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Student....And part time Thief ^__^!!!
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Natsumi Hitotaro
I made Honor Roll last year ^ ^;
Anime Fan Since
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Yu Gi Oh, Gravion/Zwei, Full Metal Alchmist, Full Metal Panic?/Fumoffu, Spiral, Yu Yu Hakusho, Wolf's Rain, Inu Yasha, ~D.C~ Da Capo, Naruto, Bakuretsu Tenshi, Chobits, Tokyo Mew Mew, D*N*Angel, Digi Charat, Maburaho, .hack, Pita Ten, Chrn
To make all my friends happy...
I LOVE DDR!!!! reading magas, watching anime, listening to music, singing, dancing, wrting fan ficcys, drawing and other things ^__^!!!!
I have A LOT I tell you ^-^.
| RyouxBakusgurl26
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
1st week of school. . .
Song:Namida no Hurricane
I feel like a chibi ^_____^
(currenlt hyper XD )
Ohayou minna ^_^. I hope you all enjoyed school like me -.-;;;. . .lol ^^! .:: sighs ::. I noticed something different about me. . .I'm quite and shy ._. . . . In 6th grade ((I'm currently in 8th )) I was hyper, talkivive and optimistic but now. . . I'm really quite ._. .:: sighs ::. Maybe its because most of my friends arn't in my classes or some of them moved away ._. (( And I miss them a lot T-T )) . I've changed. . .a lot. . .
.:: sighs ::. Well most of my classes are pretty good ^_^. I have atleast 1 or 2 of my best friend in one of my classes lol ^_^;. And this is really weird but cool O_o. . .I met 2 of my friends from Elementery school and I was surprised that they still remember me O_O!!! lol Its been around 3 or 4 years since the last time I saw them. lol And they look diiferent know too ((lol they said the same thing to me XD )). Lets see. . . I met up with Jordan, and Chanice ^^! .:: sighs ::. Sometimes I really want to go back to elemaentary school ._. . . .
I'm so happy today for 2 reasons . . . number one I get to go over darkmist's house XD!!! W00T anime party XD! And hofefully FB123 will come too ^^! and two. . . NARUTO ISH COMING ON TONITE XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YATTA .:: jumps for joy ::.! lol I hope Sasuke's seiyuu doesn't have a low voice in the dubbed ver. @.@ ((lol if you haven't watched Naruto, Sasuke has a pretty low voice XD )). And I found out that Naruto's seiyuu is Maile Flanagan ((I haven't heard of her yet so I'm still wondering what Naruto's voice will be like. . .). .:: sighs ::. I'll try to get as much info as I can >:D!!!!
._. I still can't comment on your sites ((Chikusho D:< )). I hope my dad will let me use his laptop ;_;. . . gah -__- I made a xanga site x.x. . .lol but barely anyone goes to it ^^ ((Even though I just started it yesterday ^_^; )). If you wanna check it out here is the link:
My Xanga
-_-' I just hope I don't forget my password like I did last time on my old xanga ^-^;;;;.
Well I'm gonna vist your sites now ^^ ((And I'll have to PM for your comment))! Ja !
~.*: Natsumi :*.~
P.S: Please vist my friend donut-chan's site T-T! Shes really nice, funny, kind and she LOVES anime ^o^ (( doesn't everyone on MyO love anime ^______^))!
Comments (6) |
Friday, September 2, 2005
Wake me up when September Ends. . .
Song: YOU by Yuria
Currently :Tring to make breakfast -___-!!!
.:: yawns ::. Ohayou minna-san u.u . . . How's your day so far ^-^? I hope its going well! .:: bows ::. I'm very sorry if I wasn't able to comment on your site @.@!!! My laptop has a mind of its own @.@! It was letting me comment sites in the morning but when I got back on in the afternoon the comment thing won't pop up no matter how many times I pressed that button X.X!!!! So I'll have to pm you with my comment again ^_^', I hope thats fine with you all .:: bows ::. . Again I'm very sorry @.@!!!
grr. . . I got my braces x.x (on Wedsday @.@ ) . . . everyone tells me they don't hurt but they hurt me X.x (maybe its because I'm not use to them yet ._. . . .)! Last night I only got 3 hours of sleep O_O! Because my gums were very sore and I couldn't get something off my mind ._. , I bet you all know about Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath right? Well. . . I was watching the new eariler that day and I was thinking about all the people who lost everything because of that hurricane. . .like their houses, family and friends, and other things that are valuable to them. . .After I was thinking about that I started to pray for those people, Hoping they'll have a better life after the hurricane. .:: sighs ::. I wonder if Katrina will come here in Virginia ((yesh I live in Va ^_^!)). . .
.:: sighs ::. Yesterday was our Open House for our schoo @.@!!! lol I saw A LOT of my friends and some of them changed A LOT @.@ and some stayed the same ^_^!!! But . . . one of my bestest friends moved away ._. . . . Solomon ToT ((Thanxs for telling me Dominque d^-^b! )) !!! Even though he was a pain in teh butt he was still a good friend ^_^! I wonder where he went off too o.o. . . I hope he didn't have to go to private school again ha ha XD!!! Well after that my cousin Borji ((.:: sighs ::. He's only got to stay here for a day ._. )) called and he said if I wanted to go somewhere to eat and I said okay ^^! And we went to O_O. . . Nagoya ^o^ lol!!! And we had a very interesting chat O_o
Borji: So how was that meet and greet thing?
Me: It was good ^_^! I got to see most of my friends.
Borji: Thats good to hear
.:: 5 or 7 minutes later ::.
Borji: Soo. . . Do you like anyone at your school -.-?
Me: O_O!!! No why O_o???
Borji: Just asking. . . Because you didn't have a boyfriend in a very long time .:: grins ::. !
Me: .:: Bangs head on table ::.
Peoples : .:: stares ::. o.o'?
lol So Yah thats what happened ^^;! .:: sighs ::. lol our random conversations ^_^;!!!
Well I have to get going now! Remember that I'll have to pm you with my comment okay ^_^? Ja minna-san!
~.*: Natsumi :*.~
Comments (4) |
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Its the last week of summer -__-!
Song: Cloud 9 by Maaya Sakamoto
Ohayou minna-san ^_^. I'm sorry I could update for a while =.= (again I was busy -_-). .:: sighs ::. Like the topic of this post says: the last week of summer O_O! Well for me and everyone who goes to our school ^_^;. But its not fair T-T. . . summer just seems so short ._. . Well atleast I went to Busch Gardens on the weekend ^_^!!! It was super fun ^o^, Me and my cousins rode Apollo's Charoit twice in a row XD (we couldn't ride it again because the line was getting too long x.x)! lol Riku-kun screams like a girl XD!!! Really he does O_o! lol If you went on a roller coaster with him I bet you'd think so too! But overall we had fun ^^. heh heh heh I still can't believe I stole a funnel cake x.x! lol I'm so weird ^_^'.
YATTA NE ^o^!!!!! I FINALLY BEAT KINGDOM HEARTS IN EXPERT MODE ^o^ .:: does a little dance ^^ ::.!!!! And I beat it it less than two weeks too O_O lol. I'm so happy that I defeated it though ^-^. I also saw that "Another side, Another Story" clip ((I just remembered that I downloaded that thing along time ago lol ^_^; )). And I also heard that there was another movie mode thingy after you defeat expert mode =.='. But I didn't get too see it T-T. Ummm I have a question ^_^;;. After you play KH and "The End" shows up are you suppose to wait for ot to go away O_o;? Because that thing takes too long x.x. And I usually skip it, but yesterday I was thinking "is something suppose to come up after "The End"?". Maybe I should play the game again (yay defeating Ansem 4 times is fun =.=) and wait ._, (if I have enough patinece today XD).
I changed my bg music again ^_^; (Sorry Bleach fans who like Asterisk ^_^''' .:: bows ::.). Right now my song is Fake Star by Seki Tomokazu (Shu-chan's actual seiyuu ^o^! Yes, I am into Gravitation ^_^'''). Thank you kiralover for giving me the link ^_^!!! lol I also made little link buttons for my friends ^^! I wish I could make everyone a button ._. ((MyO has to let us put more stuff in our profile =.=)).
Well I have to go now, I'll vist your sites later ^_^ (I have to clean the house @.@)! Ja ne minna-san!
~.*: Natsumi :*.~
EDIT: I think I can directly comment on your sites now .:: crosses fingers ::. I hope it works x.x!
Comments (8) |
Friday, August 19, 2005
Song: Jankunetsu Blade by Kotani Kinya
lol Ohayou minna-san ^-^. How are you all today? Well I'm having a great time with my cousins ^-^! ha ha XD they're so cool! Sorry I couldn't update for awhile u.u. . .(<---- I was busy busy busy =.=). I had to go to Washington D.C to drop off my ebil grandparents -__- (I don't like my granparents from my dad's side. . .). And my really nice granparents (on my mom's side) Had to leave too T-T, and they gave me $100 dollars before they left (sugoi ^o^!!! ani/manga shopping for me lol). As for me and my mom, lets just say things have gotten a lot better ^-^.
.:: sighs ::. yet again I had to change my site theme XD!!! To. . .KINGDOM HEARTS ^o^!!! yatta ^^ .:: waves a chibi Keyblade flag ^.^ ::. lol. Grrr. . . I really want KH: II T-T. . . I heard it comes out on Demcember 1st or somewhere near that date. Since I'm going to the mall today (clothes shopping tyme o.O) I might as well preorder it ^_^! And ask them if they have a Sora plushie ^^! lol speaking of plushies I finally found my grunty plushie XD! I've been looking for it ever since we moved into our new house O.o!
Well I shall now vist your sites now ^_^ (I hope I could make it to all of your sites today @.@!). Ja ne ^^!
~.*: Natsumi :*.~
EDIT: I can't comment directly to your sites T-T (stupid laptop). So I shall pm my comment to you all ^-^.
Comments (13) |
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Not really in a good mood. . .
Song: Tsuki no Uta by Gackt
Thinking about my dear brother. . .
Ohayou minna-san. . . How are you all today? .:: sighs ::. I got in another fight with my kaa-chan last night for some stupid reason (and its still going on today). But last night she said that she didn't want me anymore. I was thinking all last night, what if my mother doesn't want me to live in this house. . .will she leave me out on the streets? Or send me to live with my other relatives. . . I wonder why she's acting like this, especially since I gave her a day spa for her birthday (which was over $75). And since both of my grandparents from each saide of my parents are here she trying to be "nice" around them. Otousan tried to help me with my problems but it didn't really help. . . Also last night I was thinking about my brother (some of my older MyO friends might already know this). What would my life be like if he was still sround? .:: sighs ::. I wish he was still here. . .because I really need someone to talk to right now. . .
Another reason why I'm not in a good mood is because my laptop deleted all my files! Yes every last one of them (thats why I wasn't on aim or msn). .:: sighs ::. Can things get any more worst?
Well I have to go now, kaa-chan is getting mad. . . I'll try to vist your sites later in the day if I get the chance to. . . Ja ne minna-san.
.:: huggles all and waves good bye ::.
~.*: Natsumi :*.~
Comments (10) |
Saturday, August 6, 2005
Moring ^-^
Song : Overlap by Kimeru
Mood : Happy
Ohayou minna-san ^-^. .:: sighs ::. Sorry I couldnt update for awile u.u .:: bows ::. . . .Well, my toe is getting a lot better now ^_^ (I could finally walk XD lol) . Right now, Im eating chocolate pocky and drinking a warm cappuccino ^-^ ( Its a good combination O.o) . Well how have you guys been doing? I hope nothing bad or dramatic happened to anyone . . .
My grandparents came over on Wednesday ^-^! They gave me a lot of stuff @.@ (including a lot of pocky XD! <- - - Yes I really do like pocky a lot XP ). Yesterday I had a nice chat with my grandpa ^-^. He was telling me more about the Philippines and more about my cousins who live there ^-^ (I havent been to the Philippines ever since I was 6 ^-^; )
.:: sighs ::. My moms birthday is coming up (August 10th) but I dont know what to give her .__. . . . Suggestions would be nice ^-^, if you can think of anything I should give to kaa-chan . . .
Well I gotta go now ^-^! I shall vist all your wonderful sites now. Ja ne minna-san ^o^!
.:: gives everyone pocky, huggles all, and waves good bye ::.
~.*: Natsumi :*.~
Comments (9) |
Sunday, July 17, 2005
I'm feeling a bit better
Song : LaLaBye by Honey Bee
Outer Natsumi :

In pain
Inner Natsumi:

The avi says it all
Ohayo minna-san ^_^I'm sorry I couldn't update on the past 2 days u.u .:: bows ::. Well my surgery went well ^_^ (even though my toe still hurts -___-!!!). Umm... Heh heh heh ^-^;. If you want to know what happened in the hospital you can ask Elske29 or pm me .:: sighs ::. . But I have to stay in bed for over 2 weeks (kaa-chan said months though O_o; ) . Which really sucks because I can't do anything ;-; (like walk around the house, I can't go in pools, the mall, ect.) . .:: sighs ::. But this is how I'm gonna live for 2 weeks (or months -.-)
As you all can see I changed my theme to Alphonse Elric from FMA .:: melts from his hotness -^o^- ::. Lol. I'm sorry Ed fans ^_^;;;. Well I hope you all like my new theme ^_^! .:: Towards a New Journey ::.
I can't vist your sites right now minna-san u.u. kaa-chan wants me to rest so my foot will heal quicker. I'll try visting them in the afternoon okay? Ja ne minna-san ^_^
.:: huggles all and waves goodbye ::.
~.*: Natsumi :*.~
Comments (5) |
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Oh no...
Song: Glaring Dream from Gravitation
Hello there minna-san... .:: sighs ::. I'm sorry that I'm not in a good mood right now...Its just that...(some of my older friends from MyOtaku might know this already...) I'm going to have surgery today...And I'm so scared...yesterday my cousins were teasing me....they kept saying "You're gonna die" and stuff...I guess they just hate me that's all...I couldn't sleep until 4 in the morning last night...just thinking about my surgery really scares me But I was chatting with Hiro-chan on aim and she helped me out a bit ^_^ (Thank you Hiroko!) I just hope I could overcome my fear by tonight (yeah my operation is at night).
I guess some people noticed that I changed my bg song to Riraito by AKG ^-^lol I just love that song. I was also wondering if I should change my theme.What do you think is better?
Spiral ~Suiri no Kizuna~
D N Angel
Inu Yasha
Fruits Basket
Please vote ^_^ (you dont have to but I would really appreciate it if you did ^-^.
Wellthis is all I have to say for todayWish me good luck on my surgery ^_^.Ja ne.
.:: huggles all and waves goodbye ::.
~.*: Natsumi :*.~
Comments (7) |
Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Happy late 4th of July ^_^;!!!
Song: Riraito by Asian Kung-Fu Generation
Happy + Hyper
Ohayou minna-san ^-^! I wanna wish you all a happy late 4th of July ^_^(since I didn't get the chance to update on the 4th of July lol)! Yay, for Idependance day ^ ^ (<.< I wonder if I spelled that right ).
Well things with my parents are getting better ^_^ (yatta ^ ^). Even though I got grounded for 5 days .__. (It was a really stupid reason too -.-). And thats why I couldn't update for the past few days.
My 4th of July was fun ^_^! Kagomerecarnation came over my house and we played a bit of DDR (and she was getting better and better ^ ^!). She also let me borrow Furuba vol. 10 ^^ (Kisa-chan's on the front =^o^=)! So far I think its the best volume of Furuba ever! If you haven't got/read it, you need too ^_^ lol! After Kago-chan went back home I had to go to my cousin's house to celebrate! And yet again we had so much fun ^ ^ (even though Riku-kun went Trip Fall Bang Crash Boom! down the stairs X.x)! Me and my cousins are also planning to go to Busch Gardens next week ^-^! lol Summer Break turning out to be fun ^ ^ (But I still have to read books -__- grr...)!
Thank you's to :
Elske,Ayumi, Karumi and Chocobo Knight for giving me good advice ^_^ .:: bows ::.! I did get a chance to talk to my parents and they said they won't push me so hard next time ^_^.
Rena-chan and FrubaKenshinYYH for understanding how I feel (and I shall vist your site later FrubaKenshinYHH-san ^^!)
Steptoussai and Kagomerecarnation: Thankies for the hugs ^_^! .:: huggles you all back ::.
Kiralover: Thank you for telling me that life is cruel ^ ^! lol Well I wanna Thank you for listening to me and responding to me PM's ^_^. Even though we're going to different High Schools we'll always keep in touch ^-^!
Wow that's a long post @.@!!! lol Well I shall be heading off to your sites wonderful now ^_^!
.:: huggles all and waves goodbye ::.
~*.: Natsumi :.*~
Comments (5) |
Monday, June 27, 2005
.:: sighs ::.
Song: Everybody's Fool by Evanesance
Mood: 
A bit happy...
Ohayou minna-san. *bows* I'm sorry I couldn't update yesterday...I found out the reason why my parents deleted my site, they wanted me to concentrate on my studies (Yeah, over the summer...), and practice my violin...They always wanted me to be perfect...but I don't want to good at everything...and they're making me do things I don't want to do, like making me go back to Bay Youth Orchestra...I don't really like that place because they make me play pieces that are much more harder (and most of the pieces I can't play)...and I don't get home until 9:45pm....And I'm usually asleep at that time...oh well I can't say no because they won't listen to me...
Otousan was nice to me yesterday ^-^. He bought be a new dance pad and DDR Extreme (Yatta ^^!). We also went out for some ice cream too ^_^! kaa-chan has been acting strangely now...I don't know why though...she yells for no reason and she also goes in my room at the middle of the night and wakes me up for no reason at all...I hope she's okay...
I've been acting odd myself too. I keep having the same dream everynight! Well its more like a nightmare...Otousan even said he heard me scream in my sleep. I guess I've been watching too much Fatal Frame trailers lol ^-^;;;.
I want to thank you all for having the time to sign my guestboo, readding me as a friend, and for commenting to my last entry *bows*. Now, I just hope I could find all my other MyO friends u.u...and maybe I could meet new ones too ^-^ lol! Well there has been a lot of MyO members now.
I shall vist all of your wonderful sites now ^_^! Ja ne!
*huggles all and waves goodbye*
~.*: Natsumi :*.~
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