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G.D. Ryoko
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New York City, in an anime store
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S.J. Fuller
I `m in highschool
Anime Fan Since
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too many to name
build the greatest website,learn how to make my own layout
making banners, making websites, etc
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, June 20, 2004
I was supposed to go to New York today but I can't go and I'm really upset! Now I can't see my friend because she is leaving next week and I'm going next week. Darn it. I'm also upset because I'm trying to edit a picture for a layout but my mouse is messed up and it's really hard to erase all the things that I don't want in the picture. I feel like crying.
For some happier news though, yesturday we went fathers day shopping for my dad. While we were shopping, I got the newest issue of Shonen Jump and I brought Gundam Wing operation 3&4 for dvd. Now I need operation 1&2 and all the other ones that come after operation 4. It was really fun watching gundam wing on my computer.
Last night I was watching Wolf's Rain with my little brother and it went on commercial. We saw the Wolf's Rain commercial and my brother saw Blue's human form and said:"Blue looks like Kiba in drag with a sun tan." I thought about it and she kinda does.
Well later.
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Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Summer Vacation!!!
Yes! I'm so happy because yesturday was my last day of school. Sorry I haven't updated in a while but my test were keeping me super busy.
Since I've been gone, I saw the new Harry Potter movie. I loved it! The special effects were wonderful and Daniel Radcliffe was looking so sexy.
About the layout thing...I had learned better coding and so instead of doing Gundam Wing Like I was going to, I used Wolf's Rain. I love that anime. I think that Kiba is so sexy.
I'm going to do Gundam Wing for my next main layout though. Speaking of Gundam Wing, yesturday I brought the manga Episode Zero which tells you about the lives of the pilots before operation meteor. I loved it soo much!
When I'm done collecting the His & Her Circumstances manga, I'm going to start my Gundam collection. My bedroom is going to look like a boy's room. ^^ I don't care though.
Well I think that's about all for right now but I'll update later.
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Friday, June 4, 2004
A little help...
This is nothing major, this is just for my graphics site. I am about to change the layout for version 6 of my site and I made three different layouts that I want to use for version six. I was wondering if any of you can vote for your favorite. Just say which one you like in my comments section. I would really appreciate it very much.
Layout 1
Layout 2
Layout 3
By the way, how are you all doing?
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Friday, May 28, 2004
I was making avatars for my graphics site. I made over 60 but I have to upload them.
I finally got to listen to the songs from Gundam Wing(I love GW). My favorites are Just Communications and Rhythm Emotion. I'm listening to them right now.
Well thats all for now.
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Monday, May 24, 2004
Today at school, I was using the computer and doing a search on Harry Potter when I came across some articles saying that Daniel Radcliffe was in New York City at Radio City Music Hall for the premire of Harry Potter 3. I was really upset because I wanted to be there and try to stalk him like the evil fangirl I am. Alas I will try next year. Then I will tell you all about how security carried me away from Daniel Radcliffe. I got some pics from google of the red carpet premire. Behold Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint in all their glory!

Well I guess that's it for now because I have nothing more to say.
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Sunday, May 23, 2004
I have been super busy lately. I updated my graphics site. I made 55 new avatars for it. I updated my blog and I added my dream log with all my weird dreams. You should really check out the dream I had friday, it was freaky.
Tomorrow, I'm going to try upload a wallpaper and greeting I've beeb working on.
That's all for now.
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Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Finding a Place to belong...
I was thinking about my family and about other people. Like I said in an earlier post, I come from a mixed family. I'm 1/3cuban,1/3 Native American and 1/3 African American. Around me, I meet people who aren't mixed with anything and it makes me wonder what group of people I belong with. It's a really sad thing if you think about it.
Anyway, I'm going to be taking a break from my website and parctice on my graphic designing and stuff. I see my work improving but I want to reach my full potential. Hopefully I can have my site and my forums up and running.
Also I wonder how people are customizing their post, like James and AniFreak? If someone can tell me I will be happy.
Thankyou and bye!
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Sunday, May 16, 2004
Okay for the past couple of weeks, I've been pretty busy. Moving back and forth between clubs and stuff. I'm about to put my graphics site oh hiatus because I'm so busy and it's hard for me to update on it.
In case you haven't noticed, I'm trying to do a Harry Potter theme since the movie is comming out soon. I found these anime style Harry Potter pictures and I fell in love with them because they are so cute!
Anyway, I've been working on some new banners and I need your opinions about them. I want to know if I'm improving or not. Also one of the banners is pretty plain and I need help in deciding what to do with it.

This one is from Street Fighters, I really like this one.

This is that plain one I was talking about. Help me out!

This one is pretty simple but it's cute.

Another simple one but I like it.
I look forward to your opinions so please comment.
Thank You
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Wednesday, May 5, 2004
Okay well I`ve been pretty busy lately. Monday I joined the Anime club. It was pretty cool. Alot of the members play YGO so I can finally duel other people. Also the members are pretty friendly.
I was thinking about my family history. My family is pretty mixed. If you guys are interested, I`ll tell you about my family`s history.
Remember a while ago I said I was writing a story? Well I`m not done yet but I can tell you that it`s a murder mystery. I hope you guys will like it.
There are more things I want to tell you but I can`t think right now.
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Friday, April 30, 2004
Well, my computer has been acting strange but I got it on track now. Anyway, I started practicing how to draw manga. I`m not good but I`m getting better. I didn`t have Manga Wednesday so I was pretty bored. I e-mailed my best friends moments ago. I really miss them alot. I also miss New York alot.
I miss the hustle and bustle of the city. I hate taking a school bus, I perfer using public transportation, especially in N.Y. In New York City, only kids who had disorders took the school bus. Here everyone does it. I`m going to learn how to drive and get a job.
Well on the good side of things, I got my reportcard. I got two B`s, one A and a C in ceramics. What can I say, I`m not one with the clay. I made the honorroll at my school so that`s good. I`m also becomming friends with the president of the Anime club.I may join that too.
Well that`s about it. I may add a shoutbox but I`m not sure.
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