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Thursday, October 18, 2007
...*Insert Creative Title Here*...
...I'm sooo tiered this week...
So on Wensday I had to take the PSAT...not fun at all...oh an in the middle of it, the fire alarm went off so we had to you know stop the test for a bit and all go outside...
I also have 4 test tommorow, let me list them. Chemistry, Geometry, Drivers E.D. and German...I want to climb into bed and just sleep. Oh AND I have an essay due tomorrow...bleh.
*RAWR*...so how are you?
1. Have you ever taken the PSAT?
2. Have any test coming up?
3. Are you any good at writing essays?
4. Do you read manga more or watch anime more?
5. Sprechen die Deutsch? Ja or Neien? (It be German ^-^)
6. ...Am I talkng to myself here?
Kay bye bey everyone and I hope your week has been better then mine...if not then I extend a hug and a muffin to you! ^-^
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Sunday, October 14, 2007
*Inhales* HEEEEYY!!!!
Hi there everyone! How is you?
Anyways I've decided to be weird and do something strange...from now on if you are the first to commetn on my artwork...*Drum Roll* I will display some of your art on my site! *met with silence*...I thought it was a godd idea...
So anywyas today we are graced with the art of mewmewpudding! Woo!
 Into The Night Hosted By theOtaku.com.
 Dance Into Dreams Hosted By theOtaku.com.
 Flute Melody Hosted By theOtaku.com.
Yay for MewMew for being the first one *Round of Aplause*
...Well I thought it would be fun but if you disagree don't hunt me down with your pointy knives...
1. What was the first manga you owned?
2. How about first anime?
3. Do you have an all time favorite anime character?
4. Ever seen a little something called Kingdom Hearts Chronicles?
~My Answers~
1. Rave Master vol.6...I din't get 1 till about 3 months later...
2. ummm...Mythical Detective Loki Raknorok I believe...
3. Not really...there are some I really like...
4. Yesh...it twas the funny...
And that's all folks!
P.S. If your wondering about question #4 PM me and I'll send you a linky link!
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Friday, October 5, 2007
Only 47 Hours to Go...
Hi there everyone and a happy happy Friday to you! ^-^
My day wasn't half bad. We did this weird thing in English where we debated weather Huckleberry Finn was a racist novel. I was on the side that said it was. WOO WE WON! *Throws confetti in celibration* I love arguing my point through court.
On to other topics...I've had my driving permit for awhile and where I live you have to drive 50 hours before getting your licnese...I've only driven 3 so that means 47 more to go...
1. How was your day?
2. Do you like court cases?
3. Have you ever read Huckleberry Finn? If so what did you think of it?
4. Do you have a license or driving permit?
5. *Random* What's your favorite TV show from your childhood? (Mine is VeggieTales)
kay everyone bye byes! ^-^
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Friday, September 21, 2007
First Art Trade Finished!
I finished up my first art trade ever with Blue! I be so happy and I loved the picture she drew for me...anywyas chech out the trade
.:What I Drew:.
 Art Trade With Bluesen Hosted By theOtaku.com.
.:What Blue Drew:.
 Art Trade Ryu-chan ^^ Hosted By theOtaku.com.
Her's is so adorable! I absolutely love it and mine is just...bleh!
Give Blue your votes and love 'cause she's awsome!
...anyone else up for a trade?
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Saturday, September 8, 2007
Yay for me!!!
So I've decided that I will now do the whole art trade and request thing (although pictures may take awhile with school and all).
So any request you got or trades that wanna be made just PM me and we'll get it all figured out!
And now I have to go study for a german test...*grumble grumble*
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Monday, August 20, 2007
I'm Back!!
Kay so my sister is now all setteled and in college...so the next problem comes up...summer reading and responses.
I'm almost there though I have to respond at least 40 times and I'm at 24...but my dad says I have to finish bye Tusesday...even though I don't go back till Thursday...
So anyways it's good to be back...even though school is starting up soon so bleh...
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Thursday, August 16, 2007
Taking my Sis to College
So I'm gonna be gone for an extended weekend 'cause where takin my sister off to college! Hmmm...you know I'm still debating if this is a good thing or a bad one...anyways nothin much else to say...although now I'm kinda curious...
If you've ever had a sibling go off to college what was your feelings on it?
Hmmm...well that's it bye bye guys see you when I get back on Saturday or Sunday (not sure which one...)
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Friday, July 20, 2007
More Tales Games! YAY!
Gosh i am soooo happy that their coming out with more Tales games...squee! I guess I better start saving my money now...and did anyone notice that my picture was used next to the news...I feel really lucky for that since it's not that good anyways...so that's it...YAY FOR TALES GAMES! WOO!
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Monday, July 16, 2007
Night Lessons! Woo!
Yay! for this session of the ever so much fun swimlesson (just imagine my sarcastic tone) I get to teach night lessons! Woot! that means I get to sleep in for the first time the entire summer...that is goin to be so nice...on a side note this might put a damper in my drawing 'cause teaching little kids to swim takes alot out of you and most of the time my ideas come at night...wish me luck.
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Saturday, July 14, 2007
Avenue Q addiction...
I have been listening to Avenue Q entierly to much and now it's all influencing my art (if you couldn't tell by looking). But it's such a good play that I can't help but love it...if you haven't listened to it before go look it up on Youtube right now it's great. Also if anyone could help me find MIDI's of any of the songs from Avenue Q I really want to put it on my site! If you can help thanksies!

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