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myOtaku.com: ryoko98632

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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sakurachi24 (03/08/05)

Hiya love your site.
you a vikings fan?
just asking cause of the colors.(tee hee)*JK*


Tynave (03/04/05)

Hi I was hoping to get to know you better some time if you want someone to talk with Ill be here waiting.

younggrasshopper (02/24/05)

hey! thanks for commenting me on my fanart! i'm gonna add u as a friend. k? bye! :)

MadamRyeka (02/23/05)

Hey! Thank you commentin my work -^_^-! I'll add you as a friend, if ya dun mind, laterz!

kittyinulvr22 (02/22/05)

I know, it's more of an inside joke between my boyfriend and I. I am a huge fan, and I know he isn't a cat. I'm not mistaking him as a cat...I think it's a bit humorous, so there's no reason to get angry. Lighten up! ^-^

PinkBunnyGirl144 (02/22/05)


Glad u liked my art!

wish u the best


osoraku (02/15/05)

Hi! Ryoko, I like your site� I like the colors.
I have leaved some comments� hope you to feel better!
I�ll add you as a friend.

masterchief100 (01/23/05)

Hey yeah getting grounded from anything that has to do wit manga/anime must REALLY suck... Nice site though you didnt deserve to get grounded from that kinda stuff... must really really suck.

Sage of Magic (12/26/04)

Hello! I'm glad you like my art, thank you, and I'll gladly be your friend. Funny that you didn't know what anime was. Neither did I and I watched it all the time ^_^; well, see ya!

Miyoko-chan (12/25/04)

Thanks for the PM! I like the colors on your site. Very bright! I'll add you as a friend.
See ya!

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