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Wednesday, December 10, 2003
Wow, I`m really sick!
For the past few weeks since I had mt asthma attack, I haven`t been feeling well.Saturday, I had another asthma attack and now I have a mild case of pnemonia(sp?). I`m really upset about this.
Besides all the bad news, I have some good news. My Comments (0) |
Saturday, December 6, 2003
My picture
I was on OB just a few moments ago, looking at a picture thread I made back in May. I lokk so silly in the picture. I still look the same, except I lost weight since I took that picture. I`m not going to post it here though, I don`t want people to see me because I`m scary.
Also I`m starting not to like AOL. Every time I go to OB on AOL, it always says that my account has been banned. Thank goodness for my back up services.
I also made a couple of banners, I`m no graphic artist but I do try to be. They are capcaom vs. snk2 banners. One has Mai and the other has Yuri. Let me know what you think because I want to improve on my work.

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Monday, December 1, 2003
Well, I`m so happy! I have new members on my forums . I want to thank them for joining. It seems things are starting to look up.
Also, back when I joined OB in January, I was signing up for a battle in the BA. I named my character Yuri, after Yuri from capcom vs snk2. Anyway, Raiha(one of the first people I met on OB) told me that yuri means girl sex. Ofcourse, I was pretty freaked out. Then I started wondering why someone would give a character a name that means such a thing. Since then it always bothered me.
Well, last week, I was doing a search on Japanese words used in anime, for my friend. Anyway I came across a site that was talking about words used in hentai. Naturally, the word yuro was there. Anyway it said that yuri actually means lilly and blah, blah, blah...I forgot the rest. Well, I wanted to see how yuri went from meaning lilly to girl sex but I lost the site and I didn`t write it down. Anyway can someone help me out with this little mystery?
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Tuesday, November 25, 2003
Changing my sites layout
I will be changing my website layout for christmas. When I`m done please let me know what you think about it.
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BIG weekend
On saturday, I wasn`t feeling very well. I had a sore throat and a runny nose. I thought it was a cold and didn`t think nothing of it. Sunday, I started feeling worst. My cheast was tight and I couldn`t breathe. I couldn`t sleep that night because I couldn`t breathe and I thought I was going to die.My parents wanted to take me to the hospital but I said no.
Monday, I stayed home because I was feling even worst. My mom took my brother to school and went to work. I was gettin bad so I called my father. We then got disconnected. Then my mother walked in the house. Sh forgot her cell phone. She told me to get dressed. She said she was taking me to work with her the take me to the hospital.
Since my mom works at a school, she had the school nurse check me out. The nurse said that I was tight in the chest and that my mom should get me to a hospital right away. My mom left work early and took me to the hospital. There I was treated immediatly. It turned out that I had an asthma attack. I never had one before. I was kinda freaked out when I heard this. Now, they put me on steroids for five days. I never had steroids before. Also they were going to give me medication for an asthma machine but I don`t have one and they were suprised to hear this too.
Anyway I`m home now to be watched. I feel alot better now though.
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Friday, November 21, 2003
I danced and I sucked
I don`t feel like using colors today. I did the dance for dance class and I sucked. I made lots of mistakes and I was stiff, well I usually am in front of people. Anyway, I felt like an ass. I`m happy it`s over but the leader of the group wants to do it over because she changed some of the steps while we were performing. I`m just happy to be home and back to my normal life.
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Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Dance class
In dance class, the teacher gave us this assignment that we have to get into groups and make up our own dance. I`m no dancer but I also can`t fail dance. My group has a nice dance but I can`t do the first step right.( For a person living in a "ghetto" I can`t dance :lol:) I try and I try but I can`t get it Right! I`m at the point that I`m ready to quit and just fail dance because I don`t want to hold my group back. Also I heard we have to perform in front of the whole school! I`ve only got till friday to get that step right.
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Sunday, November 16, 2003
Guess no one liked my RPG. Oh well. Well nothing much has happened to me. I`m still trying to get more members to join my forums but still, it`s only me and stun gun milly.
I also have been practicing my page design but I`m still not very good. That`s my luck.
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Monday, November 10, 2003
Website, Forums, and other things
Well since I last posted, some good things have happened. stun gun milly from OB joined my forums, also I changed my website design. click here and tell me what you think of the new design. It`s an IFrames layout. Post your comments here. Also, I want you guys to read and rate an RPG I was thinking about starting. It`s similar to the Mai The Psycic Girl Manga. Post your comments here about my RPG.
Shadow is the name of a secret underground organization, made up of the world`s evilist scientist and millitary officials who develop weaponds of mass distruction.Shadow plans on taking over the world by using extra sensory perception,or ESP. However, very few have that ability. In order to find those that do, they developed test disgused as standard school test and distributed them to schools around the world. Those that scored exceptionally high on the exam were the ones that would be use as Shadow`s weaponds for world domination.
Weeks later, Shadow recieved the scores from the schools around the world. They selected from the top 20 stundents. 10 of the students recieved perfect scores(700) and the others recieved a 690. Very pleased with the results, Shadow sent their finest agents to track down and capture the 20 students. There are only 5 types of ESP
1.Telepathy-Transmit thoughts mentally
2.Clairvoyance-Ability to identify distant concealed things.
3.Precognition-Recieve what will happen in the future
4.Postcognition-Recieve events in the past
Psychokinesis-The ability to move objects with the power of will.
Well don`t forget to post your comments about my website and my RPG. I think my RPG needs a bit of work though.
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Tuesday, November 4, 2003
Moving Soon
My mother is sick of New York City, so she is moving my family to Frederick, MD. I`ve been there a few times to visit my cousins but I never really liked it. It`s way too quiet for me and where they lived, they didn`t have Cartoon Network! I can`t live like that. Well I should be there by January but hopfully after the 8th because I want to be in N.Y. for my birthday. Well if any of you guys live down there, wanna tell me some good points anout Frederick?
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