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myOtaku.com: Ryou Bakura

Thursday, February 5, 2004

Chapter 8: The test of Pain! The Danger of Dagger!
Chapter 8 is finally here! Enjoy.

Numbers in brackets are footnotes!

Present Day

The door opened. A well-dressed man came out. This is Lanca Starme; he is owner and founder of the Mantra Colapadadle Bodyguard Emporium and Training center. He was once a bodyguard to Emperor Alberto Courtly, the greatest emperor to have ever ruled the southern Mirror.

‘Mr Absolute, please come this way.’
Pain walked through the door; Lanca sat down at his desk. ‘Sit down please.’
Pain sat down. He didn’t look impressed. ‘To become a member of MCBS(1) you must pass a field exam, do you have any problems with this?’
Pain looked up; still he didn’t look impressed.
‘Well lets get started shall we.’
He led Pain outside and pointed to a shop down the street. ‘Get me to there without anything happening and you will pass the test.’
Lanca began to walk down the street, suddenly three ninjas appeared. The ninjas were armed and were ready to take the life of Lanca. Pain saw this and smiled. He took out three kunais and threw them. Each one of the projectiles hit the ninjas in the forehead. Pain walked calmly up to Lanca. ‘Did I pass?’
Lanca looked shocked. ‘That wasn’t part of your test. They were three real ninjas sent to kill me. I think these were some of the elite ninjas who serve Dagger!’
‘If these were elite I’d have a good laugh if I saw their worse.’
‘Well, Mr Absolute, welcome aboard!’
Pain Smiled.

(1) Mantra Colapadadle Bodyguard Society

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