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Friday, March 12, 2004
| hey all i was gonna be on here (my otaku that is) for long today but i just got final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles so i cant stick around i have a game to play sorry Ciao! |
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| I bought this DVD off of a friend the other day, but he hasnt got it to me yet, ive never seen kenshin so although it isnt the first episodes (its eps21-25 or summin) its still good to finally see it, o well anyway fot all those i usually talk to on yahoo, AIM and on the Otaku im sorry i havent been around lately but theres some things that i had to do and things i needed to attend to before anything else, anyway see you all later, Ciao! |
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Thursday, March 11, 2004
| hey all Its my sisters b day today so i tought id be nice and wish her a happy Bday (its dark sephiroth BTW) anyway on a side note ive finally got the money to buy some dragonball GT woohoo! well anyway i cant be on too long cos we're going out for dinner for my sis' Bday but i'll be on later Bye! |
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Wednesday, March 10, 2004
| Hey all sorry i havent been round too much lately but ive been reallllllllly busy, anyway i finally payed for the Tenchi movies, ive watched the Ryo ohki series of Tenchi, saw finding Nemo, Jubei Chan:Siberia No yagyuu episode 5 and hrno Crusade episode 15 today, still got more to watch though @_@ *sigh* o well |
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Tuesday, March 9, 2004
| Hey all sorry for not being round too much but ive been busy ("busy?" is what your thinking? hahahaha ywah i know) anyway i bought more anime (yay me!) i got 9 of the 13 episodes of Tenchi Ryo Khi but i still need the rest @_@ anyway i also bought the 3 tenchi movies (OK at the moment im Tenchi mad haha) well yeah, in a week or 2 i finally get my room back (YES!) and i can change it to the way i like (Futon bed here i come) anyway i hope it looks as good as i have pictured it, well yeah thats it for now byeeeeeeee! |
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Monday, March 8, 2004
| Hey all sorry i didnt update earlier but i didnt have much to say (even though i still dont O_o) anyway i hope everyone one had a good day wherever they are or for whatever they are doing, maybe i'll post a pic later bye! |
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Sunday, March 7, 2004
| I want it! I want it! I want it! haha if this is anything like the games then it'll be great! the games rocked! anyway yeah ^_^ |
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| Hey all today was alrite, went out and watched the quater finals of the FA cup(its an English thing dont worry ^_^) but now im back and look what i found Finding Nemo on VHS ^_^ so obviously im gonna watch that, Pixar films are so cool haha anyway yeah Ciao!  |
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Saturday, March 6, 2004
| I thought id add a quiz so well here it is ^_^  Ice, snow, mountains... you are a glacier dweller. Sometimes people see you as distant or apathetic, but it's only because their minds don't work on a level as high as yours.
Which Other World Are You Secretly From? brought to you by Quizilla
hehe my minds on a high level ^_^ but with the antisocialness again O_o |
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Friday, March 5, 2004
| Hey all ive finally finished watching the rest of Tokyo Underground and i enjoyed watching the series, but the ending was a little dissapointing *sigh* o well. Ive found out theres 2 DVDs of it so far so im gonna try and save up for them as well as the manga O_o i need moneys but it will be worth it if i can. well i hope you all have a good day, and heres the pic for the first DVD ^_^ Caio!
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