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In a galxy far far away where Cew-chan and obi one live
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Nerd Otaku School girl
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The Great and Powerful Reanef the V!ummm.... FEAR ME!*giggels*:::thumbs up twards Eclipse::::^-^
I've become a complete and total loser!! L7 weenie all the way calloway!!!
Anime Fan Since
3rd grade(bebop)
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::scraches head::: too many to count ^^;;
to become an animator or manga-ka
Annoying people,Being scaractic,slaping pervs,being a perv,reading and writing fanfics(most lemony yaoi),etc
Many...Would you like to find out? ^.~
| Ruri Illuser
Sunday, March 14, 2004
 the helper
what kind of kawii kitty cat are you or might be like? brought to you by Quizilla
 Reserved, quiet, wise and free spirited
You are a sprite of the Earth: You have a deep connection with the earth and all its creatures, preferring plants and animals to people you are quiet and reserved. You understand things on a different level and can often see straight through to a persons true intentions. You are mysterious to everyone even those in your family, they may live with you but that doesn't mean they 'know' the real you. Being inside the house for long periods of time can be torture, you crave the outdoors and love simply escaping up a tree or into the forest where you can be free. Although you may be smart you are easy to judge a person because you fear what they 'may' be going to do. You are wise in things that most overlook and you are very creative in many aspects like art, music, etc... Although try as they may to seek you, you are a free spirit. Just let them try to catch and put you in a cage.
.::=What type of mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a normal angel. Innocent and pure. Full of light and hope. You love to be around others, and really know how to have a good time. You enjoy hanging around with mortals. You like ti sing, which you are great at, and like to have others near you. People are naturally attracted to your bubbly personaliy, and love to be around you. Normal angels are always popular, and have lots of fans. You are happy go lucky, with an interesting out look on the world.
Though you have experienced pain, that is all behind you now. You see the bright side to things, and are always there to help a person in need. You are quite pretty, with a childish air, though you know more than others think.
You are a really friendly person. But can be a tad selfish at times.
You are bright and full of energy.
Better get my shades!
What Type Of Angel Have You Become? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're Elemant is Wind. You're light-hearted, care- free, kind, sensative, and mysterious. You have friends and most absolutely love you. You can be calm and soothing one minute and ragging in anger the next so no one wants to get on your bad side. You're beauty is inspiring and magical.
What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES) brought to you by Quizilla
 You're like an angel. As everyone knows, angels dwell in heaven. They were desribed as shining ones wearing white and the idea that they have wings is believed as well. Guardian angels are the ones that many people think are dead loved ones who try to protect the living friends or family they have on Earth. They usually had blonde hair and maybe brown with flawless appearance and sweet dispositions. They were cheerful, hopefull, selfless, loving, and kind. Angels are the one mystical creature that a majority of people truly believe in. Encounters with angels are poping up all over the world and reassuring people's beliefs in angels. (please rate)
What Mystical Creature Are You? (Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
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