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Friday, December 26, 2003
Something Horrible!
Well, I hope evryone had a good Christmas. Mines was good except for one thing that was something horrible.
I went under the Christmas tree to open My YGO, The scared cards, I was so happy that I had gotten the game. When I opended it, I pulled out the book and it said Dugeon Dice Monsters. I didn`t think much of it though. However, when I pulled out the game, it said Dungeon Dice Monsters.
I put on a cry and woke up my parents. I couldn`t believe what happened. How could people put the wrong game in the wrong box?! I don`t even know how to play DDM. I want my Scared cards now.
Besides that, everything else was cool. I got a black GBA SP.
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Sunday, December 21, 2003
More stuff
Well today, I didn`t do anything, except make some more banners. They`re all Oh! My Goddess banners. I don`t like how they came out.

Well that`s all for today.
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Saturday, December 20, 2003
Nothing much
Today, I hung out with my bestfriend. We dueled at the library. She`s a begginer so I kicked her butt, but I was showing her how to play. I gave her a card with 2200 attack power to help her out. After that we read adult fanfiction.
I only made one new banner. It`s the one at top that says Merry Christmas. I don`t really like it but the picture is soooo cute.
At my forums, one of the members got in trouble for violating two rules. Of course a mod did it, not me. I`m kind of scared when it comes to telling people that they are doing something wrong.
Right now, I`m with my nephews. Well that`s all for now anyway.
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Friday, December 19, 2003
Christmas Shopping!!
Well, I just came in from Christmas shopping. I brought most of my own Christmas presents. I got a GBA SP, YGO the sacred cards, and other cool stuff.
I didn`t get a chance to make any banners today but hopefully tomorrow I`ll make something.
Yesturday at my uncle`s funeral after party, I got hit in the head with an oxygen tank.It was an accident. It hurt alot and now I have a headache.
That`s all for now.
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Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Even more ranting.
I`ve been back in school for two days now. I didn`t miss much but I still have to catch up with somethings.
I`m sick of the girls in my class asking me if I like anyone in the school. I barely know anyone in that school and even if I did like someone, it`s none of their buisness.
Also, My Uncle died. I don`t feel bad because I never met him. I`m just upset with my cusin`s and the way they doing the wake. It`s not very Christian like, but then again they`re not Christian.
I made a couple of more banners on my paintshop. Yes, I`m back on paintshop. They are very plain and the captions are really stupid but hey that`s what I get for making two banners in five minutes. ^^

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Monday, December 15, 2003
Photoshop 7
I`ve been trying to use my photoshop 7. I don`t know how to use it really but everyone says that it`s a really good program. I usually use psp but I decided to change up a bit. I made two test banners on photoshop and I don` like the way they came out, but it`s my fault because I don`t know how to use the tools. Anyway let me know what you guys think of the banners.

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Sunday, December 14, 2003
More Ranting
I updated my personal site. It`s really comming along nicely. My AOL is still screwing things up for me here and on OB so it`s hard for me to view pages and such.I wonder if Terra Zero got my e-mail about the banner. I`m going to have to make it over because I don`t like how it came out.
I return back to school Tuesday. I enjoyed being out sick for a week, even though I had pnemonia. Now when I get to school, everyone is going to be in my buisness. Well that`s all for now,
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Saturday, December 13, 2003
A funny thought
Okay, I hope I don`t offend anyone by making this entry but if I do, I`m really sorry and please forgive me.
I was remembering something funny my friends told me last year. They told me that I talk like I`m caucasian. I asked them, how do you talk like your caucasian and they told me"Because you don`t talk in slang like the rest of us. I felt kind of bad that my friends think of my as different because of the way I talk.
It`s sad really, when you think about it.
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Yesturday, I`ve been making the layout and updating some of my pages for my Janurary layout. I got most of the pages updated and it looks pretty good. I also love that December layout I made. I`m so proud of myself. My January one looks just as good.
Things with my forums are also going good too. Katana and Shippo are making great ideas for contest like banner contest and such. It`s so exciting.
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Friday, December 12, 2003
My skills as a graphic artist are starting to look up!
I think my skills as a graphic artist are starting to look up. I went to a website the other day that was teaching how to make DIV layouts so I`d thought I would try and I made a cute christmas one. I took some screen shots if you wanna see.

Also, Terra Zero asked me to make him a banner. No one ever asked me that before. I think that my dream is comming true, I may actually become a good graphic artist after all.
I also want you guys to help me choose my new Myotaku welcome picture. There not very good but they sure are a lot better than the first. Just let me know what you guys think by adding comments.
Thanks in advance

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