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Sunday, May 30, 2004


:Hello and welcome to the MyOtaku 'My First Post' how-to. Just fill out this easy to use form and you will be well on your way to having a great MyO!:


[ ] Something with black.
[ ] Pink.
[x] Pink with [yellow]/[orange]/[red]/[something else that will be found to cause seizures on rare occasions].
[ ] A nice, normal color with a [white]/[black] background.
[ ] I'm a [forum goer]/[aleinated nerd who will attain his revenge someday]/[unemployed pedophile]/[gamer] who has his own, distinct font.
[ ] I don't [care]/[know]/[speak english]/[remember what I'm filling out].

[ ] Dramatic and sorrowful.
[ ] Mundane and on topic.
[x] Completely random and unnecessary.
[ ] A redundant summary of what your fantastic post will be about.
[ ] Any of the above, along with a 'mood' smiley.

I'm going to be talking about..

[ ].. my [good]/[bad]/[worst day of my FUCKING life, I dropped my fucking PENCIL and it fucking BROKE, can you believe THAT?!]/[*sobs..*] day.
[ ].. a disagreement you had with your [parents]/[siblings]/[significant other]/[homeless homie] that [ruined your life]/[ruined your well-thought out, meaningful plan]/[ended up offending you and your superior adolescent mind].
[ ].. a snippet from the daily headlines about [the Bush administration ]/[people dying]/[a clearly corrupt system that you will bring down with your MyO post]/[scientists discovering sneezing can cause cancer].
[ ].. my [interests]/[hobbies]/[dysfunctions]/[worries].
[ ].. a [un]cool [flash game]/[website]/[song]/[forum] I found on the web.
[ ].. about how much life [has]/[will]/[can]/[doesn't] suck.
[ ].. the [poem]/[song]/[story]/[idea] you have that you [know]/[hope]/[deliriously believe] people will [care about]/[hate unconditionally]/[worship]/[die horribly from].
[ ].. a random idea that you think is witty, but is actually [stupid]/[mundane]/[sorta cool]/[fantastic]/[full of subliminal, hypnotic messages].
[x] [None]/[All]/[Some] of the above.

How do you want your post to end?

[ ] With a [good]/[predictable]/[confusing]/[useless] point.
[ ] With a picture of [something from a game]/[a movie you saw]/[you]/[a friend of yours]/[something meaningful].
[ ] A [normal]/[happy]/[sad]/[sociopathic] ending that leaves your friends [awed]/[oohed]/[shocked]/[buying a bullet proof vest]/[tearful]/[killing themselves to stop the pain of how boring you are].
[x] I dunno. It'll just end.
[ ] I'll figure it out.
[ ] If other, please specify: _________________

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I thought i'd add this as i've got 1000 visits, i dont want to make a big deal out of it so no Woohoos or pics etc from me:

05/30/04 RyudoStarwind 01/27/04 153

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Well today was finally the day i got my trainers and hat.
I got a pair of white Reebok workouts (for those of you who know trainers) for £49.99 and a navy blue nike cap for £9.99 and for some reason my dad bought me a T shirt O.o if you knew what sort of person my dad is you'd be shocked too.

Other than that not much happened, this was my first sunday roast dinner with my dad's girlfriend and her daughter, it went pretty well although her daughter talks too much, im not particularly fond of her but i dont have much of a say with them moving in so what you gonna do.

Well i hope that later on tonight i get to talk with Sw33tz, Natilya and Chie but it depends on how much my sis sulks about me being on the laptop.

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Saturday, May 29, 2004

Well i'm finally getting my new trainers today, although really i dont need them, anyway aswell as the trainers im getting a cap if i can find the one im i've been looking for.

My dads' going out to buy a new tumbledryer (thankfully) so he asked me whether i wanted to tag along to get my trainers and cap and, obviously, i gratefully accepted.

Other than going out i dont think i really have any plans so i suppose i'll probably come back and use the net, unless of course my friend comes down with the film he's obssessing over, Football Factory, which unless your English ,and preferably a Londoner, I doubt you'll understand too well as to what door the films knocking on.

Well i'll leave the post at that, Bye

p.s. For all those i speak to on MSN from Otaku, i've got a new email which i want to be using fully by Monday so if you get a proposal from:


to add to your contacts list, please do, thanks.

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Friday, May 28, 2004

Well as i said earlier, im gonna blabber on about my day even though not much really happened.

the majority of the day i was either using the net and talking to various people (Sw33tz and Mistral mainly), then at about 7pm i went out with a friend of mine and one of his friends which turned up without either of us knowing, but it werent too bad, he's a different friend's brother, anyway we didnt do much but it was ok. Pool and Football were on the agenda until midnight.

I was hoping to talk to Mistral and Sw33tz but alas they weren't online...no worries though, night night all as its now 12:30 here so im off to bed.

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Squashed Bug?

[EDIT] I added this survey to my quiz results page, i thought haing more than one within a few days of each other is a bit silly so it's there ok.

Well my mind is blissfully wandering as i ponder over what i could or should be doing, in other word's;

Im extremely bored!

Well as i never bothered posting about my day yesterday i'll do it now and then update later with today's news. Well i went to the second biggest shopping mall in Europe yesterday (Bluewater) with my mum and sis as they are both looking for jobs, i tagged along 'cos i wanted to buy this cap but none of the four sport's stores thhere even had it grrr. Anyway my sister being anti-social as she is didnt really look for one and my mum weren't too interested either so our stay was short, on our way back however we went into town (Dartford) and had another look for jobs but as in bluewater neither parent nor sister was bothered so we went and had a KFC.

That was basically the day so not much really happened, but last night was OK, i spoke with Sw33tsamurai90 and (after a significant amount of time) Midnight Mistral, not going into detail about our conversations but lets say they went well on my half ^_~

Well that's it until later, Ciao.

For the Quiz below if your thinking:

"what in the world is RsW?"

Its RyudostarWind....like in the avatar...
RsW may explode without warning


From Go-Quiz.com

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Thursday, May 27, 2004

Im not gonna write alot cos i'm not in the mood so i'll leave you with this survey thing i did,i've done something similar before but i thought i'd do it cos i was bored, it's probably not as personal as my previous ones but still, i took the time to do it, and i think i was being pretty honest throughout (except the friends part) so enjoy...or not...whichever.

[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? :::Stephen Guyott
Birthplace :::London.....yay *sarcasm for those who've never been to london*
Age :::17
Age you act :::errr i dunno
Current location :::My front room....in London
Eye color :::blue
Hair color :::brown
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? :::righty.....but i can play football(soccer to the Americans) with both feet
Zodiac sign? :::aquarius
Height? :::5"11
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality :::English.....just English (boring arent I)
Your hair :::my hair??? i dunno short....im not good at describing myself
Your fears :::........i'll keep them to myself
Your perfect room :::a matress on a bed, that would be sweet
What you practically do in a day :::.....internet,computer,and recently going out quite alot with friends
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse :::...dunno
Phrases you overuse :::...dunno
Your first thought when you wake up :::breakfast
Your greatest accomplishment :::err i dont have too many great achivements so i suppose my skiing award
Something you want to do :::travel.....ALOT
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke :::i'm not too fond of fizzy drinks so....7-up lol
McDonald's or Burger Kings :::burger king (wimpys better though)
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera :::both (why not ay?)
Chocolate or vanilla :::chocolate...vanilla's too plain
Adidas or Nike :::Reebok
Black or white :::White
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) :::Bills??? Notes baby
Burgers or hot dogs :::burgers
Egypt or France :::they both suck
Rock or rap :::a bit of both
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke :::NO
Cuss :::¬¬ not as much as i used too
Sing well :::HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i like a good joke
Sing in the shower :::actually i do.....embarressing aint it?
Talk to yourself --a lot-- :::no
Believe in yourself :::in certain things,yes
Like taking these longass surveys? :::if i'm bored then yes
Play an instrument :::no
Want to go to college? :::i am in September
Want to get married? :::not sure
Want to have children? :::again not sure
Think you're a health freak? :::no
Get along with your parents :::......yes
Get along with your siblings? :::......yes
Think you're popular :::LMAO not really
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state :::no
Drank alchohal :::no
Smoke :::no
Get high :::no
Done any drugs :::no
Eaten an entire box of oreos :::Oreos?
Been on stage :::no
Gone skinny dipping :::no
Been dumped :::not in the last month thankfully no
Dyed your hair :::no
Stolen anything :::no
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest :::erm
Loudest :::erm
Most shy :::erm
Blondest :::erm
Smartest :::erm
Kindest :::erm
Best personality :::erm
Most talented :::erm
Best singer :::erm
Most ghetto :::erm
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) :::erm
Pain in the ass :::erm
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style)):::erm
Funniest :::erm
Best person for advice :::erm
Dependable :::erm
Trustworthy :::erm
Druggie :::erm
Most likely to end up in jail :::erm
Person you've known the longest :::erm
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream :::i dont remember
Last nightmare :::not for quite some time
Car ride :::from my mum's to my dad's
Last time you cried :::ages....AGES
Last movie seen :::i think it was diabolique
Last movie rented :::dont remember, it was too long ago
Last book read :::lol ive never actually finished reading a book
Last word said :::well i dont know do i (not a word but meh)
Last curse word said :::b*****ks
Last time you laugh :::a little while ago
Last phone call :::to my dad
Last CD played :::bloodhound gang - hooray for boobies
Last song you listened to :::pack of wolves by nightbreed
Last annoyance :::with my dad's girlfriend's daughter Paige
Last IM :::to Sw33tsamurai90
Last weird encounter :::errrr
Last person you hugged :::my mum probably
Last person you yelled at :::my sis...Dark Seph probably
Last time you wore a skirt :::@_@ im a boy why would i?
Last time you've been evil :::im nice
Sarcastic? :::im always sarcastic (see top of survey)
Last time you fought with your parents :::i dont really fight with my parents
Last time you wished upon a star :::never
Played Truth or Dare :::two or three years ago
Spent quality time alone :::along time ago
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on AIM :::yes - sw33tsamurai90
Do you feel lonely :::sometimes
Ever TP'd someone's house :::no
How about egging someone's house :::no
Do you not like dislike not like me? :::eh?
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? :::@_@ i take it a girl made this survey
Yo Momma :::eh? is that an insult?
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? :::no
What do you think of George Bush? :::he's a ponce (english word)
Any secret fetishes? :::lol no ¬¬
Do you like to wear chains? O_o :::no
How many languages do you speak? :::1 - English
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! :::no
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) :::yes (stalk me!!! lol)

Bored? ((Over 100 questions)) brought to you by BZOINK!

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Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Hey all, well i went on MSN and AIM last night to talk to 2 people and im sorry we went able to talk for long, but maybe tonight ey?

Well anyway i went to see my mum's new house today and it's nice, it's in a convenient location too, right near a shopping center,train station,main bus route etc but at the same time isnt so close as being over run with people and cars.

We went to get her mobile phone sorted at the T-mobile store and we came out with a free mobile, they said she could have it upgraded so she did, kept her old phone and gave me her new phone, yay. Well for those who know about mobie phones, i got a Nokia 7250i coooooooooooooool.

Well i'm off, ciao

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Monday, May 24, 2004

Hey all, im back from my vacation an boy did i have a nice time, ok i only went to Wales but its a scenic country....very pretty.

Well i was meant to come back yesterday but i didnt wanna so i stayed with a family my family's good friends with while the people i stayed with(my friend and his cousin) went home.

I'll go into detail with people online or if you ask cos im tired and need a shower lol

Well hope you all had a fun weekend.....ciao

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Thursday, May 20, 2004

Well im not going to be here for the weekedn because im going away on a sort of mini vacation,really i should be going with my dad (theres about 20 or so people i know who are going) but im tagging along with one of my mates instead, this way i'll enjoy myself more and not get in my dads way.
Well i wont be updating My Otaku intil i get back so dont be expecting anything new here until Monday.

Sorry to Midnight Mistral, Chie and Sw33tsamurai90 for not being able to talk but we can catch up when i get back ^-^

P.S. Sw33tz, CALL DUSTIN!! lol

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