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| RyokotheWarrior
Sunday, November 30, 2003
Final Fantasy Quizzes
 You're a Samurai! True, loyal and honesty are your main interests as a friend.
Which FFX-2 Dress Sphere are you? brought to you by Quizilla

Which Final Fantasy (IV-X) Character are you?
by steevi
Which Final Fantasy X-2 character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Tidus!
!!!!!!!Which Final Fantasy X Character Are You?!!!!!!! brought to you by Quizilla | You are Rinoa! Your relationships with others are important to you. You like to socialize and have a good time. To some people you might seem a little shallow, but you really just like to be happy and make others happy too. Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here! |
 | You are Selphie! Party time! Nobody's better at putting together fun plans than you. You're never at a loss for cool ideas. You attract friends like magnets. For you, the world is just an awesome place! Booyaka! Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here! |
 | You are Zell! Hyperactive much? Caffeine and you should stay far from each other. You might be a little shy with the opposite sex, but in big groups you're extremely outspoken. Your emotions run strong, and though you might try to hide them, you seldom succeed. Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here! |
 | You are Squall! A lone wolf with the weight of the world on your shoulders, you may not communicate your feelings to your friends, but you are a true friend to those you are close to. In spite of your hesitance to warm up to people, you're likely one hot number in the eyes of the opposite sex. Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here! |
 | You are Quistis! You're a popular one. Life keeps you busy, but you still try to slow down once in a while and enjoy the world around you, in spite of how busy you are. You're in good shape, and you can't help being a bit of a flirt. Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here! |
 | You are Irvine! Comfortable whether in social settings or home on the range, you're easygoing and have a good heart. That is one reason everyone seems to adore you. But sometimes you feel like people don't see the real you behind that cowboy hat. Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here! |
 | You are Edea! Selfless and stong-willed, you have the ability to do a lot of good. Luckily for the world, that's usually your intention. If you were ever corrupted by evil, we would all be in serious trouble. On top of all that, you're pretty sexy. Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here! |
 | You are Laguna! Although you're way too shy with the opposite sex, you've got a heart of pure gold. You're a good leader and well liked by those who know you. Most of your friends look to your good sense when they need advice. Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here! |
 | You are Ellone! Good-hearted and self-sacrificing, people often see you as what you are instead of who you are. You have special talents others envy, but those who take the time to know the real you will see you for the sweetheart that you really are. Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here! |
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