Birthday 1993-12-06 Gender
Female Location East Falmouth Member Since 2004-07-30 Occupation student in 7th grade(Late b-day) Real Name Maria
Achievements Alot Anime Fan Since I was 5 years old Favorite Anime Everyone Ive seen and thats alot! Goals Dunno Hobbies surfing, lisiting 2 music, ect... Talents None Ruriruri
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Oh weah did anyone watch Samuria Clampo or whatever?i saw it and I LOVE it now!
Also did anyone watch the movie on adult swim too?I did I give it a 9/10.^^
Hi everyone.Updatin at 1pm cayse I was playn FFx all morning.Really fun.
Ok heres the pic of the day!
I also Have a poll just for fun^-^
Well I'm gonna go and vist you all then play FFX or X-2 see ya!
*sighs*Cute pic today of Ed and the family!So cute!
Hiya!Well Heres a pic.So cute dontcha think?^^
Well my team won our soccer game today.I was gonna be goalie but dicided to be mid-field today.
Well todays anime night.But nothin really news comin on.*Sighs*I cant wait for the next new FMA epe in September i think.Oh well Im still gonna watch the reruns and theres a new show comin on called oh I cant remember the name.But people been talkin bout it.Well Im gonna play FFX-2 and the recently bought FFX!!!!!!!YAY!See ya.
PS I can make grapics now!If you need a welcome sign or anything just tell me^^Im gonna put up a sample of my work verry soon!^^
Todays pic is 2 different people.Hawkeye and Mustang!
Im so for posting so late!I had to go to soccer right after I got back from school!
At pratice we scrimaged a boy team!^_-We freckin' lost cause the bitches on our team wouldnt MOVE THEIR ASSES!They just stood and tried to look pretty*sighs*
Well school was bad as today was FRIDAY 13!!!!!
At school we played a game for math(Im in enrichment)Then had tons of tests.Thats bout it.Nothin interseting.Im gonna visit you all then play FFX-2!YAY!TGIF!See ya!
Hey guys.Sry for not updating.I had this hard paper then alot more papers of homework.That sucks.nway Ill post the pic later.
See ya!Ill vist all of your sites just to let you know.^-^
Hi everyone!Nice to se you all.
Well at school we ran a mile-_-
Im soo tired after that.Then I had cello pratice.
Gues what!?!A friend of mine came over and beat the gunners gaulent for me!YAY~I could never beat it for some reason^^;
Well Ill visit you all and after that Im gonna go and start makin my own grapics!YAY!Oh and Ill get the pick up in just a sec.
Hi everyone!Well I just woke up from a 4hr napDont know why I took it tho?
Well I gots a pic and Ill be makin some welcome signs and stuff but not today.GtG.My dad calls me.*sighs*
FMA rocked and Ghost in the Shell.I didnt watch all the Ghost in the shell epes but I got it.And now my rescorces tell me we must wait for new fMA!That sucks.Well see ya!
Well tonights anime night.A friend told me that its the final epe of Ghost in the Shell!But a note to peeps FMA is NOT over!Thank god!But still...Well heres a pic=
PS Can anyone tell me how you make stuff like welcome signs or bascily add words to a pic?