Saturday, April 1, 2006
sry i havent been on in a while. bussy in tharapy. my friend star's bf is being a @$$ so im fightin wit him. he is stupid hes stripping wit his baby's mom! and hes only 14! and he has agf! details l8er!
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
really bored.
im so bored im going to start stalking my friend, because he moved and i didnt find out till the day he moved cause he didnt tell ppl. and i found out sum1 who has his p# so im gonna call him and confess my love for him bcuz ive been too scared sience 1st grade but now 7 years later im finally gonne tell him. sawsan if ur reading this, yes i am talkin about micheal. ok well plz comment!
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Saturday, February 11, 2006
i went skatin and there was a bunch of fights and the manager rob got a taser and started shocking ppl! it was awsome, and out of control! but i had my nephew wit me. all my friends except lucus and tori left right b4 the fights happened. rob called the cops and when he said the cops were comin and lots of ppl were gitting arrested almost everyone ran to the door, i just sat there wit doug and lucus. and when rob called the cops everyone started screamin F***ING PIGS!!! everyone got kicked out at 1am, it was b4 the cops came. when everyone was leavin there was another fight it was huge, so me and doug had to run across the skate floor and jump over a little wall. tasers r scary! it was so much fun! but its the last sockop ever. plz comment!
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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
if i am pregnant and get an abortion ill keep the fetus in a jar and name it fluffy. can u keep ur fetus? i kissed a gurl today but i have a bf. it was my x-gf's best friend, weird. katie moved and i miss her! my bf's name is josh. plz coment
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Sunday, January 8, 2006
my mom said i should start hanging out wit other ppl, thats probably the smart thing, but me and ashley have been friends sence i was in 2nd grade, so i told ashley wat she said and that i would still b friend wit her cause my mom cant control my life. but she got all mad/sad and she went home, and now she wont talk to me. im grounded, i cant leave the house without adult supervision, because im gonna go out and smoke pot, drink, and have sex. that was sarcastic, even tho thats wat i used to do, ive been clean and sober for more than a week.
oh i found this funny thing:

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my mom said i should start hanging out wit other ppl, thats probably the smart thing, but me and ashley have been friends sence i was in 2nd grade, so i told ashley wat she said and that i would still b friend wit her cause my mom cant control my life. but she got all mad/sad and she went home, and now she wont talk to me. im grounded, i cant leave the house without adult supervision, because im gonna go out and smoke pot, drink, and have sex
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