alarm went off for a second and my and my bro's gf were like,"He pulled it didn't he!?" Well because I was soo drunk I started to poke fun of my grandma's clumbsy mistakes and I kept saying,"Grandmaz DRUNK!" and I told my grandpa grandma had too much to drink and he just gave me a weird look and the funny thing is when my grandma greeted my grandpa she pretended to act drunk! LOL
The only bad thing is I have to go for blood work in the morning and some times when I berp now I get the taste of vatka in my mouth.....and yes you needed to know that.....
I slept most of it off...then tonight I got up and saw that my freinds left comments on my site ^.^ It made me ever so happy that people where there to comfert me.
I'd like to espescally thank Katy-san, for always being a fun buddy, Kei-chan for giving me big loving hugs, and the Mad Hatter for being a good child for me. And I'd like to thank you all for just being there in times of need.

I did want to send out each of you a personal greeting but my crap mac was acting up......
Oh if anyone is interested my my writing i have another site on Myo for my writings. Its FalenFarFromGrace. Please check it out and tell me how i did! My favorite story thingy is "Tainted Grace" its in the arcives, pretty sure it was my frist story too.
Take care,
Ps-The reson today why my mother is insane is..........she thinks fish can speak a type if silanguage.....but theres 2 different kinds......."fin-laungage" and "gil-language" and you thought your mom that looked like Hyde from L'Arc was normal......
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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
"Say Anything" by X JAPAN
Hey there! Whats up! I haven't posted for a while becasuse I've been preeocupided. I had to get my costume done. I was talking to Angela( previous post) before. I went trick-or-treating on sunday after going to church.I took Lucifer's Wife over to WillowCorpseMook's house then later we met up with StrangeAngel129 and Paranoied person. Lucifer's wife got drunk a lil and started rambling shiz. And i got a lot of candy! YUMMY! ^.^
Today was also a very sad day. A close friend of the family died. His name was Gary Wanca. He was so very nice to my family. He was also my brother's godfather. We saw him about 2 months ago, a live and well. Smileing and laughing with us. And now....about three hours ago I saw him laying in a caskit. He died a few days ago, in his kitchen. He had a heart attack infront of his wife, Joe-ann and his daughter Merissa.When I saw his body I started to cry.When walked up to it I thought I saw him breath but I didn't. I thought I sw his head move, but i didn't. For one moment i thought,"This is a joke right? He looks so young, and what I just saw him like a montha ago" And then I thought"No this is real, this would be too horrible to be a joke." I just stood there for a while with my arms around my waist.Joe-ann came up to me and asked if I were okay. I just sobbed as she hugged me. I walked to the back of the room and sat next to my brother and his girlfriend.I stopped crying and she and I tryed to keep ourselves off the current matter. We counted how many bald people where there.16 in total.15 men 1 woman. lolThen we went out for some water and we bumped in to Merrissa and her friends.She looked so cute and so sad. I saw she at a moment just stare out in to nothing and I could see the saddness in her eyes. Also her mother gave Merrissa their wedding bands on a gold chain that she was wearing. Tommarrow were gonna go to the funeral and lunch with Joe-ann and family. And I just randomly made this poem for Gary. He was always happy that i was such an artist.
Your life is shortend with every breath
we make our way closer with every step
We walk twards our death with out sight
not knowing if we'll die that very night
Life is a game
we win or lose
Your fate isn't diced
its for you to chose
Winning is love and happiness
Losing is living with greef and Lament
Sorrow is life
and love is us
We take upon the weight of trust
Some colapse and cry to the point
of pain and preshure
Other take it as their treasure
We all live our lives with regrets
we all wish we could retake that step
And yet we all walking in a steady line
to the end of the cliff
and then we die.

Take care,
P.s.-Theres a new member at MyO! her name is Yohko! Shes kool!Its Kei-chan's lil sister! So everyone go check her out an make her feel like shes home!
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Thursday, October 28, 2004
"Kurenai" by X Japan
I ffel like nun right now.....I have a towel over my head and it just took me 5 different timetime to correctly say "towel" or type it as a matteer a fact.
Today was progressive. i found out the end of Inu-Yasha and it sucked royally. I got to watch BLEACH and the new spiffy anime version of "The Count of Monti Cristo"! I love that anime!(I'm talking about Monti Cristo) When I frist saw it in NewTyp USA it took my breath away. I watched on Chirs's computer durring school. Every one was asking,"Oh where were you?" and "How come your always so sick?" and I don't want to tell tell them what I said in the last post because it kinda upsets me. I have bad flash backs from my hilousiantions. I have a wonderful Art project due tommarow by 9:00 am sharp plus five sketches, a report on Peter Maxwell( that I'm not doing) All for the tech that I said was god.....but today we did this tutorial that makes this chick in to this grimreaper.I got stuck helping the new kid cuz I think he was too stoned to understand *sigh* and he was older than me too. By about I dunno maybe 2 or three years.
I went to luch and flipped out on garret.Then I fixed my make up in the girls bathroom. I make it look like I'm a female Yoshiki.
::::flips towel-ends over opposite sholders::::: I look like a movie star now::::one side of the towel falls down::::GOD DAMN! it keeps falling! LOL
I got a pet for Pandee for when he comes back! Its a pet rock! Its name is Spoofy! Sppofy is quite odd though, he only eats fruit snacks....he ate a hole pack! And i hijaced Spoofy from Momiji Mike while he was walking Spoofy durring Gym class.
I also got to see my Sara Mommy! I was soo happy! And also! Best news in the world! I herd from my friend Angela in Tiwan! YAY!!! We haven't talked for like 3 years! And now were sending each other emails!Shes one of the first girls in High School and she has alot of work. She is my idol.^.^ I told my papa Chirs that because of Angela I want to pull my grades up to impress her. He was quite disturbed. She was the one that taught me how to draw. I still have the pix we drew together ^^;;; witch you ppl will NEVER see cuz i sucked back then. She also got me in to alot of anime! like Boys over flowers she told me about when I was in 6th grade. She also told me about Angel Sanctuar and gave me lil gifts like Saiyuki stationary cards, a peguin keychain, and a lil bunny that she made in art class. And my favorite thing that she gave to me was my christmass gift!
SHe gave it to me before school started by the court yeard of my old middel school.It was rapped in gold rapping paper and it was a lil bunny coin bank and there was a small tub attached to the side of the rapping paper. i opened it up and it was a lil glass jar filled with blue sand and lil while star looking things. And Angela said, "Thats Star Sand from where I come from. It real, you can find it on the beach.Now make a wish apon it and never open it nd for as long as you keep it, your wish will come true." So I made a wish and put the jar back in the golden rapping paper, hoping that it wouldn't break threw out the school day. And I still have it and only part of my wish came true.
This memory makes me so happy. Talking to Angela gain makes me even happyer hat it brings me to tears. It makes me feel special for her to remeber me after 3 years of being away from America. Excuse me now as I whipe my tears and I must be off.
Take care and stay safe,
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Wednesday, October 27, 2004
"Said and Done" by Eigteen Visions
Oh how life sucks anal....I was sooo sick last night. It started around lunch time at school. Then I went to megans house and felt alil better than I went to my grandma's house and really started to feel like shiz. At around 10:00 pm I had a tempeture of 99.8, 15 mins later it rouse to 100.0 My head was hurting and my mother was coming to my grandma's house to pick me up. All my friends knowing my mom...she came really late. For 2 hours last night I sat in my granmother's rocking chair cry and bec I saw a man in a brown robe with long lack hair staring at me. The His flesh melted away, and he turned in to a skeleton. I kept cry because i didn't want him coming near me and I also thought i saw my friend in a bath tub of her own blood. My mother finally came and my grandmother sigested I went to the emergencey room and after thinking over it I agreed. My mother tryed to persuade me not to go and started point out things that she knew I was scared of. I hate my mother. After calling her a bitch and threating to kill her i she didn't take me she finally sigh and told my grandmother to take me. My mother being the smartness that she is, she parked right in back of my grnadmother's car. I was about to go inside my grandma's house and kick her ass. When we got there the nurse was a bitch. Then my mother( after a halfanhour of sitting in the lil roomthingy) started saying,"We shoudn't have come. you know we're gonna sit in here forever." and she started giving me an attitdude. I said," I'll fucking kick you in your ballz if you don't shut the hell up." So she starts speaking to my grnadmother as if I'm not even there.And then the eternal Beeping of doom.I yelled "STOP THE ENTRAL BEEPING OF DOOM AND THE MAKE THE STUPID BABY STOP CRYING GOD DAMN IT." yeah the nusres gave me nast looks and I just stuck up my favorite finger and it wasn't my pinky, thats my second favorite finger! XD
Finally the doctor came in. His name....Dr. Kanal Whosane. He asked me why I was here, at the emergency room. "I'm like sick." I responed with a cocky attidude. and then he just mocked me and all that stuff. Then a nurse came in and said I needed to take a pee test. Can I say I was sexualy assulted/ violated by that pee cup. My mother left me in my grandmother's care around 2 am. I sat there and babled with my grandma and basically told her that I was bi. I don't know if she belived me or not. I can't really remember. Then they took me for chest exrays. They asked me if i were pregant. I said,"Umm no, I don't think so." 0.o (weirdo nurse....thinks a fat chick like me has gotten layed....I wish) ANyway, the doctor gave me meds and I left the hospital around 3:25. I wanted to stay a while longer cuz they had cartoon network on in the waiting room and Inu-yasha was on. The security gards gave me a funny look as I said, "Grandma I wanna stay to watch Inu-Yasha! Come on Sesshomaru's on! Hes so shmexy! Come on grand~ma!!" lol the i came home and went to sleep.
I woke up around 7:00 am with a back cramp like a moferfuger.I went back to bed around 7:45. Then Ikept waking up and i had to take this pill that was like 5X the size of a flacking tick-tack. It tastes namsty and I have to take it 2 times a day. And I practacally slept all day. And my teach sent my friend to yell at me for her. God, Prov, if I don't show up and i take up my 8th sick day outta 21 sick days allowed you bitch at me like its the end of the world.
My teacher is a crazy mofo. And today I'm feeling kinda better. I got to watch Kate and Leopole and it twaz great and I also got to watch "He's a Lady"! AM I the only weirdo on MyO that watches that show ^^;;; and I wanna know who got kicked of ( I had to go take my shower) And Albert ( I think thats his name) is shmexy! XD Any way......Time for some pix!
This is what i get for looking up "Anime Cows" on google....

Goku and Nataku on cow outfits....strangly cute
I got this loking up CCS pics...its from the Anime Expo site....Kero-chan, yumm....tastes like chicken mixed with teddy bear...

This is the gang from Saiyuki and the image was turned in to 4 different character cards in the Saiyuki trading cards.....I only nedd Goyjo, god damnit!
Well thats all for now!
Take care,
Comments (3) |
Sunday, October 24, 2004
These are just random quizzes from Kie-chan's site......but fret not! There is a post at the bottom!
 You're a fun chick! You love everything about life! You are fun to hang around and are always in an optimistic mood ^_^
What Kind Of Anime Girl Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 .:You live your life: ~disturbingly~:.
You are utterly sad. You see only darkness but you are aware of a light that lights the people around you and you long for it as you long for a break from life itself. There is only one thing for you.. snap out of it because once its too late, there's no turning back. You will never have true friends.
How do you live your life? (with pics! ^.~) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your element is Fire: Strong, hot tempered, powerful, and passionate. Well now lets see, being fire you are quite strong and powerful, people look up to you greatly and often seek your protection. You have the ability to gain many friends and you are always one people can count on to do what you say you will do. You are extremely loyal be it friends or family you'll stick up for them and you are never willing to put them in a position that could hurt them. You know what roll you play in life, leader, and you intend to let people know it. Not everyone is capable of leadership but you certainly have the willpower and flare to do it. You have quite a temper if it shows itself, one that can often lead you into trouble. Once your mind is made up there is no changing it but no one said that was a bad thing.
.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
 Your ideal Gravitation guy is Hiro!
The Gravitation Dating Game brought to you by Quizilla
You're an average normal person. You're known to hate blondes. You're a nice person that would proble fall in the rocker tpye. You have reguler emotion like every one eles,but are more bord often.Rate^-^
What's your anime hair color? COOL PICS^-^UPDATED!!! brought to you by Quizilla
 You have angst because of what has happened in the past. You need to learn to let go.
Why kind of Anime Angst lies in You? brought to you by Quizilla
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L'Arc~En~Ciel-"Feeling Fine"
Howdy all! Sorry I didn't post much this week there wasn't really anything to post about. I stayed home sick all week. I acidentally took too much robotusin. I thought each cap was a tea spoon sooo my bad. And Friday was photoday so I had to go to school. When I got there I was like why isn't anyone dressed up? And I found out photo day was canceled.........gyah. I and I had a fever. And I have 200 word essa on a dude due on monday and I'm not doing it cuzummmm....i don't feel like it! I think thats a good excuse! And friday night was first. I met new ppl. A gay guy named Irean and aKick ass chick named Sara! Sara is an beeginer w/ anime and so now I'm like peer preshering her in to all these new animes! LOL Dose it count as peer presher if she asks me to and I'm just a few months older than her? ANyway. Then I met up with Rich and Austin. I kept kissing and haning alll over Rich. Latter Rich was like,"Austin wanted to talk to you about something." and after 5 min of hasseling him he finally told me what it was about.It was bout me hugging Rich. I truned my head away frim Rich cuz i didn't want him to see how sad I was. Rich hung on my shoulder and said,"Hey wahts wrong? You can tell me, I'm your friend." I looked up and said,"If you didn't want me hugging you, you could of told me to stop." I sadi and then walked away. Later I found Austin and he told me that Rich was emotionally unstable and everything and that he hasn't gotten over his old GF.I got really pissed off that he sent Austin to reject me and do HIS dirty work. I walked up to him and tugged his sweat shirt and said,"Can I speak to you in private?" and walked away. We were almost to the spot where I wanted to talk and i hear Rich yell,"Hey! Wait up!", with a lil laugh. I gave a breef smile and said,"cute." to my self. When we got to the spot where I wanted to talk to him I told him I really liked him and that I wanted him to trust me and that I hoped for a relationship beond friendship with him one day. He told me about his past and how he hasn't gotten over her. Then I go out to Denny's with my mom and see a really hot man with loong hair.....:::drools:::: I wanna kill bunnies with sporks.....yeah easter bunnies......yeah sry I just thought of that. O.O WHat the hell am I on and can I get some more?
MelshuDou22: I wanna kill easter bunnies with sporks........
BlueCrowCorpse: lol
MelshuDou22: Promeatheus and bob
MelshuDou22: bob and Prometheus!
BlueCrowCorpse: lol
MelshuDou22: Featus!
MelshuDou22: Plusenta!ag
MelshuDou22: imbelicel cord!
MelshuDou22: child labor!
BlueCrowCorpse: dame it it's not heaslth class
MelshuDou22: contraction!
BlueCrowCorpse: ah
MelshuDou22: cursing mother
MelshuDou22: stoned father
MelshuDou22: a dacoter that like the Fonze
MelshuDou22: Ayeeee
MelshuDou22: ::::;thumbs up:::::
MelshuDou22: crying baby
MelshuDou22: passed out mother
MelshuDou22: fathers being aressted for possesion of marajawanna
MelshuDou22: The police take the marajawanna and smoke it while the father is in jail
BlueCrowCorpse: you a few yearts from now,lol
MelshuDou22: the stoned ploice men go to a gay strip bar and shoot midgets
MelshuDou22: the midgets get their revenge by biting the police in the ballz!
MelshuDou22: Kinky bastards........
MelshuDou22: whips
MelshuDou22: chains
MelshuDou22: yoshiki
MelshuDou22: yummy
MelshuDou22: pearls
MelshuDou22: roses
BlueCrowCorpse: lol
MelshuDou22: wine
MelshuDou22: candels
MelshuDou22: Gackt
MelshuDou22: albino
MelshuDou22: alabama
MelshuDou22: masurey
MelshuDou22: Kuntucky
MelshuDou22: KFC
MelshuDou22: Bangcock
MelshuDou22: Bang Cock.
MelshuDou22: Bang Cock quazeen
MelshuDou22: octopus!
MelshuDou22: Baby minuki!
MelshuDou22: sexy
MelshuDou22: Hyde
MelshuDou22: mom......
MelshuDou22: ewww
MelshuDou22: nasty
MelshuDou22: 100 yr old egg
MelshuDou22: Dinosars!
MelshuDou22: Cressent Moon insert!
MelshuDou22: Ride the dino!
BlueCrowCorpse: wtf
MelshuDou22: Dreassic park
MelshuDou22: sounds like star warz music
MelshuDou22: Gorge lucuz
MelshuDou22: Luka
MelshuDou22: Under the Glass moon!
MelshuDou22: He looks fugly w/ short hair
MelshuDou22: Nell's mom is a Mana wanna be
MelshuDou22: Izam
MelshuDou22: Mana
MelshuDou22: hanky's sold for $50 each
MelshuDou22: I bet youa tampon from Mana's shop cost atleast $15
MelshuDou22: Hats....
MelshuDou22: subaru
MelshuDou22: sexy
MelshuDou22: princess Subaru
MelshuDou22: handy-cap Dike prick with funky hair and paste on wings
MelshuDou22: Sukasa
MelshuDou22: Keipasa
MelshuDou22: no oblah espanyol
BlueCrowCorpse: lol
MelshuDou22: DDR
MelshuDou22: lets dance~
MelshuDou22: Solect a grove
MelshuDou22: Lets get it statred!
MelshuDou22: Tokyo Already
MelshuDou22: Lets go party strong will to thy
BlueCrowCorpse: yea
MelshuDou22: up left right back back up left left right right left
MelshuDou22: YOU FAIL!
MelshuDou22: Damn it
MelshuDou22: ::::kicks machine:::::
MelshuDou22: maggets
MelshuDou22: my bathroom
MelshuDou22: my cat
MelshuDou22: meow
BlueCrowCorpse: stop the madness!
MelshuDou22: Want your da blood!
Oh what I can do when I am bord. I just finished Read Or Die on Cartoon Network! I love that movie so I will leave you off with this!

Well gotta get going!
Take care,

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Sunday, October 17, 2004
( don't mind the typing....or spelling.....i'm half asleep)
Hey aLL! I just got done with Inu-yasha and wolf's rain. Oh it made me cry when it ended and it ended in the most unsatifying way........I even started to throw things at my TV. Like my box of tissues.....old birthday gifts.....a sponge ............ a chiwowa and a tiger.....yeah..... Anyway I've been working on the sequal to Lil Harley's Adventures aka Gazebo. Gazebo #2 is called Celebration. Its the Halloweeen edition. I mostlikely am NOT going to finish it to ngiht but I've diced on what Lil' Harley is going to permentally change in to. I've also had the worst weekend ever........ugh....I'll just tell you from start to finish.
Friday moring at 6:50 I wake up to the raido blasting the quote from the exsorsist,"What a perfect day from an excorsism" and then a quire singing "Z 100!!" damn that falcking radio station........then I go back to sleep for 5 seconds then Kelly Karckson comes blasting on the radio........oh do I hate her........I wake up and I just disided to wear what pant I had on to school with a Linkin Park tshirt on. Its comferting that I got alot of complements on the shirt and to know guys were stareing at my chest the whole day........... I also almost miss my bus....Then Angy convinced me to go on the rescedual blinde date next saturday...........and she also let me borrow her jacket that I look fabulus in. i take me new meds and hope fer the best .Then I had to make 3 trips from one side of the school to the pther for my teacher and when my ex was roaming the hallways as well as I was he dare made the comen,"Roaming the hallways I see........" and I yelled "SHUT UP BOBBY BEFORE I KILL YOU!" god.........he gets me soo pissed and the way he looked at me and smirked.........elll........Then i went to lunch and had to hear about this fat chicks constipation and how horny she was......then the usual fight about how Garats gay and how Chris hates him and me trying to kill the freshmen bec they are too loud and call me a lesbian whore............... Then theres HESPA prep wich I had a test in and instead of doing the median I did the mean..........and I realized this the next period in my regualar math(in the middel of another test may I add) class that I did this.......I finshied my math test and run to the room that I have HESPA prep in and the teachers not I run to the office and ask where the teacher is......they give me a room number and I don't know where that is so they take 5 flacking min to find out what hallway its in......I bust in to the class room and all my freshmen are yelling sand saying hi and Garat kept asking me if I gave his love letter to joey yet.........and he made me look like an ass infront of my teacher yelling that......and thank Davey that my teacher is nice and siad I could fix it on monday! Then I head back to math outta breath and crap and my princeple yelled at me for running in the hallways........damn you Mr. Brown I've seen you run in the fucking hallways........and encourage my running cuz I don't do it in gym your an ex-PE teacher........gyah.......okay so I walk into my classroom and 2 girls are still taking their head is pounding and Josh and Ed are playing their gitars and Philips rapping and Aliceson, sara, Cober and Kris are talking. My teacher calls me a differnet name and says I have to take 2 more head is pounding and I'm getting sharp pains all over my head and I start to tear up and tell my teacher that I started to take a new medicen that day and it wasn't work and just making things worse and thatmy head was hurtting........she said,"Well Miss. Breheney My head hurts too and guess what i still have to do my work.You have alot of tests to make up missy." I just walk away and I get more pissed and i almost start to cry and I ask to go to the nurse and she gives me a strange look and sighys and says "I guess" and hands me a pass..........I tel the nuse what has happend w/ the MRI and pills and crap and she take my blood presure and she says it high and basically tells me everything that my doctor told me. So I go to gym teacher thinks I'm on medical.......when I'm not and I ain't changing his mind or his grade book sooooo yeah......I also get Joey pissed by giving him Garrat's love letter........then foot I have to hold the score care and I feel like the slutty score card chick that you see in wresteling matches or baxing matches......and my friends point and laguh and start calling me schore card girl...... Then with the touch down post and chain thingy Mechi and Kris try to trip me and Kris keeps hitting me in the head with the post on perpose. And the funnyest thing is I tell Menchi that I can get more chicks than him and they're cute too and so he starts calling me stuff like lesbian whore and a bitch........and I just laugh. Then I go to English and I take a test.......ez as pie......then I reread gravi #7 god I love that manga........than I went to science and we watched Mr. Deeds and I was hanging out w/ the kool kids so i just went with what they said and said Adam sandlar was stupid and we started to make fun of the movie......then on the one had a i got off at the stop closest to Megans stop......and the dude that did get off ther had alighter on him and i got to smoke my cig!(sry I've been cig deprvied for a month so was happy....) Then I went to megs house and she locked out we hang out outside till it starts to rain hard then we went about 5 blocks down and used my friends phone and my grand ma picked up(power to my grandma) Then my grandma picked up Nell and drove us to the mall. I got to see all my old friends and bite a dude on the neck cuz he chaeted on his girlfriend tooo much......Then I saw my bro;s friend and i was like WTF!>!>!?!? And my bro is the reson why one of my friends and her bf broke up.......because the bf asked my friend not to do something and she did it anyway and with my bro too( and it was an addiction to something nothing sexual) And then my bro's starts calling me an anime freak and pokeing fun of me and I get pissed and I grab my & my bro's friend, Mike's ass and he tells jay that I grabed his ass and gyah that continuation of bantering me gose on..... I meet new pll that look like Joe Haun from LP and rich and Austin was there.........I really like both of them! ther soo cute and kind and you know........the good stuff.......I get to see stud and mommy and nadily and AShley.......... and then I see Nell talking to ppl with Mike so I go voer and it was raing out and I was smoking and when I got right by Nell I yell, "Fuck! I ALMOST got MY FUCKING CIGGARET WET!!!" and her dad turns around and he stare at me and Mike yells,"HEY! Watch your MOUTH! RETARD!" I sware on the love of Duo Maxwell and The love of Yaoi Fanfics I didn't know that was Nell's that got me really upset cuz he could tell my mom and everything right soooo i go in a cubby whole with my firends and Austin is holding Ashely and I lean on my friend Katey's sholder and I start to cry histerically and my make up is smearing everywere........and as I'm cry and Katey's trying to comfert me I look up and I see Ashley kissing Austin.........the guy I like......that just makes me cry even more so I just walk away in the rain and hand some one my ciggaret. Austin come chasing after me and asks me what wrong........he tells me to think of the better things than spit boy comes in and says out with the bad and in with the good, like a toilet and Austin says "Be like a toilet and flush out the bad" he trys comparing his life to mine etc. and in a way he shoves it in my face that I will never have him........then him ,Ashley, rich and Tress drag me inside and they saw some of there friends so I told Rich I was going for a walk and that I;d be back for a while........I go get some icecream and they start yelling my name and i walk over to my friends and Ashley and Austin are both like"Where did you go?" "Why did you leave" I just eat my ice cream with my depressed look and then once there done cewing me out I point my spoon at Rich and said, "I told him i'd be back soon." so they start to cew him out. and Rich made me eat some of his milkshake when I had my own icecream........after I got a lil happy Ashley left and i was in heaven............I had 3 hot men all stareing at me waiting to talk and start a connversation..........oh god did it feel then I ran in to Kevin after a while and he foce fed me fries and Rich basically shoved it in my face that he didn't want to go out with me.......that made me sad......then Kevin kept flirting with me and I had to get to barns and nobles before my mom left with out me so he wanted Opy to squeeze me in his car and I kept refuseing and I kinda showed that Diva who's boss when I'm upset so I walked away from the car and I heard the car door shut I started to cry agian............kevin likes tracy and not me and hes proved it..........and my head was hurtting so I just walked outside in the rain and called Megan on my Cell and I went home and up wne to go eat lunch at megs house then went to Candy's house and basically it led up to right now.........
plus-I got 3 pack of cigs for $13.80
minus-I can't tweek the lighters and every guy I like dosen't like me.........
Well I guess I'm off its 2:11 am and I'm suposta be in bed........

I leave you with hide..........
and happy b-day Angy!

Have a great week!
Take care,
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Saturday, October 16, 2004
Enjoy Nell.....

Take the Spirit Quiz and visit Castle Diqueria.
A Dir en Grey quiz Whose ass could you claim? brought to you by Quizilla
 You got Toshiya!!
A Dir en Grey crotch claim quiz Who'll be sleeping in your bed? brought to you by Quizilla
Dir en Grey foreplay quiz brought to you by Quizilla
Why...? I don't know.........
 your shinyas kitty,soft fluffy and white. shinya brings you everywhere and often carresses your head. he feeds you cavier and snowflakes. shinya gave you your own bed with fluffily pillows. when shinya is away he leaves you with his mom who enveys you she wants to be with shinya all the time too. shinya calls you shnookums and often cuddles with you but your real name is puffy. shinya's other pets are 2 little hamsters who he lets you beat up.
which J-Rockers pet are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 GACKT should suit you!
Which JROCK male should suit YOU? brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, October 14, 2004
My Dolphin PJz are the shiznick and you know it! Admire me for I have had it for more than 5 years!
Don't ask me where that subject came from.
Hey all! What is up? Sorry fer not posting! Its been crazy..........I haven't taken my meds yet cuz my flackin mother keeps fergeting to pick it up! ooo my hair is silky and fluffy.........anyway.....for shop( shop is my trait class- Comercial and graphic arts) now I have to make a chines food menu for this place called "China Bowl". When my teacher was discribing this project she used a resturant called, "The Mickey Mouse Grease Spoon"! When she said that I yelled ," THE MOUSE!!!!" I sooooo wanted to use that resturant but Mrs. prov said hoo. And Mrs. Prov scares me.......shes like god.....I sware.....she knows all your bad deeds practically and if you mention her name to Art teachers/ people in the Art business on the east coast when your trying to get a job.......they'll hire you cuz your one of her students and they hope your shit is just as good as hers.

Ya see the image above........Mrs. Prov disigined that, the sign I mean........its creepy.......
Anyway on to better things........I most likely going on a blind date on sat and I'm kinda nervous........Trent says not to wear red. I'm going to wear my hair down. Just gyah!>!>!>!?!?!? What should i wear ? How should i act? HELP!!! I wish it could be like the episdoe of Sponge Boob, when hes taking the boating test and Patric his helping him cheet just I'm wearing my Coo hat from Di GI Charat and Jen and Meg w/ Kevin are telling me what to do while messing around with my cosplay costumes. awww screw that subject.
Hey wanna know a great site fer YAoi Fanfiction?
I love that site! I'm a fanfiction freak.........I love to write stupid romatic things.
Oh I'm also creating a poster for a quote that my teacher said durring class.
"Art isn't Macanical"
The closest thing to macnical when you dealing with are is a macanical pencil and even thats too much.
Art is when ink hits paper,
when you use a pencil and an eraser,
when your thoughts hit the paper and not the screen.
Don't become the corrupt monster that socitety has created with technology.
It steals your sould and leaves your imagination empty and dry.
Be primitive for a moment and get back to your roots.
Pick up the pen and drop the mouse.
Turn the luminated screen off and look at the canvas.
Create your life.
THats the poem i put with the art work. The image is like Angel sancutary( well thats what it reminds me of) Its a girl coming out of a shattered computer and shes reaching out and yet restrained with wires. Shes kinda fused with the wires and there are crane little thingys in the backround coming outtat the comp. Ya know the thinkys that are in grandfather clocks. And she also has a cearal code on her fce that says "4 R 7" aka art in L33T. I thought that was nifty.
Now time for Duo time!
Theres a doniji(sp) translated thats called Tiny Grim Reaper and its about Chibi shiggami Duo trying to take the souls of the GW cast. The ending is soooo KAWAII!!!
I g2g!
Take care!
Ps-this is for Katy-san and Hikari! There soo nice 2 meh! And Tootie Yui sends barks and small kawaii kisses Katy! Ja Ne!

Pss-YAY!!! my Hydest mommy( aka my mom that looks like Hyde from Laruku) Got me MEDs! YAY!! ::::dose happy dance:::: come on! Join me in my happy dance! i know you wanna!
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Sunday, October 10, 2004
I'm so beat.....
Hte nerologyst still scares me.She shorter than me and owns a better laptop than me. I don't even own a laptop.And I can tell you this. the shap pains in my head isn't a migreane. It might be a food alergy, stress or rebound head aches from taking too many pain releavers or depression. SHe gave me these pills to take and if they don't work than I have to go to a spycologist aka a srink. T.T life sucks. I also am having trouble making my halloween costume. But fear not because i have go the pink wig! But fear Jen cuz her dads PMS has rubbed off on her and she won't go renact a Gundam ff that I read lastnight thats called,"When Duo get Bord".Its a good fanfic. Its made by Jaded fanfiction. oOOOOO I love the song I'm listening to right now! Its "REVOLATIONS" by L'Arc~en~Ciel. Hyde sound so sexy on the new "SMILE" ablum.
Well I best be off take care,

Don't ask me why but I'm scared to death of Tohma yet I still find him some what a bishi....just hes creepy....and they don't make his coat me I looked

How to make a Ruri Illuser |
3 parts success
1 part courage
5 parts empathy |
Method: Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of curiosity |
Personality cocktailFrom
 Element Air. You are happy, loves to travel to all kinds of places. Your power amplifier is the Sky, your protective stone is the Cristal. You like the Crescent Moon and your special power is to fly.
Which element (or double element) control your mind and heart?(with anime girls pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 Brave, strong willed, loyal and passionate
You are a sprite of Fire. Full of passion, bravery and spice you are the living embodiment of fire. You are quite arrogant and think yourself above most but that is made up for by; your passionate ability to pursue your dreams, your strong will and your powerful well skilled ability for fighting. You are a natural leader, people are somewhat drawn to you and see you as someone to look up to but you only pay attention to them if they are useful, your equal or your superior. You are a very exciting person to be near for you have a vast love of adventure and battle. Fire is a symbol of Passion if and when you choose to love you are capable of beautiful, long lasting, devoted love. You are quite wondrous!
.::=What type of mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
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