sylver rain (03/14/05)
yo. Prepare for one long tag.
i've been wanting to get to ur site ever since i saw one of ur works for the first time. Really, such great talent u have there. That "maybe?" in the Talents column would baffle anyone...
Here, i shall gush on abt ur works:
Ur pics are so professionally done. It has this softness abt them that can make even ice prince sasuke feel all warm and fuzzy inside. ^^ *hugs him* And speaking abt that dude, ur style of drawing has never failed to have him and naruto looking so damn kawaii! And even though i'm not too great a fan of sakura, u pulled off getting her to look so sweet.. But please, no more sasukeXsakura.. Even with the skill u've got in drawing, that pairing's always got me feeling queasy. (I understood that the last one u drew was a request, no?)
Anyway, just how do u get the pics looking so.. professional? They look like the cover for a manga.
And ur doujinshis rock too. Did u use pen and just scan them? Or was there the assistance of some program or software u used to refine ur works? And did u have to pencil them first, then pen it in, or was penned straught onto the paper? (sorry abt the questions.. i wanna make a doujinshi for a fic of mine, bt have no idea how to get abt doing it..)
Once again, u rock. ^^