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Saturday, February 7, 2004
| Today was so Boring, i havent been up to much today but am hoping to watch a bit of anime before i go to bed later, namely Tokyo underground and Cowboy Bebop but if i dont then i dont |
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| WooT, dont know whether anybodies bothered but i just figured out how to put things in bold and Italics WooT as well as changing the colour of the font |
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| Saw Jubei-Chan the ninja girl this morning, its soooooooooooooo funny, its totally crazy. Also watched some Dragonball GT and Sailor Moon and they were good even if i have seen them before ^_^

Hopefully im gonna see this soon, its Vampire Hunter D by the way! |
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Friday, February 6, 2004
WooT i should be seeing the Inuyasha the seconf movie soon, and possibly the third, still waiting to see the show though @_@ |
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O yeah Chrno rules |
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| ...........well its raining here, but im not botherd, ive decided to start my story again, not sure whether i'll put it up on my Otaku but i probably will, gonna watch Chrno crusade episodes 6-10 if 6 finishes, ive also got triangle hearts and tokyo underground to watch, busy busy well
Ciao! |
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Thursday, February 5, 2004
| i recently lost a story id been writing (a story just for the fun of writing one), i had 6 A4 pages front and back full with loads of pages with art work for characters etc, as well as character designs and info............. im kinda unhappy with that, i have a funny feeling my mum threw it away when she was tidying up the conservatory (where i was writing it). But as i've said to someone before you have to roll with the punches and press on, i suppose i'll start a new but im not sure yet well thanks for reading if you did
Ciao!................[damn depressive posts] |
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| ..............hey all who have stumbled upon my site and muchas gracias if you sign my GB, any way the point of this post is to inform you of a "fav anime couple" contest, to vote head on over to Blue Hawk's site and check her posts (see friends) thanks for reading
Ciao! |
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| Im soooooooooooooooooooo bored, i watched Full MetaL Alchemist earlier but since then theres been nothing to do, o well thinking of watching Tokyo Underground (see pic)

Toyko Undergrounds' looking pretty good |
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Wednesday, February 4, 2004
Dragonball ay?..............................
|  Dragon Ball Z. Wow! You're all so cool. You really could care less about what is going on in the real world because if danger comes there's nothing you guys can't handle! There are very few arguments among you, although there is the occasional rivalry.
Which anime group do you and your friends resemble? brought to you by Quizilla
I suppose this is right all we eve do is laze about....................[thats when im with them mind you...............] |
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