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Thursday, March 4, 2004
| Well i just finished watching the last 7 or 8 episodes of Trigun and they were damn good *sigh* but the ending wants you craving more right? that doesnt matter my sis (dark sephiroth) pre-ordered trigun Maximum (the comic) so hopefully that'll give me what i want (even though it isnt mine). Its not out til May so we're gonna have to wait. Anyway i plan on buying 3 Halo books which are the prequels to the game, hopefully they turn out to be good, well hope everyones good ^_^ Ciao!

Well OK this isnt the 'Maximum' i was talking about but its still cool! |
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Well i seem to be doing a 'salute a person' at the moment and this is none other than Hideo Kojima, he was the man behind Metal Gear solid and Zone of Enders.He as in the pic works for Konami who are best known for metal gear. |
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Wednesday, March 3, 2004
Hey all i finally finished watching the animatrix and its weird Really Weird, but thats not a bad thing, i didnt understand some of it but i really enjoyed it, the second rennacience part 2 is probably the sickest thing ive seen in an animated film, people told me it scared them or whatever but really its sick, anyway if you wanna see the episodes i think you can stream them or dowload them at, i think its the official website but i dont need to dowload them as i have the DVD! anyway Ciao people |
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Yesterday i saluted Shiggy err Shigeru Miyamoto, today i salute Hironobu Sakaguchi, The man Of Final Fantasy . He is a great director and he was the driving force behind one of my fav RPGs Final Fantasy 9, anyway hope you all have a good day, i'll update later (even though i alwayts say that and dont ^_^). Ciao! |
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Tuesday, March 2, 2004
Ok he may not be fantastic looking but yet he is a GENIUS, Mr.Miyamoto-san i salute you, if you dont know who he is (idiot lol), he is the master mind behind Nintendo, giving us great games such as (recent) Super Mario Sunshine, Zelda:Wind Waker, Mario Kart:Double Dash and so many MANY other classics. |
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| Hey all sorry i havent updated just recently but still, anyway nothing worth mentioning has happened, bought a few more PC games and thats a bout it really. Well any way...

Ive been playing this alot recently (Halo-Xbox) even though ive finished it a few times, probably cos im trying to get a hold of a few halo books and am waiting for Halo 2 to come out, anyway... |
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Sunday, February 29, 2004
| hey hey ^_^ its *looks at clock* 17:44PM as i write this post, no reason really just an update ^_^ as usual nothing much went on today, i finally have a lead to a job thats suitable for me. will i get it? dunno hopefully, thinking of buying Halo for the PC even though i have for the X box, any way i'll update later maybe Ciao!

Should be watching this later, any way got dinner bye! |
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Friday, February 27, 2004
| Well today was OK, same as usual. I finally watched Vampire hunter D and Princess mononoke, i Loved Mononoke but was kinda dissappointed with Vampire hunter. I plan on watching the rest of tenchi universe and Trigun as well as the Animatrix. Havent picked up with FFX-2 yet but i will soon, well i'll update soon Ciao!

This is Fist of the North Star ive heard alot about it, thinking of checking it out, any one know whether its any good? |
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Thursday, February 26, 2004
Well im downloading a game called ragnarok online today, it looks cool and it has a cool story to it, any way been watching Trigun and i REALLY like it, vash is soooooooooooooo funny, anyway also watched a bit of Animatrix but i didnt get through to much, still waiting for vampire Hunter D, im hoping to get that today, well i'll update if anything happens Ciao! |
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Wednesday, February 25, 2004
| Yay im happy, today i got a 4 in 1 game pack called 'Total Elimination' which is half life, reyrn to castle wolfenstein, Rogue Spear and red faction all for the PC, i got the Animatrix DVD yesterday and today i finally got my Trigun Complete DVD box set! |
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