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myOtaku.com: Ruri Illuser

Monday, August 16, 2004

   Wahhhhhh!!!!! My Life is really confusing and it sucks....

I'm really pissed cuz i guess my mother likes to rewind my life in some way shape or form. Yesterday I couldn't sleep over my friends house and when I get home I'm told that my mother dosen't want me home and yet we were supost to go to the beach today for my birthday.. So I canceled plans to go to my firends birthday party. When i wake up I'm told that we're not going to the beach to day. SO I have to wait nother week or 2 to get my family's birthday gifts. And then on sat we WERE suposta have this family gathering.(?) So when I cancel my plans I was told that the gathering was canceled untill next sat. Oh how much dose ppl like to piss meh off? I get really confused and start to break down and then I say I feel like riping out my hair.....and jen knows that litterly do that if I'm pushed far enuff. How do you think I go my new hair cut? gyah......can some one please kill meh now.
Panda-::::clings to Ruri and shakes head no:::
Me-Wow panda loves meh YAY!

ANyway I gotta go.
Take care.
And remember to keep the trigger greased and the temple clean.

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