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Saturday, September 16, 2006
| Woooo Nintendo Wii's out on the 8th of December (UK). Since I work at GAME (Europe equivalent to EB) I get first dibs on it which is cool, none of that reservation and missing out crap.
College has been pretty cool, Visual Basic has been the most enjoyable so far, E-commerce has been pretty crap.
The most awesome site ever.
Oh and for all those that havent been to it yet - Just to show how big a loser I am lol. |
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
| College was OK, had to have a discusion on terroism with which I was hated for a while for calling Jesus a terroist (long story, decent arguement on my part albeit a little controversial). Did some VB programming, so damn easy its a joke, cant believe some people are having problems with it.
Should be getting paid friday, which means i can finally get some new clothes and some trainers. Might pick up an MP3 player as well, we'll see...
Minako: Feel free! The more the merrier!
Roleni: No I mean FFIII, its never been released outside Japan until now (November to be exact). FFVI was released in the US under the name FFIII. Sounds dumb but its true. |
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Monday, September 11, 2006
| Started college on thursday. Cant say much about it though, not alot been going on really, most people in my class get on my nerves though, but Im a miserable bastard at the best of times =)
Metroid Prime: Hunters is an awesome game, the touchscreen work extremely well for aiming, and the difficulty is much lower than that of Prime/2 Echoes on the GCN.
Xenosaga came through the post, but I havent enjoyed it much, in fact of the hour or two thats been clocked, Ive onyl played about half hour. So many freaking cut-scenes. Its getting ridiculous.
And the big one.....FINAL FANTASY III!!
Yup, it showed up about a week early =D Been playing it pretty much non-stop and its just been wicked. God knows why they've been wasting their time on those crappy ports of 1 & 2: Dawn of Souls and IV Advance (and the forthcoming V and VI on the GBA), they should of just given us this. Great sounding (Uematsu + the black mages worked on the music/sound), great looks (Amano + Ryosuke Aiba from FFXI fame), just pure greatness.
Enough of my fanboy-nes, still peeved about Grandia III not being (at least not having) released in Europe, I own both 1 & 2 and loved both, I suppose Xtreme's not release over here should of indicated that III wasnt going to either. |
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Wednesday, September 6, 2006
| Got my timetable for the year. Im only doing 1 course (National Diploma in ICT), so I'll just stick down the times.
Monday: 2.15 - 4.30
Tuesday: 9 - 11, 2 - 4.30
Wednesday: 11.15 - 1.15, 2 - 4.30
Thursday: 9 - 11, 12.15 - 1.15, 2 - 3
Friday 9 - 4.30
Obviously there're breaks, it'd take too long to list them all though =P
Bought Monster Hunter Freedom yesterday, but it was crap so I returned it and picked up Metroid Prime: Hunters. MP:H is pretty good, was a bit akward at first using the touch screen to aim, but after a while it works =) Cant wait for FFIII DS and Xenosaga 2 to arrive though =D
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Monday, September 4, 2006
| Didnt intend to update today but here i am =)
Ordered FFIII for the DS not 5 minutes ago =D cant wait, but im gonna have to since it wont be here til roughly the 16th lol
i cant believe Steve Irwin died. And being killed by a Sting Ray of all creatures. My best wishes goes out to his friends and family, i cant imagine what they must be going through.

R.I.P |
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Sunday, September 3, 2006
| I should really keep on top of this blog thing. So hard though when the site keeps going down.
Well I managed to finish Tales of Eternia. My tradition of not finishing RPG's 'til months after i orginally started playing it kept up, when I first bought it I managed to get stuck looking for Volt's Ruins but somehow found it within minutes of playing again O.o
Looking to get Starfox Command, Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light, Final Fantasy III DS and Tales of phantasia over the next month or so. Gonna cost a bit extra as Id need to import 3 of the 4 games lol
Works been OK, had to drop my friday shift as from Wednesday I'll be at college, looking forward to that, getting my timetable on Wednesday.
Well that about wraps things up i think, hope everyones cool =) |
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Monday, August 28, 2006
| No work til friday, but i got my college enrolement day on wednesday ='(
Thought I'd update those lousy pictures, my grandad bought my siter a digital camera for passing all her exams, so i borrowed it to take these.
My desk, top of my bad.
My shelves, foot of my bed. |
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Saturday, August 26, 2006
| Work was so very boring today, its unreal. usually saturdays are the busiest days for retail, but honestly it seemed empty compared to my previous work days. But I assume tomorrows shift is gonna be a little more hectic.
Other than work, I bought a new grahics card (GeForce MX4000) and a new power supply (400w) to accommodate the graphics card. Hopefully that'll enable the games Ive got to run smoother, which even if they dont improve a great deal, I atleast expect them to improve a little since I dont actually have a graphics card atm.
I also put some shelves up, been wanting some shelves in my room for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages so I can move my games out of my wardrobe to make space for my clothes. Doesnt look too bad, but bare in mind my camera sucks so the pics I'll put up arent great quality, but they should give a rough idea about how awesome I am at putting up shelves =D lol 1st one, 2nd one. |
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
| Only been working two days and I already wanna quit. just kidding.
Its not so bad, but because im only working 4 hours Im not entitled to a break, so I end up on my feet the whole time, which is a little achey :/ Havent had a bad customer though which is cool, they've all been pretty good, except one woman who wanted money off of a game she was buying, pre-owned i should mention, because it didnt have a manual.
Well I did this a sec ago, even though regardless to what you put in you always seem to get back somethig different each time. These results are the first ones to show up and i must say they're pretty accurate as Sw33tz's would testify to ;) j/k
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Sunday, August 20, 2006
| Havent been a big anime watcher in recent years, hell, the last time (before te previous post) I d/l'ed and watched an anime was in 2004. But, as i previously mentioned, after watching a few Ghibli films I checked out for some unlisenced anime.
After some random picks, the one and only to D/L so far has been Kashimashi ~Girl meets Girl~. Had I known the 'girl meets girl' part was there, I would of passed it up, but it turned out pretty good. Its about a boy that gets turned into a girl and the two girls that previously liked him continued to do so and you get where this is headed. Its not anything naughty, furthest it goes is a the odd kiss. I was quite dissapointed however at how it all ended, kinda seemed like blackmail to me, and the fact s/he didnt get turned back to a boy was also a bit bleh. If your into your basic triangle love story, albeit involving only girls, you may wanna check it out, short as well clocking in only 12 episodes.
Oh yeah, start my job tomorrow (08/21) rather than saturday for some unknown reason =P |
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