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Friday, July 1, 2005
| Finally Alundra 2s' arrived...shame it doesnt work -_-' Thats what you get for buying second hand games XD
O well, sh*t happens.
Finished the garden off, good stuff if i do say so myself, which i do >> so its good =D lol
Annnyway, gonna have to play Legend of Dragoon again since Alundra doesnt work *sigh* I SO shoulda got Alundra (first one) instead -_-'
[edit] Check this out.
Ragdoll Physics engine
Just makes me laugh |
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
| I wanna update in detail but im sooo tired.
Ws doing the garden for about 3 hours today, may not sound alot when for the majority of that your bent over shovelling mud off of concrete and moving it else where it really takes it outta ya.
But the gardens' coming along nicely, I even planted a mini-tree =D
That was all I pretty much did, watchedsome charmed and played some Golden Sun 2, gonna go back to playing it, might D/L some Nirvana, and hopefully Azumangah Diaou will finish D/L'ing soon. |
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
| *phew* finally finished.
Had to clean out the rabbit hutch today, Im not bothered doing it but it takes a fair amount of time, which is what i dont like, but then again, I dont have anything better to do :/
Meh took about an hour......I like to be thorough.
Well Hopefully Alundra 2 will be here tomorrow, wasnt expecting it here today but i did have my fingers crossed >.<
Oh and if anyone knows where i can find John Denver's Starry Night song, Id be most happy if you could tell me where to get it form ^.^ Ty |
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Monday, June 27, 2005
| ack, gotta finish doing the garden some point this week, my sis gave me 30£ to do so, so i dont have a choice, O well its pretty much completed so it aint too bad ^^
Been playing Breath of Fire 2 quite a bit today, pretty decent game, also gonna order Alundra 2 for 4£, FOUR QUID!!! talk about a bargain XD |
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
| -_-' i really cant be arsed to explain what ive been up to the last few days so lets say i went to a party yesterday and got reaaaaaaaaaaaaally drunk, it was good, lotsa fun.
and todays been boring, gonna watch big fish later, thats a film btw. |
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
| ack, Photoshop and Imageready are so hard to use, i dunno how my sister finds PSP more difficult, if anything its less complicated, i spent hours trying to do one simple thing but i never managed.
Anyway heres the result:

Now i feel like crying ;_; |
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
| If you remember to about the 4th of June you might remember me talking about how some boys tried to mug me, well anyway today i had to go and give a statement to the police and man did that take long, i got there at about 12:35 and didnt leave til 3 ;_;
Well Jungle wa Itsumo Hale nochi Guu Deluxe finished when i got back so im in the process of watching it ^^ Deluxe is the 2nd series and FINAL the 3rd, havent got round to DL'ing that yet, anyway its real funny, got a good opening/ending theme tune as well, very catchy. |
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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
| ack, since getting sun burn on friday i was in quite alot of pain.
Now though, rather than being in pain, My neck/back is peeling, i feel like a freaking snake. -_-' this happens all the time when i get burned.
Ack not only that but Ive been eatign way too much lately, i need to slow down my eating before i start putting on tto much weight, i so love food as well ;_;
I finished watching Jungle wa Itsumo Hale nochi Guu today, all 26eps over two days, wOOt go me, lol, its good, the last few eps are a bit poo but hopefully the OAV and 'FINAL' will finish off what he series didnt answer -_-'
Well thats it ^^ |
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Monday, June 20, 2005
| urgh -_-' its been so hot the last few days, around 30 degrees since friday, im not sure how much more of this i cant take.
Anyway, I havent been on the net much as i rented out Shadow Hearts Covenant and have been playing that since....saturday i think, goes back today though ;_;
well heres whats been going on:
Saturday: Was my sisters 15th Bday, so me, my sisters and my mum went to Camden so she could spend her Bday money, its changed quite a bit since last time i went but meh, i got a black Shirt out of it, nothing special, just there for if i need it ^^, Also rented out Lemeny Snicket's a series of unfortunate events, wasnt too bad, a bit weird Oo but it was Ok.
Sunday: Went out with my sisters and dad for fathers day. We went to some pub 'cos they do BBQs on sundays and this was a 'special' occasion, anyway, the food was good and i had a few drinks :P After getting home, i didnt do anything other than play computer.
And today has gone back to my normal boring-ness ^^ |
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Friday, June 17, 2005
| urgh, just got home from my dads, was doing the gardens from 11 til 3.
SO much lifting was involved, there were three bags of cement left out there but since they've been there, like, 2 years, they've turned into concrete over time with all the rain and such.
Damn were they hard to move, not only that but there were SO many bags with broken bricks etc
well you get the picture, and after moving them from the back to the front garden i had to wom both lawns but that werent so bad, Im probably getting about 40/50£ for it but im not sure.
Other than that I havent had time to do much else, might go play FFX-2 since I finally killed angry manui and the experiment in Djose temple, now i can focus on Via Infinito =D |
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