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myOtaku.com: Rurouni Inuyasha

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Samurai Sakura (05/14/04)

Hello!Guess who it is!Bet you can't!Wanna find out?Go to my otaku!

cute sesshomaru (04/24/04)

Nice site I left you a comment on one of your posts please check it out and come by mine site sometime.

Atlen (04/23/04)

Love the pink and purple on your site!^_^ I like a lot of the same animes as you.^_^ Please come sign my guestbook, when you get a chance.^_^

ayalovesvidel (03/26/04)

elo der! how r yewz?? hope ur doin fine.. ^_^... please visit my site if u have time ^_^ ... im addin u to my friendslist keiz! ei! add me to urs.. ok?! ^_^... byez~! take care! nice site btw~~ ^_^

Kashin (03/26/04)

hi love your site Kenshin rules!
please vist me :)

Jaganshi (03/18/04)

hello! i really like your site... im adding you as a friend ^_^ ok, later!


blackwings (03/04/04)

I love the pic with your name. Just thought I would said hi and now Im going to go before I say something dumb in my rambling. Later.

Wolfy (02/24/04)

Hey! thankys for signing my book of guestyness ^^ you are awsome ! also thankys for liking my piccys! ^^ heeehehe! ^^ well then! I shall friend you!

Luv ya lots!

Wolfy ^^

misao19 (02/24/04)

Hi Rurouni Inuyasha!I like your quizzies!Check out my site!I got alot of quizzies too!well um...Sign my GB bye!(oh and if you take the time to look at my results from the quizzes you can see I'm a very...Depressed little girl)

Hanyou Kagome (02/24/04)

thanks for the comment.

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